Sunday, June 15, 2008

Singleness: Is it a gift or what God wants from Everyone?

As I post my first post about this topic about singleness. I am actually working on a post about the giant curse that the true upper Midwest is going through. But as I read a book call "Getting Serious about Getting Married" by Debbie Maken, I have started to try and understand blog about it. Her writing about marriage and how through out the difference ages, marriage has been slowly moving away from what it was and that singleness is now being taught as it is the same as marriage. She claims that marriage was a big deal back in the good ol' days (my quote, not hers). She said that only a couple of generations ago, marriage was still a big deal and people would be "weird" (again my quote) if they were not married. It is this (my) generation where it is not so. The reason she quotes was that people considered it a sin to not maximize a female total time to reproduce. That just seems weird to me. The Puritans made singles live with families until ready and it was illegal to not get married. Also she blames parents for not finding a suitable husband or wife for their children.

As I learn more and more about how my great-great-great-great-grandparents thought of marriage, the question is still raised, how do I know that singleness is my calling? She used 1 Cor. 7 to justify her answer of singleness be a calling and not something that we should do. She claims that Paul would be destroying God's idea of marriage if everyone would be single. I tend to believe that Paul is telling us to remain single unless you completely desire to marry. Debbie says that only in a few cases is some called to remain single like Paul. These people (and maybe lucky people based on Kyle's wedding) would be like Paul and could not support having a family because of there constant traveling and starting churches. She says that most singles that do a lot of mission work can not use this reason because it is either local mission or only a couple of weeks in a foreign country. As I understand her reason, I feel that it is not quite right when I reread 1 Cor. 7. So hopefully, God willing, I am going to read a couple sermons from John Piper, John MacArthur, and others to find what Paul was talking about. More about that in the next single blog.

Listening to: Scott Krippayne - May I Have This Dance
via FoxyTunes

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