Saturday, April 19, 2008

God Believes in you. I have a video to prove it.

What this video and read the words.

Does God really believe in me? Towards the end of the Chapter 16 of Acts. Paul and Silas were beaten and thrown into prison. The Bible says that they were singing hymns to God. Then God came down and freed the prisoners. How does this refer to this video. Durning this passage of the Bible the guards was going to kill him. When the guard saw the power of God and the fact that prisoners were still in their cells. He fall before Paul and Silas and asked how to be saved. Verse 31 said, "And they (Paul and Silas) said, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.'" It was that the guard, and us, needed to believe in God. Also why would God want to believe in a fallen people. People, just like me, who are sinners and can not even come close to God's holiness. I have heard a sermon by a big-name paster who said that Peter stop believing in himself to walk on water. The Bible clearly says that Peter had lost his focus of Christ. This might be more of an personal opinion, but it seems that Peter was actually walking on the water. It was while on the water that he began to doubt and to sink. While Christ was saving him, Christ said "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" (Matthew 14:31). I can not find a place in the Bible that tells me that God believes in me. So instead of thinking that God believing us, let just repent and believe in God for our salvation and serve him only.

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