Follow along as I make my way back through seminary as Biblical and Theological Studies student.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
2009 Year in Review
This year has been a complete change. I started this year debating to stay in England or return, and was this return w/ or w/o military ties. Shortly after the New Years I broaded a KC-135 and head south to Crete where I was stuck in NAS Souda Bay, Crete. It was an okay way to start the new year. Shortly after souda, I went to the South Eastern Hemisphere for a 50 day deployment to NAS Diego Graica in the middle of the Indian Ocean. I returned to England in April and had to make a quick decision about where I was going to. After finding out that I could not extent in England and after talking to a Christian Brother. I saw that the military full-time was not worth it, even at $20,000. So I applied to Liberty University and applied to 459th ARW for a crew chief position. I received both and June was time to start getting ready to leave. July 13, 2009 was the last time I was in England this year and there would be no returning. Late July road trip to Lynchburg, Va to see the area and also to find an apartment was not a successful as I like. As I left Lynchburg to return home God was faithful and I had an apartment. A 2 bedroom 2 bath for more that I wanted to spend. After being home for a couple days, I spent 2 weeks traveling to Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Utah. What a great time to spent with friend from my military days. In August, I would official move to Lynchburg and had one week to get settled in before school started. I would start as a Senior taking Freshmen classes. After trying to be a better student, I received my first 4.0 semester ever. My class were not that hard but challenging enough because of constant multiple test on the same days.
So as I remember that has happen, it is better to remember what God was doing through out the whole year. He taught me that he is faithful and also that I need to be more faithful in him. This really hit me when I was hard press to find an apartment in Lynchburg. I left a 2pm a mere 8 hrs later then I wanted to return home and I had a hotel booked in St. Louis. He came through as the place that I placed a deposit on would open 30 mins after I left. I had a place, God came through. I was upset and almost losing my man card b/c of emotions but God came through. I had to trust him and he came through. It was tough. So as I started to school again, just like 4 years ago I had to trust him that I was going to make it through Basic Training, I would have to trust him again in school. I thank God that he has been faithful and will to help a wretched sinner like me. What amazing love and grace.
So there you have it, a year in review. I am eager to see what God has for me this summer. I have my plans but what does God have plan for me will be way a better.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Dealing with the Heart.
Monday, December 7, 2009
A post from another blog that I have posted on my Blog
squir-me-neu-tics (skwûrm'mə-nōō'tĭks)n. (used with a sing. or pl. verb)
1. the science of misinterpretation, esp. of the Scriptures, to such a degree that it causes listeners with any common sense to squirm.
2. misinterpretation of the Scriptures so absurd that it causes one to question whether or not it could possibly be for real.
You can read the rest at
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The Manhattan Declaration
I will admit that this reason is why I will not sign it. I do not know if that is a hidden agenda with the Manhattan Declaration. I will encourage you to read two different view of the declaration. They are brothers in Christ and will do Together for the Gospel 2010 in Loiusville, KY. But first is the Manhattan Declaration for you to read (it is about 7 pages). The first view is Albert Mohler who is for it and John MacArthur who is against it. Enjoy!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Thanksgiving, oh Thanksgiving.
As much as they have changed, I would be dishonest that I have not changed either. I when some orders a salad on top of a burger has changed some how. My family has know that I am more of the L-word (literalist). They often tell me that everyone interprets the Bible and I agreed and also said that everyone read literal. We also discussed women as pastors. Beside that part, I also tend to get uncomfortable around many people especial when I seem to know people. This might be the fact that I spent many hours a day alone. I know a couple people here are Liberty but I usually only spent time with them before or after class. So I have changed too.
I would ask for some prayer. I have been in a slump of not reading my Bible or praying. Also for the replacement of my crown on tomorrow (Wednesday 2 Dec.). This has been a nightmare since my insurance will not pay for replacement crown b/c it has been less than 5 years. Also pray for my Ipod. It is going out on me and it will cost some money that I do not have.
"Winter in the soul is by no means a comfortable season, and if it be upon thee just now it will be very painful to thee: but there is this comfort, namely, that the Lord makes it. He sends the sharp blasts of adversity to nip the buds of expectation: He scattereth the hoarfrost like ashes over the once verdant meadows of our joy: He casteth forth His ice like morsels freezing the streams of our delight. He does it all, He is the great Winter King, and rules in the realms of frost, and therefore thou canst not murmur. Losses, crosses, heaviness, sickness, poverty, and a thousand other ills, are of the Lord's sending, and come to us with wise design. Frosts kill noxious insects, and put a bound to raging diseases; they break up the clods, and sweeten the soul. O that such good results would always follow our winters of affliction!" C.H. Spurgeon 1 Dec Morning Devotional.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
This is what I did in Cambridge.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Another Liberty Spirit Rock post.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Reading Some Old Comments.
I guess we can never know what will happen. As I have been learning more about other world views, like post-modernism, and how they believe that as long as I do not hurt people, I can do what ever I want. The problem is that to know that an action will not hurt anyone, they must know the future and no one knows the future. Then there is God. The one that transcends all understanding. He knows the future because He is outside the bounds of time. I think that as I study and figure out what God wants me to do exactly will take many prayers and a while to wait.
Well, I have wasted to much time reading old posts so I must go.
Sacred Sandwich Interview
Liberty Spirit Rock Part 2,3, and 4.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Mid-terms Over and Regestered for Classes Already.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
The Liberty Spirit Rock Series Begins
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I do not know what to say.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Studying, Studying, and Super Chicken.
My classes have been full useful information that allows me a better historical grammatical hermeneutics for better understand what was original intended instead of the interpretation based on what the English is saying. It is kind of amazing to understand how to apply the Bible to your life when one understand why an author wrote the letter.
FYI -- Gideon is also known as Super Chicken according to my O.T. Survey Teacher.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Wow! A second post in one day.
I do want to stress that I do feel sorrow and that it is a bad thing when it happens but God is in control and I can rest in that assurance that not matter what happens he is there.
Husker Football
This does not even began to show the dedication that I would give to Husker football. Will reading the daily Grace Gem, they sent me a quote from Spurgeon. It is the post before this one (Oct. 5th). Again, that quote was about reading books beside the Bible but you can also see how that the desire is not to follow Christ even if the reading. I think that it is fine to be a fan of football and I will like to go to another game but my desire would be that I desire to be committed to God and glorify him.
Monday, October 5, 2009
A Head Full of Froth
"Many of you know more about your magazines and novels--than what God has written! Many of you will read a novel from the beginning to the end, and what have you got? A head full of froth when you are done! But you cannot read the Bible--that solid, lasting, substantial, and satisfying food goes uneaten, locked up in the cupboard of neglect--while anything that man writes, a best-seller of the day--you greedily devour!"
It makes you think a little about what we choose to read. Does the book you read have the same impacful information like the Bible? Even books that contain Biblical information do not come close to what the Bible brings to the table.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
She Roller Her Eyes at Me.
So this post is really about nothing like most of my other posts. It is more of an update than anything else. So here it is:
No girlfriend,
have a witness partner,
mad at the VA b/c they have not paid me yet.
I think that covers everything. Actually, I have been really excited about have someone to go witnessing with me. I would like more people or even a team but 1 other person is enough. That was a big blessing that I was able to meet someone else to go a preach the word of God to a die people group called America. I have been upset about a speaker I heard here at Liberty that suggested that the only true missions were missions over see to unreached people group. I want to inform him that America needs more witnessing done in it then any other country. The reason is that the American Church is bigger than it ever has been but yet it give the less then 20 years ago. See the problem. We have more so-called "Christian" in America but we do not give more money to mission work. I want everyone to know that we need to stand up and grab a back bone and PREACH the gospel or at least support people who preach the gospel. The more and more I think about it, the more and more I see the need to get out and preach. There are people that will die and not have a chance for eternal life because they were not witnessed to. There are people in American that need the gospel now.
All I really want is the church to focus on spreading the gospel with words to lost people, rich and poor. Lets stop this action only gospel thing and preach Christ Crucify.
Also, I have been trying to realize that I do not need to do something big in my life but all God requires is that I am faithful where I am at.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Stand to Reason: 10 Tips to Help Your Prayer Life
Stand to Reason: 10 Tips to Help Your Prayer Life
Posted using ShareThis
Monday, September 28, 2009
A verse that has shown a weak spot in me.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Has Calvinism Merged with the World.
What Dr. Master is talking about is has the new Calvinist embraced the world to much. He uses an example of when a rapper made Curtis Allen was saved, he stop rapping but Joshua Harris convinced him to continue rapping but for Christ. Dr. Masters has a believe that we should not be do anything that resembles the world in our church or conferences.
I would agree that our churches have become less reverent for the Lord and that Christians are looking for like the world. I also think that some things like Christian rap is not bad as long as Christ is preached. He also states that we use the worldly things to attract the world to church, which I also think is wrong. If I want to attend a concert, I will go to a concert. When I want to attend church, I do not want to attend a concert with preaching. Can Christian rap have a place in a Christian life> I would say yes when working out or when you are at home and want to listen to music but not in church.
I do think the assessment of the new Calvinism is a valid assessment. Dr Masters is noticing that the New Calvinist are not following the standard Calvinist thinking by allowing the world to influence the church.
You can read the article here.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
A more meaningful post.
All I need is Christ. When everything else fails, Christ is the one that is faithful. Not only that, God also provides me the necessary material things that will keep me alive even if I can not afford them. This seem strange than he would do such a nice thing to a person that will never honor him with every waking breath and constantly dishonoring his name. The question is why has God, who hates evil, allow me a evil person to live? He does it so we can see his grace and ultimately glorify his name. So I deserve his wrath but he allows me to live so he can be glorified. He desires all to be saved because he personal set humans apart to praise his name.
I want to explore an anthropological argument on why God desires all to be saved. I think that it will help us to understand why we need to preach the gospel to lost people.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
God of this City
[Verse 1]
You're the God of this City
You're the King of these people
You're the Lord of this nation
You are
[Verse 2]
You're the Light in this darkness
You're the Hope to the hopeless
You're the Peace to the restless
You are
There is no one like our God
There is no one like our God
For greater things have yet to come
And greater things are still to be done in this City
Greater thing have yet to come
And greater things are still to be done in this City
I want to use this song to encourage us that God is never done with a city. There is always hope to change a community and it starts with out choose to reach the lost. Let us not forget that our God wants all people to be saved because he create people to glorify his name. Let us fight for the glory of God. Not all have been called to preach on the streets day after day but we all are called to share our faith. One person at a time. I feel that we have been praying for a revival but we fail to get out to start it. Let us start to be faithful in sharing our faith so God can start the revival.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Books, Books, and More Books.
The Truth War Dr. John MacArthur
Just do Something Kevin DeYoung
One Thing You Can Not in Heaven Mark Cahill.
I also ordered:
Christless Christianity Michael Horton
Stop Dating the Church Joshua Harris.
I still have about $220 left to buy books. I am thinking about about getting some on my textbooks for next semester. I know that I will not need all new books because I am taking the first part of my theology class (that class teaches theology proper, if you do not know what theology proper is then I think you might not be a Christian. Just kidding about being a Christian but look it up) .
I also went to Lifeway Christian Books to get Worldliness by C.J. Mahaney. I guess I have some books to read.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
I Know, 3 posts in one day.
I once was lost in darkest night
Yet thought I knew the way
The sin that promised joy and life
Had led me to the grave
I had no hope that You would own
A rebel to Your will
And if You had not loved me first
I would refuse You still
But as I ran my hell-bound race
Indifferent to the cost
You looked upon my helpless state
And led me to the cross
And I beheld God’s love displayed
You suffered in my place
You bore the wrath reserved for me
Now all I know is grace
Hallelujah! All I have is Christ
Hallelujah! Jesus is my life
Now, Lord, I would be Yours alone
And live so all might see
The strength to follow Your commands
Could never come from me
Oh Father, use my ransomed life
In any way You choose
And let my song forever be
My only boast is You
The Difference Between Professing Faith and Possesing Faith.
I do want to note that people might not have the same view. They are not heretics, we just do not believe in the same. They are still saved.
First, I believe that you are either saved or not saved. There is no middle ground called carnal Christian. The term comes because we have people who profess to have faith but do show signs. This happens because the church will pronounce them saved. We do not know if they are truely saved unless God tells us that person is saved. I know the promises and if they true repent and trusted there is more.
So a person who professes to be a Christian just says that they believe. They will have faith without works.
So a possessing Christian is a Christian that professes with their mouth and HAVE works to back up their claim. NOTE: WORKS DID NOT SAVE THEM, but merely prove that one is saved. We see this clearly in James 2:14 and surround verses.
The main reason I do not like it when people pronoun people saved when they first convert is because 98% of evangelicals will not be part of a church within 1 year. The sad part is that we proclaim to them that they are saved.
I hope this cleared up what I mean. Any Questions, please comment. I will do my best to answer but remember I am no preacher or a theologian. I am merely a college student with a desire to see people saved and to study the word of God.
Monday, August 31, 2009
200th Post.
UPDATE: I guess it is the 201st post, my dashboard was wrong and is off by one. My apology.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
A Refreshing Post
The church that I went to today and will go to the Sunday Night service to see how that works, was really great. The word was preached and it was not my first choice. It is done in the more traditional way with old hymns instead of the new repetitive lines songs.
God has brought a professor, who lead me to join the worship orchestra, to spent some time with. This could be a start to a new friendship with other Christians. He attends the church that I visited.
There is a lot that I still must trust God for like finding a wife and other friends. I also have been thinking about starting an evangelism group to reach Lynchburg. I think that Liberty needs to get out and witness to the community. I am praying that God presses on my heart so much that I have to act.
I hope this is more refreshing then the last couple of posts.
The Afters and What is Wrong with the Frosh.
So I went to the Block Party even though it rained about half way through. I got beat in some Madden 09. All is still well.
The main part of the post is about the freshmen that are here. My dad warned my that I people are not going to be, lets say, mature. I guess father knows best. He also used the GI Bill to attend college and also moved off campus. I guess this bugs me because I am here to find a godly wife and she must be ready to be married. I guess that there are some women that are ready but they did not seem to at the concert. Anyway, it started to rain and it postponed the concert a little bit but it allowed to see frosh jumping in the puddles. I was thinking that these are college students, these are fellow classmates. It is a going thing that I am graduating a year before them. I also though a 13 year old named Deborah. She lives in the UK and she is on FIRE for God. She happen to have a documentary done on her by BBC 3 and can be view in parts on Youtube. It is actually really great to watch if you have time. They went witnessing with her in the streets. She does it the Law-Grace method, same as Way of the Master. She does not know what really TV is. She would put all the freshmen, there might have been some upper-classmen also, to complete shame.
But then there was the concert, the beginning almost felt like a B-1 was taken off with the bass kicker. Fortunately, the B-1 has more bass and is much louder. It was a okay concert but there was a lot of things I would change. I like the concerts with out all the base, it made it hard to hear the voices, even though that is why the bass is turned up so much. The Casting Crowns concert I went to was at the right mix. The bass was heard but not overpowering. The Casting Crowns concert was a better time for me (Kyle can you back me on this one, not really). I recognized some songs from the radio and of course had more information for why the wrote certain songs. There were people crowd surfing which I thought was a little secular. The concert was definitely something that the world would have enjoyed. They did mention God after about 1/2 the show. I could not tell if the lead singer was trying to give a gospel presentation or trying to talk about God unfailing love. I am going with the God unfailing love because it was a terrible gospel presentation.
I think that this is enough for tonight (Sunday Morning). It is time for bed. Later and break a leg for God.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
A rainy? Block Party.
As I seat outside at Starbucks, I have been pondering if I should go to the LU Block party tonight. They have a couple of bands one is The Afters. I really do not know if I want to go but they said there is free food. I guess that is a plus. Although I have some Runza casserole waiting in my frig for me to eat it. It will be a change to meet some people to get to know. Although I did meet with a Professor from Liberty that I meet at a church that I will attend tomorrow. I went to there Sunday night service. So I decided this week that I will attend both Sunday morning and evening service to get the feel of the church. They do a program with some homeless every other Thursday, it is awesome that are caring about the people in Lynchburg. I have noticed that many time we neglate to witness within our own communities. Not just to the homeless but also to the professional and college students. I am looking for a group that is will to go out to the streets and win some souls for God.
Anyways, back to the block party. Why I have rainy? in the tittle is because it just stop raining and there are more clouds in the sky. Being the military man I am, I have my BDU Gore-tex because it is cleanest. (I have 2 of them plus an ABU one that is about black.) My fear is that I will not enjoy myself and not get accomplished what I want to do. I have been trying to get to know people in my classes a little but I am not one of those Hi my name is kinda guy. I am more of the "Have you gotton one of these" (hand a million dollar tract and smile). It is different coming to a new city. I was thinking about all the places I have been to. I was either forced or I knew people before I got there. Like my college roommate Adam, I was forced to get to know him because we lived together. When I went to England, I knew a Mormon that I went to Tech School and to Tinker AFB with. I also talked to a Chaplain before hand so I some I could talk to. Anyways, Liberty has not been that kind of experience. Although God is working his will and stuff have been falling into place. I guess I look at these time and wonder why I seem to question God and what he is doing.
This block party should be an adventure maybe worthy enough to get published on the LU File (dramatic music plays).
I hope that everyone is enjoying the new design. See everyone on the flip side.
Mikie-Man out!!!
Friday, August 28, 2009
A New Name for a New Time in my Life.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
A new Adventure at Liberty Univeristy
One of the biggest things I have noticed is how immature I was when I was a Freshmen and now I see it in the freshmen at Liberty. I can see that the military has shaped my life and I have some respect that these others have. The biggest is cell phones. This is purely military, but STOP WALKING WITH A CELL PHONE TO YOUR EAR AND PLEASE DO NOT DRIVE WITH A PHONE TO YOUR EAR (that was illegal in England)!!!!!!
I am sorry that complete bugs me and also texting and walking. Bad deal.
I have noticed more, because of different blogs, that people will seat with each other and not talk but text other people or check their cell phones when with other people. I do think that is rude and needs to stop.
I am not perfect at all manners like opening doors for ladies, which I am working on, but there is some things that I think need to change.
As I end this rant, I am excited to threw these judgmental thoughts and learn to be more tolerant with people I do not agree with.
Some things to pray for:
1. finding a church that will glorify God in my life.
2. A group of friends to help to become a better Christians so I can Glorify God Better.
3. To find a godly women looking for marriage and able to pursue her so that God is Glorified.
4. To show and proclaim to the world that Christ is the only way to heaven and act in a way that will glorify God is word and deeds.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Made it Lynchburg, VA.
Friday, July 10, 2009
The Time has come.
The one thing I have not talked much about is what I will be doing. Starting this August, I am going to be a full-time student again but this time at a Christian University. While at university, I hope to find a wife because I heard Christian universities have Christian women, again that is only a rumor. I will also do part work for the USAF Reserves at Andrews AFB, MD with the 459th ARW working on KC-135s (or the same airplane I worked in here in England).
So that is the plan so far.
TTYL maybe next time in the States.
Friday, July 3, 2009
It is July.
As I start to get ready to leave, I realize that I need to continue to do what I learned herein England. It is that the world needs a savior and I know one that is willing to same you. Jesus Christ is the savior that this world needs. It does not need a queen or a president that wants to kill black babies. No it needs Jesus and as Christians we need to start praying for the salvation of the US. When US was it greatest is when God was placed above everything. As I leave England, that land of John Wesley, C.H. Spurgeon, George Whitfield, and John Newton (are just some) to the land that was truly made from Christian valves, I see the need to step out and witness to people one by one and preach at events. If we want to change this country we MUST STEP OUT WITH FAITH NOW because the next generation will do the same thing that we are doing now. We must stand up in faith because God's word return void.
Who is ready to join the fight, the fight for souls?
Monday, June 15, 2009
True Forgiveness
What I think true forgiveness looks like is when someone has done something wrong, you forgiven and forget. If it is not easily forgettable, I think then a plan has to be made to grow where it is forgotten. I see that as when we sin against the Holy God, as Christians he forgets our transgressions. We must able that same thing. God is great to forgiven without holding a grudge but we humans are not. The word forgive in Greek means to let go, to send away. We must remember all the sins that God will not hold against Christians when they are judge be he cleanse us of all unrighteousness when we ask for his forgiveness (1 John 1:9). As I looked for verses that will help to understand forgiveness, I came across three: 2 Corinthians 2:5-11, Ephesians 4:31-32, and Colossians 3:8-14. Each one of these verses explain how forgiveness should work. The person who forgive should be loving those people the person forgive.
What is missing is the love of the other in this situation. I understand that the friendship for now is lost but by God's sovereign grace these relationships can be repaired and grow.
I want to make note that comments have been disable for this post. The reason behind this blocking of comments is because I feel that the annyoistiy of the post should remain. Now people who know about the situation will understand the post. The people involved can e-mail or call me. I think that this is a problem on both side of the situation.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
The reason why I felt the need for going was due to the lack of word this morning. I guess I was not engaged in the sermon this morning but this sermon had me engaged until my mind wondered but I got it back in focus. The sermon encouaged me to reach the lost even more to define Christianity and false Christianity. During these hard time we must continueto reach the lost and attack the culture with Bibical truth.
All that and that is not even the reason for the post. The reason of this post is because of the great fellowship I had with the pastor. I can not thank God enough for the blessing. We talk for a long time and everything was Christ centered. It restored my soul to talk to a Christian brother that I just meet. I do not know much about his life but in Christ we have a connection that will never end. My only regret is that I did not change church sooner. I will thank God that he has showed me a church that is Christ-centered and on fire for God. I now know what a real Christian church looks like. Now the church hunt begians. I can truly say that I can not express in a blog how I feel right now. I wish that I could have more fellowship with believers that can never end. It was God who showed my what true fellowship in His son is like and I want to glorify him with.
I leave with only idea. Have you truly been a fellowship that cannot come close to being defined?
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
In the Middle of a Battle that I do not want to be in.
A new Blog Name
The not-in-England-anymore England File
Just another blog that has no meaning.
The Liberty File (formally know as "The England File")
I can not think of a name that suits the randomness of this blog, so this long line will work.
The life of Mike Miller
Saturday, May 30, 2009
More lyrics!!
Verse 2
This story starts at the climax, we find that time’s lapsed- don’t mind that
It’s kind of like a night cap filled with divine acts
We zoom in the lens on Christ's agony in the garden
Doomed for His friends- it had to be for the pardon
And delivery from misery of kids who speak wickedly
Sinfully, inwardly slick with the iniquity
We see disciples sleep and mock today with a lot to say
But we do the same thing when we don’t watch and pray
Like Judas, we sell Christ out to get the treasure
Whether it’s the cheddar or forbidden pleasure
Like the chief priests, we want Christ to surrender
But we want Him out the way when He doesn’t fit our agenda
Like Peter, we have misplaced, fleshly confidence
But we’ll deny the Lord when faced with deadly consequence
Like Herod, we’re curious about Christ because He’s famous
But we quickly get bored with Him when He doesn’t entertain us
Like Pilate, we see Christ and find nothing wrong with Him
But when the world chooses the wicked, we go right along with them
Despite His kindness, we seek to do our Maker violence
The fallenness of humanity at its finest
So now He stands before the crowd doomed to die
An angry mob who’s yelling out “crucify”
The way they treat the Lord of glory is debased and it’s foul
But you miss the point if you don’t see your face in the crowd
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
HOT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!
It will be hard because of the great people I know in England. It will be for the better. There is always Facebook and phone calls. I will be moving to Lynchburg, VA to attend Liberty University. I will remain a member of the AF but just as a Reservist fixing KC-135 R models. It appears that I might make a little bit of money but will also
Saturday, May 9, 2009
It has Been a Long While
During this little hiatus from blogging, I had a birthday. According to everyone at church I am 17 but I am actually 23. The Saturday after my birthday, a friend organized a dinner at Teri Aki in Cambridge. I went there after a day on the street in the market area of Cambridge. It was a good time. I was happened to more civilized then some of the other adults (not naming names Joe and Kori).
What made that day special was the fact someone cared enough to celebrate my birthday. I tried to celebrate my birthday in college but I had to make it happen. When I got into the military, I still did not celebrate my birthday. I would eat my mom's angel food cake and tell everyone. I think we had a Bible Study birthday party because Joe (a different one then called out earlier), Asher, and myself (April 17, 21, 19 respectfully). It was not anything special.
This dinner was a simple but profound. There was not present besides that I did not have to pay for my meal. I guess it shows how the body of Christ is to act.
Anyways, I need to study and get ready for my family to come to England. Later,
Solus Christus!!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Christ The Lord has Risen Today.
1. Christ the Lord is risen today, Alleluia!
Earth and heaven in chorus say, Alleluia!
Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia!
Sing, ye heavens, and earth reply, Alleluia!
2. Love's redeeming work is done, Alleluia!
Fought the fight, the battle won, Alleluia!
Death in vain forbids him rise, Alleluia!
Christ has opened paradise, Alleluia!
3. Lives again our glorious King, Alleluia!
Where, O death, is now thy sting? Alleluia!
Once he died our souls to save, Alleluia!
Where's thy victory, boasting grave? Alleluia!
4. Soar we now where Christ has led, Alleluia!
Following our exalted Head, Alleluia!
Made like him, like him we rise, Alleluia!
Ours the cross, the grave, the skies, Alleluia!
5. Hail the Lord of earth and heaven, Alleluia!
Praise to thee by both be given, Alleluia!
Thee we greet triumphant now, Alleluia!
Hail the Resurrection, thou, Alleluia!
6. King of glory, soul of bliss, Alleluia!
Everlasting life is this, Alleluia!
Thee to know, thy power to prove, Alleluia!
Thus to sing, and thus to love, Alleluia!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
First Witness Encounter Every!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Vlog 3 Maybe 4
Saturday, March 21, 2009
"Be still, and know that I am God
But more than that God has already predestine people, he is still in control of everything and it is when we are still among our life and focus on what he has done for us. This is when we know that he is God.
SO be still and know that God is in control about everything.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Grace Gem
The chief danger attending a state of prosperity, is that it strongly exposes us to the temptation of becoming "lovers of pleasures, more than lovers of God," 2 Timothy 3:4. This danger is considerably increased, when people have been introduced into mirthful and fashionable circles. People in such circumstances may be said to stand on the brink of a dangerous precipice. They run the greatest risk of being drawn into a vortex of folly and dissipation, in which all sense of piety is likely to be swallowed up.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The Last Couple of Posts, Gone into Draft Status.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Feeling empty? I am.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Where is the Love?
Monday, February 16, 2009
Shark Risk.

This has been another sarcastic post my mikemiller117.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Girl Scout Derails Church’s New Building Campaign
After a short investigation by their finance committee, Badger Creek Baptist Church has uncovered the reason why their “God’s Dream” Building Campaign fell short of its fundraising goal in January. The main culprit? Girl Scout cookies.
In their final report, the committee faulted Deacon Buford Collins for allowing ten-year-old Brittany Tanner of Troop 187 to set up a Girl Scout cookie sales booth in the church foyer during Sunday services last month. As a result, the distracted congregation began spending their extra cash on cookies instead of giving it to the building fund.
“Everyone knows that Baptists start salivating at the sight of a girl in a khaki uniform and green sash,” explained Finance Team Leader Joyce Franklin. “Deacon Collins would’ve been better off letting a bacon salesman loose in our church.”
According to several eyewitnesses, not only was the cookie booth a frantic mob scene as parishioners clamored for the famous baked goods, but the young girl scout proved to be a shrewd cookie marketer as well. At one point the plucky Miss Tanner hooked some fishing line to a box of Thin Mints and slowly trolled past the church classrooms, luring several woman away from their Beth Moore Bible study.
“I knew things were getting bad when little Brittany was down to her last box of cookies and she made us arm-wrestle to see who could have it,” said Assistant Pastor Frank McClurg. “I hate to say it, but Edna Dollenkamp has quite an arm for a ninety-year-old woman with arthritis and a hip replacement. I’m pretty sure I would have beaten her if she hadn’t lost her dentures in my lap and scared the snot out of me.”
Though Badger Creek church members were generally embarrassed by their lack of restraint in the face of temptation, some in the congregation blamed a shortage of complimentary donuts at the church’s snack bar for their decision to purchase Girl Scout cookies with their building fund money.
“Look, I feel bad about what I did,” admitted one male attendee who wished to remain anonymous, “but I can’t worship without a little bite to eat and a cup of coffee. When the donuts ran out, I had no choice but to buy 5 boxes of Thin Mints, 3 boxes of Caramel deLites, and 2 boxes of Shortbreads.”
In a brief emotional statement to the congregation during last Sunday’s service, a broken and tearful Deacon Collins apologized for letting the evil girl scout into the church, but said he was already paying the price for his error in judgment. “I’ve gained 10 pounds from binging on six boxes of Peanut Butter Sandwiches, and my wife is making me eat rice cakes and lettuce until I lose the weight. Somebody kill me now.”
Afterwards, Collins was escorted from the podium as he sobbed hysterically and muttered something about a double cheeseburger.
Despite these tragic events, Finance Team Leader Franklin is confident that the fallout from “CookieGate” (as church officials have dubbed it) is only a temporary setback. “We know that building a bigger facility for our church is God’s dream, so we’re pretty sure we can make it happen for Him,” she said confidently. “In fact, Pastor Dave plans to cancel his planned sermon series on Great Marital Sex, so he can start a new series called, ‘Come On, People, Fork It Over.’ ”
Added Franklin, “By the end of February we expect the congregation will feel guilty enough to help us exceed our fundraising goal by a wide margin. Then we’ll have the additional money we need to purchase larger seating for those members who recently put on some extra weight.”
Miss Tanner, who posted the largest cookie revenue for her troop’s district in twenty years, could not be reached for comment. She was busy negotiating with Keebler to become their new cookie liaison to the Southern Baptist Convention.
Taken from
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Ok not really I was wondering if it is weird to buy a movie about marriage when I, myself, and me (it is not nothing like the Trinty, I just wanted 3 readers and myself and me agreed) is a single guy? Post myself and me.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
No really, I do have any time left.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Watch for Fall in the Number of Posts
Saturday, January 10, 2009
AWANA, PMOC, and Marriage. This is what is on my Mind.
1st. AWANA
So I was thinking about AWANA and the Trek students that I teach. I have often thought that I was not getting through to them. I think that is not that I am not getting through to them as much as me not putting Christ first in my teaching. I often wait for that last minute and tend to destroy what I am teaching. Often realize that what I was teaching is not what they can grasp. I some time that I am being a rebel since I do teach (or at least try to teach) is not what is heard at the Chapel/post-modern Christianity. (Yes, I go to a church that is now post-modern and I do not like it one bit.) But as I was listening to "Listen Up," (01-09-2009) it struck me hard. I was not doing it until Christ. I was doing it for me. I wanted to be the one that sparks a problem by telling the truth. The problem is that Jesus does not want me to start a problem by telling the truth. He wants me to just tell the truth. He wants me to teach only the Truth which is found in his world. Please pray for me as I learn to life for Christ alone.
2nd. PMOC
So many might be asking (I guess that would mean I have readers let me rephrase that. Insert this instead...). For the 1 reader (which is me), what is PMOC? PMOC is an abbreviation for Protestant Men of the Chapel or a adult men Bible study (why am I in it, I do not know either). I always was the one that would buy the food and give my 2 cents but the days I had a study ready no one would show up. So I started to ask the Lord why. I was thinking that it was a sign for me to not teach men older than I. So I was trying to sleep (which did not happen because I was thinking about these three subjects), I was thinking that I am not fit for teaching PMOC. Looking at 1 Timothy 2 and the standard what which an elder/overseer should be like. Looking at the fact that I am not above rebuking. I still need a lot of rebuking. How can I lead a group of men that are all older than I? How can I lead a group of men when they should be teaching me? I know as a pastor (if I am truly called), that I will be teaching men and women that are older than I. I just do not think I am ready to teach these men. Since I do not think that I should teaching, I want to find somebody else that will teach instead.
3rd. Marriage.
Finally, the last thing that caused me to remain up this night. Marriage. I must admit that I was watching High School Musical 1 & 2 because I was not interested in watching anything else on AFN. I really do not like watching movies about high school years because 1. they are never right and 2. I did not have a single good high school year. Even though my high school years no longer define who I am, I still missed an opportunity. So I look at my life as a 22 year-old some-what of a man writing on a blog about stuff that really does not matter. Oh, did I mention that I have never been on a date or even properly asked a female on a date. I listen to a podcast, and I feel like I am so behind that I can never catch up. As I plan out my immediate future, ie after the military, it must involved finding a female to get married to. I also must do something about it but I know myself and I know that I will not be able to ask a girl out. That is why beyond my comfort zone. I could not even ask a girl to dance with me (which I remember very little on how to dance). It makes it hard to decided whether to return to Oklahoma and find a women there while hanging out with old friends or attend Liberty University in Virginia where I can get plugged into a good Christian group. The problem with attending Liberty is that I promised my friends in Oklahoma that I would move back. The one problem with Oklahoma is that I would attend different churches with singles groups and pull away from the friends that I promised I would see. I could also hang with my friends and hope that a single female would attend our Bible study (if there is one when I return).
So as I think about these 3 topics during my 6 hr flight. I pray to God that he will revival a path that is part of his plan. Thinks for reading that rambling post about nothing.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
NO Gyros!!!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
What do we need more, A moral straight congress people or Biblical Preachers?
So my answer to this question is that we need more Bible preaching pastors that will not itch the ears of the people. The state can not create morality but the church can lead people to God. God is the one you changed unmoral people to moral people. Look at what is happening in the state of California and Propositions 8. The immoral of a few is creating a big problem when the majority said yes to prop 8. Prop 8 does not band Homosexual marriage, it redefines that marriage is between 1 man and 1 female as described in Genesis 2.
SO we need pastors like R.C Spour, John Piper, C J Mahaney, John MacArthur, Paul Washer, Jeff Noblet. They do not need to be famous, just Biblical. Our goal is to get out a preach to the lost. Christians we are to seek the lost and teach them about Repentance and Trust. God " 'now he commands all people everywhere to repent,because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead.' "(Acts 17:30-31)
I work like everyone to pray for people to share their faith in God.
SIDE NOTE: Look for a Bible study on Revelation 2:1-7 at my Bible Study Blog.
ALSO, Happy New Year.