Friday, July 3, 2009

It is July.

This is exciting to write to you on this fine 3rd of July. The fact is that in 10 days, I will no longer be living in the UK. I turned my house back to the landlord and received the deposit check which is now the deposit check for my next apartment. As I have been looking back at my time in England, I can not but think about the wonderful growth I have had in this seeming godless country. (They worship a god but not the true God. I think is name is Darwin but I might be wrong.) I think about how spiritual weak I was in my walk. I am still weak but I am growing. As I have broke out to witness to the Brits, I have learned to but everything I know in action. I also have been developing better communication skill that uses time and words that express what I am thinking. You know think before you speak. If it is true, which I found out is, you have no more that 8 seconds to respond to someone with out being uncomfortable (all y'al know what I am talking aboot ah.(the comment is a US-southern Canadian)). But I start to realize that my season in England, I have to thank all the people that made my time possible.

As I start to get ready to leave, I realize that I need to continue to do what I learned herein England. It is that the world needs a savior and I know one that is willing to same you. Jesus Christ is the savior that this world needs. It does not need a queen or a president that wants to kill black babies. No it needs Jesus and as Christians we need to start praying for the salvation of the US. When US was it greatest is when God was placed above everything. As I leave England, that land of John Wesley, C.H. Spurgeon, George Whitfield, and John Newton (are just some) to the land that was truly made from Christian valves, I see the need to step out and witness to people one by one and preach at events. If we want to change this country we MUST STEP OUT WITH FAITH NOW because the next generation will do the same thing that we are doing now. We must stand up in faith because God's word return void.

Who is ready to join the fight, the fight for souls?

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