Saturday, August 22, 2009

A new Adventure at Liberty Univeristy

I guess this could be the official start or the Liberty or Lynchburg File. I have using my terrorist watching skills that was taught to me by the US Government. I have am feeling that I might feel some resists from what I believe. I guess I look at how I am a L-word when it comes to reading and try to figure out what the author meant instead of reading in between the lines. It seems that I will be reading some good solid books but people can change what they say. I have also notice that it is kind of a pretty boy school. It is a private school and so it appears that people might have a holier than thou attitude (which I am trying to work on). I am trying to remember that I am no better that everyone else in the school.

One of the biggest things I have noticed is how immature I was when I was a Freshmen and now I see it in the freshmen at Liberty. I can see that the military has shaped my life and I have some respect that these others have. The biggest is cell phones. This is purely military, but STOP WALKING WITH A CELL PHONE TO YOUR EAR AND PLEASE DO NOT DRIVE WITH A PHONE TO YOUR EAR (that was illegal in England)!!!!!!

I am sorry that complete bugs me and also texting and walking. Bad deal.

I have noticed more, because of different blogs, that people will seat with each other and not talk but text other people or check their cell phones when with other people. I do think that is rude and needs to stop.

I am not perfect at all manners like opening doors for ladies, which I am working on, but there is some things that I think need to change.

As I end this rant, I am excited to threw these judgmental thoughts and learn to be more tolerant with people I do not agree with.

Some things to pray for:
1. finding a church that will glorify God in my life.
2. A group of friends to help to become a better Christians so I can Glorify God Better.
3. To find a godly women looking for marriage and able to pursue her so that God is Glorified.
4. To show and proclaim to the world that Christ is the only way to heaven and act in a way that will glorify God is word and deeds.

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