The Psalmist wrote in Chapter 46 verse 10, "Be still, and know that I am God." This was a verse I read today in my quiet time. So I was still and look at the nature around me. I watched and thought about how God causes the waves to crash against the shore and at the same time he causes me to breath. Nothing happens without God causing it. It is the same that only God can cause someone to come unto him. I have been thinking about the predestination of people to Heaven or Hell. Since God is not bounded by time and the fact that he knows everything. He knows everyone that will be saved. Although we have free will, God's knows every decision that can be made and knows the outcome.
But more than that God has already predestine people, he is still in control of everything and it is when we are still among our life and focus on what he has done for us. This is when we know that he is God.
SO be still and know that God is in control about everything.
Your posting was very comforting, especially in light of what I just wrote about (we had a shooting in the building next door in our apartment complext tonight). You are right - God is absolutely in control of everything - what peace that brings . . . :)