Here is a video called "I Think my Wife's a Calvinist." Enjoy
Here are the Lyrics!!!!
I didn't buy my wife roses
she does not care a thing for them
instead she likes tulips
they are approved by john Calvin
She does not read that Beth Moore book I bought her
she rather read St. Auguatian
IF she wasn't a Baptist preacher daughter
I think she would be Presybertian
I think my Wife is a Calvinist
She only owns a ESV
I always catching her reading Romans 8:28-30
And Wayne Grudem Systematic Theology
She was a tatoo that says "I heart John Piper" in Greek
She Likes Spurgeon more than she likes me
But that's okay, I don't choose her
She Choose Me
She put me in the doghouse
for liking the emergent church.
she wouldn't fix my supper now
I brought home a book by Norman Geissler
and if you ever meet her
you know she is not mean she really sweet
exepct when it comes to the little bitty matter
of doctern and theology
I think my Wife is a Calvinist
She only read the ESV
I always hearing her quoting Romans 8:28-30
And Wayne Grudem Systematic Theology
She was a tatoo that says "I heart John Piper" in Greek
She Likes Spurgeon more than she likes me
I think my Wife is a Calvinist
She only owns a ESV
She made me burn my NIV study Bible
I always reading Romans 8:28-30
And Wayne Grudem Systematic Theology
She was a tatoo that says "I heart John Piper" in Greek
She Likes Spurgeon more than she likes me
But that's okay, I do not choose her
She Choose Me
She Choose Me
She Choose Me
She Choose Me
She Choose Me
She Choose Me
She Choose Me
She didn't choose you
She Choose Me
Follow along as I make my way back through seminary as Biblical and Theological Studies student.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
What strip of Christianity are you?
1. Are you Arminianist or Calvinist?
2. Are you a Cessationist or a Noncessationist?
So what do you believe!! Well, I think that I start a small study that will fizzle out like the singleness study about the differences between these 4 groups.
2. Are you a Cessationist or a Noncessationist?
So what do you believe!! Well, I think that I start a small study that will fizzle out like the singleness study about the differences between these 4 groups.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Young and Single hangin' wit married people that could be my parents.
So last night (Saturday the 20th), I went to my Sunday school Christmas party. I had to bring a snack and a white elephant gift. I wrapped in a good ol' fashion Mike Miller wrapping style (paper bag and duct tape)Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller. I personal did not want to wrap that present but I have 2 copies and my friend told me to keep his. Blue Like Jazz is not a book I would read to get informed about theology unless I was reading it to understand the new liberal post-modern Atheist, I mean Christian, point of view. I was looking thru it and it was hard to give away a book with bad theology. So I did. It would turn out that I would be the butt of jokes because I was young and single hangin' wit married people that could be my parents. It was fun. I told they of a card I sent to my dad about parting to hard can make you look older. Inside the card was look at an example (or something to that effect) and it had a mirror inside (or paper that reflected and acted like a mirror). I was laughing but I was the only one because everyone was thinking about getting that card. It was just a little awkward. The host congratulated me on being a good sport but it was fun in game. You joke with people and they will joke back. We also played Taboo. It was men verse women and it ended in a tie. All the married men stopped because they saw that as a win. I said "Go big or go home" and again everyone laughed at me. I am an all or nothing kinda guy. But I was overruled. Back to the white elephant exchange, I got a kite. It is an eagle and it is tight. Well it is late and I have to wake up and practice really easy songs for church on my cello. Watch the Blog for some pictures of "The Barn" decorated for Christmas and stuff. Later.
Solo Christo! (in Christ alone for Salvation)
Solo Christo! (in Christ alone for Salvation)
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
A poem by John Newton
His is a poem that I read in the Grace Gem I received today. You can get Grace Gems at Today's Grace Gem was titled "I asked the Lord that I might grow." Here is the poem.
I asked the Lord that I might grow,
In faith and love and every grace,
Might more of His salvation know,
And seek more earnestly His face.
It was He who taught me thus to pray,
And He I trust has answered prayer.
But it has been in such a way,
As almost drove me to despair!
I hoped that in some favored hour,
At once He'd answer my request.
And by His love's constraining power,
Subdue my sins and give me rest!
Instead of this, He made me feel,
The hidden evils of my heart.
And let the angry powers of hell,
Assault my soul in every part!
Yes, more with His own hand, He seemed,
Intent to aggravate my woe.
Crossed all the fair designs I schemed,
Blasted my gourds, and laid me low!
"Lord, why is this?" I trembling cried.
Will You pursue Your worm to death?"
"This is the way" the Lord replied,
"I answer prayer for grace and strength."
"These inward trials I employ,
From self, and pride, to set you free;
And break your schemes of earthly joy,
That you may find your all in Me!"
—John Newton
I asked the Lord that I might grow,
In faith and love and every grace,
Might more of His salvation know,
And seek more earnestly His face.
It was He who taught me thus to pray,
And He I trust has answered prayer.
But it has been in such a way,
As almost drove me to despair!
I hoped that in some favored hour,
At once He'd answer my request.
And by His love's constraining power,
Subdue my sins and give me rest!
Instead of this, He made me feel,
The hidden evils of my heart.
And let the angry powers of hell,
Assault my soul in every part!
Yes, more with His own hand, He seemed,
Intent to aggravate my woe.
Crossed all the fair designs I schemed,
Blasted my gourds, and laid me low!
"Lord, why is this?" I trembling cried.
Will You pursue Your worm to death?"
"This is the way" the Lord replied,
"I answer prayer for grace and strength."
"These inward trials I employ,
From self, and pride, to set you free;
And break your schemes of earthly joy,
That you may find your all in Me!"
—John Newton
Back in England.
I am back in England and also sadden by a preacher that just buried his 3 month old child. It was a great reminder that we are not promised tomorrow or even the next hour. The little girl died in surgery. This is truly hard to understand the pain but I saw a man whose faith in God did not tumble. He knows that God is sovereign. So my question to you, the reader, if there is any, do you have faith in God that would be able to help you through a valley in your life? This man was hurting inside but still praised God that he had a baby girl. He did not get to walk her down the aisle in a wedding but he said after her soul left, he danced with her in the hospital. Again I ask, is your faith in God that strong? If it is not, learn to start trusting God. First for salvation and then to help through the storms of life.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
I want every to know....
that I am done with my Christmas shopping for my family.
I guess this post means I am back to meaningless posts if I had left meaningless posts in the first place.
I guess this post means I am back to meaningless posts if I had left meaningless posts in the first place.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Cambridge, England and the Gospel
Today, Saturday, I went out to pass out tracts with a local church. The local church has a member that OAs so I am more there to make a crowd. One of these days, I will branch out and talk to some of the people instead of offering tracts. Anyways, it was a rough start to the day. I woke up and wanted to get back to bed but knowing that God has something good happening Cambridge, I got up and went. This has been 1st time in 2 weeks that I was able to go to Cambridge to pass tracts. SO I went in force with my 1 million pound notes and round tuits. I gave a lot of million pounds notes. I had one lady tell me to go back to America. I guess the days of Spurgeon and Wesley are gone in England. I guess there are still that OA near the Cambridge University. I did learn, so when I do jump on a box, to use a heckler to attract a crowd. I saw people’s faces change as the gospel was told. But God was faithful and we meet Joel. Joel is in the British Army and was in Afghanistan when a USAF Fighter dropped a bomb on a group of British Army personnel. The fighter was from a USAF base that is in the UK. He was asked what would he have done if he knew that the bomb was going to land there? He said that he would save himself. We used to show the need of Christ. We know that we are to be judged by Christ. So why not seek his protection from God’s judgment? So even if it was cold outside and a heckler tried to make the person OA look dumb, God was faithful provide us with Joel. Please pray for Joel that he will repent and trust in Christ.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
"For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many."
In 4 days, it would have been 1 year since I wrote a post about titled "Realization that I am not the person I claim to be." It was a post about being a Christian. I did not think I was one. Well here is another post but it is not in desperation. It is not because I feel sorry about myself. The title is from Matthew 7:13b. I was listening to sermon by Paul Washer. If you think that your Christian life is going well, listen to Dr. Washer and you will be humbled. In a recent sermon called "The Cost of Discipleship," he talked about Matthew 7:13-27.
So I have a questions for everyone. Does non-believers like you because they do not fear you? Do you see the devil, your flesh, or the world constantly against you? Do you look like the world in how you dress, act, and maybe talk?
Here is a verse for you from Matthew 7:21-23. "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?' And then will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.' "
What am I trying to say? Are you sure that your election is certain? Paul Washer explains that the narrow gate and wide gates are for Christians alone and not Christians and the World. So there are people that call themselves a Christian but still will be punish to hell. If your Christian walk have been easy, are you sure that you are a Christian? Does the world hate you because you show glimpse of God in your life. Do they see that you allow are out to worship God alone?
The Christian life should be hard to do. What do you think Jesus meant when he said in Matthew 7:14 "For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few."?
Now this also applies to me. This is not punching your self-esteem to make me fell better but also to humble myself.
You can listen to the sermon at Sermon Audio (links to this sermon).
So I have a questions for everyone. Does non-believers like you because they do not fear you? Do you see the devil, your flesh, or the world constantly against you? Do you look like the world in how you dress, act, and maybe talk?
Here is a verse for you from Matthew 7:21-23. "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?' And then will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.' "
What am I trying to say? Are you sure that your election is certain? Paul Washer explains that the narrow gate and wide gates are for Christians alone and not Christians and the World. So there are people that call themselves a Christian but still will be punish to hell. If your Christian walk have been easy, are you sure that you are a Christian? Does the world hate you because you show glimpse of God in your life. Do they see that you allow are out to worship God alone?
The Christian life should be hard to do. What do you think Jesus meant when he said in Matthew 7:14 "For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few."?
Now this also applies to me. This is not punching your self-esteem to make me fell better but also to humble myself.
You can listen to the sermon at Sermon Audio (links to this sermon).
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Wretched Radio
For all of you that do not know. Way of that Master Radio no longer exist, just like the dinosaurs. They are now called Wretched Radio and you can listen to them at If very little a month, you can download the podcast and watch Wretched with Todd Friel. Both are very good programs.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Glorious and Mighty
Here is a song from a must have CD. The Song is Glorious and Mighty from the CD called Psalms by Sovereign Grace Music. You can buy load at Sovereign Grace Music Store. You can also buy it from ITunes which is also located at the Sovereign Grace Music Store. This song is a glorious and mighty song to the God of the Bible. Why can not some of the big names in Christian Music write songs like this. I have found that all the CDs I have from Sovereign Grace Ministry are great. They also have great preaching from CJ Mahaney. NOw to the lyrics.
Verse 1
Majesty, Your glory is shining
Brighter than the moon and the stars
Marveling, we honor and fear You
Above all gods
Chorus Glorious and mighty, You’re awesome In beauty
Joyful songs we raise
Glorious and mighty, You’re awesome in beauty
Greatly to be praised
Verse 2
Majesty, You fashioned the heavens
Your decrees can never be changed
Over all the plans of the nations
Your judgments reign
Verse 3
Majesty, we’ll sing with creation
When You come again in the clouds
Every knee will bow down and worship
Verse 1
Majesty, Your glory is shining
Brighter than the moon and the stars
Marveling, we honor and fear You
Above all gods
Chorus Glorious and mighty, You’re awesome In beauty
Joyful songs we raise
Glorious and mighty, You’re awesome in beauty
Greatly to be praised
Verse 2
Majesty, You fashioned the heavens
Your decrees can never be changed
Over all the plans of the nations
Your judgments reign
Verse 3
Majesty, we’ll sing with creation
When You come again in the clouds
Every knee will bow down and worship
Friday, November 28, 2008
A blog that will Cause people to hate me ...
... will not be written because of wrong motives. It was going to be about God's wrath against the USA that is already being poured out because of the abortions, adultery (pornography included), homosexuality, etc. But my motives were wrong and I should present a more gospel orientated message of the complete depravity of men. The fact that no one is good, that is right no one is good (Romans 3:11, Isaiah 64:6). The fact is that every human will and be judged according the Law of God. Since everyone is deprave, everyone deserves to go to hell. So if your were to die to today, you should deserve hell. God must not have sinners enter heaven because he is sinless. That is why sinners go to hell but God has a merciful side. 2000 years ago God watched his very own Son named Jesus die on a cross. According to Isaiah 53, God's wrath was poured out on Jesus. "God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8) It would be something like this:
Imagine that you were charged for murdering a close family member. You were found rightly guilty and now the judge has to punish for your crimes. The judge sets a punishment of $10 millions or life in prison. You do not have anything close to $10 million even with help of friends (if you had anymore) and family members. So you would have to take the life in prison. Just as the judge is about to sentence you to life in prison, a man walks in with a briefcase and hands it to the judge. The judge opens it and sees a check for $10 million. Since this man paid your fine and justice was served, the judge lets you be free.
In that story replace the judge with God the judge of the universe. Replace the man with Jesus who was fully God and fully man. Your little lie to God is like murder but Jesus paid the price for your salvation. What you must do is Repent and Trust in Jesus for your salvation. Some religions tell you that you can work towards heaven. They are wrong because you can not bribe God with your good works. God says that your good works are like polluted garments. So do not trust in your works to save you but instead transfer that trust in to Jesus for your salvation. Repentance is turning 180 degrees around. Repentance must be first before God forgives your sins.
I say this because to fix America, we need God back into our government. We need absolute morality that comes from the Bible.
One last statement, homosexuality has been the end of most empires and countries. Just something to think about.
Imagine that you were charged for murdering a close family member. You were found rightly guilty and now the judge has to punish for your crimes. The judge sets a punishment of $10 millions or life in prison. You do not have anything close to $10 million even with help of friends (if you had anymore) and family members. So you would have to take the life in prison. Just as the judge is about to sentence you to life in prison, a man walks in with a briefcase and hands it to the judge. The judge opens it and sees a check for $10 million. Since this man paid your fine and justice was served, the judge lets you be free.
In that story replace the judge with God the judge of the universe. Replace the man with Jesus who was fully God and fully man. Your little lie to God is like murder but Jesus paid the price for your salvation. What you must do is Repent and Trust in Jesus for your salvation. Some religions tell you that you can work towards heaven. They are wrong because you can not bribe God with your good works. God says that your good works are like polluted garments. So do not trust in your works to save you but instead transfer that trust in to Jesus for your salvation. Repentance is turning 180 degrees around. Repentance must be first before God forgives your sins.
I say this because to fix America, we need God back into our government. We need absolute morality that comes from the Bible.
One last statement, homosexuality has been the end of most empires and countries. Just something to think about.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving.
To day is the day that we celebrate being thankful. It basicly gets secular humanist to be thankful what God has given with out mentioning him and for Christians it is another excuse to get together and eat lots of food.
So what i am thankful for:
This post should be brown.
So what i am thankful for:
- God
- God's control of the situation even when I think I have control
- God's ultimate gift to the world Forgiveness of sins when you repent and trust.
- God's salvation from his wrath because of repentance and trust in Jesus.
- That God has not demanded my life yet.
- Trinity
- my Family
- Friends here in England and around the world.
- The stead job (even when I actually do want to quit)
- a car that works
This post should be brown.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
My first time tracting.
Being in the military and as my job requires so much time, I have not been able to tract with a group of Christian. So this weekend, I made it a point to go down to Mildenhall, Suffolk, England Bus Stop. I pulled into a the car park and started to walk towards the bus stop. It was cloudy and rainy, all to topical English weather. Now the thoughts were hitting my head. I bet they canceled you should head home. No one will be here just go. I still walked towards the bus stop. After a quick call from BT about by broadband, I was a guy passing out tracts and he started to head towards me. I was nervous but I asked the guy if he was George. George is the one who is set it up. If fact it was him and then I introduced myself. So now I was excited and scared but the excitement would ware off. I meet tons of people from surrounding churches. George then help me to give tracts away. I bought some tracts to hand out but I either would forget them at home or to hand them out. So I started to pass out my Million Pound Note. I think the Million Pound Note is better to use in England because it is the English currency. The first I tried to give a tract to was the preacher that was out there. He gave some trouble but was in all good fun. Then I was rejected my first couple of time. It was really exciting to actually hand out the first tract. I would handout more as the day progressed on. We than set up a mock crowd so George got open air. We actually had the Britsh bobbies show up. I guess people said George was boucing off the walls and screaming. But they informed us that we could OA but people are not used that. Much has changed since Spurgeon and Wesley where here. After we were down, the sun popped its beams out from behind a couple. That gave me the warm feeling that I was doing what God wanted me to do. So if God wills it, I will go with the group and head to Cambridge to hand out tracts there next Saturday. I do have to say it was
Friday, October 31, 2008
1 Year
It has been one year since I started to post. Well it was one year on Sept. 4th but Oct 31 is close enough for a government worker. It has been a while ride. It really started since I have move to England. I have shared a not so glorious part of my life in a post title "Realiziation that I am not the person I claim to be" which also happens to be the highest commented post with 7. There have been a total of 154 posts since that Sept 4th post with total of 39 comments including 2 from myself. I tried the vlog thing but upload times were outrageous long.
Well, the next year should even be more fun and not-so-exciting as the last. There is so much that can be blogged about. There are more travels, more grips, more prayer request, and more sarcasm that only I can deliver. Let us welcome "The England File" in for at least 1 more year.
And by the way, the font color is orange for Reformation Day.
Well, the next year should even be more fun and not-so-exciting as the last. There is so much that can be blogged about. There are more travels, more grips, more prayer request, and more sarcasm that only I can deliver. Let us welcome "The England File" in for at least 1 more year.
And by the way, the font color is orange for Reformation Day.
Election Time
As we come up to the election of our great nation. Lets remember that the problems of our nation are caused by God as the nation has fallen away. So instead of trying to have our government change the situation of our country, lets us instead share the glorious Gospel of our Lord and Savior and vote for the candidate that is closest to a Biblical worldview.
"And Jesus came and said to them, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.' " Matthew 28:18-20 (ESV)
This is something that I must do, too. It is our job as Christians to share the Gospel.
"And Jesus came and said to them, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.' " Matthew 28:18-20 (ESV)
This is something that I must do, too. It is our job as Christians to share the Gospel.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Questioning a Liberal.
On Facebook, I asked a liberal friend some question about politics and religion. My friends conclusion was that voting based on politics and faith should be up to the individual person and should not be mixed in government.
I am going to Post my questions then his answers. After that I will post my comments. I think then we will see a difference between Liberalism and Christianity. (Spelling errors have been fixed and is [in brackets with new spelling])
My Question: So as a Christian, what makes Obama such a great candidate for president?
His Answer: The way I see it, neither of the candidates will have a significant effect on Christians. That said, I then look at other issues and go with my personal preference, which happens to be Obama/Biden.
My comments: The purpose of this question was to see way a Christian would like Obama over any other candidate. I was looking at what qualities Obama have that would make him the prime candidate for the White House. But I want to address the comment "neither of the candidates will have a significant effect on Christians." First this comment is wrong, both candidates are a giant effect on Christians. Obama is for equality. With his socialist policies, we can see that marriage would be defined as any 2 people whether male and female or not. This is completely against the Bible and a strong Christian needs to be in office so that marriage will also be Man and Women. (On a side note, I do not think that Palin will do the job. Her comments at the VP debate seemed more liberal then who I want in the office.)
Another ideal that will effect Christians is abortion. Abortion is murdering a child where it is the most defenseless but yet it is legal. Obama supports abortion not only in the womb but after the child is born. Complete wrong but lawful. I am waiting for the fire to come from Heaven on this subject.
The problem with the McCain camp is that they will do nothing to overturn Rue v. Wade unless McCain has some really strong conservative Christians judges. A no decision is as bad as a bad decision.
My Question: The question was more about why Obama would be a better candidate using your Christian views. For example, I would vote for Obama because he would help end social injustice.
So correct me if I am wrong but you believe Obama is a better candidate because his view on the issues match your views. Do you believe that we should vote base on our religious convection, that would what Joe Biden calls forcing our religion on people, or do you believe that we vote base on what we think is right? Also what is your opinion if a presidential candidate or a VP candidate is using scripture and interpreting it the wrong way, is that a reason to not vote for them since they can not rightly divide the scripture (2 Timothy 2:15)?
Just to info on what I am doing. I am asking a couple different Christians who are liberal and trying to found why they think Obama is a better for the presidency. In no way am I trying to get you to change vote b/c personnel I am not sure even if I will vote for the McCain
His Answer: I believe that one should vote by personal preference. If that means voting based on one's religious conviction, then that is what one should do. As for myself, I view many of the other issues as more relevant to the election than my religious views, so I will vote accordingly.
Obviously, though, some of these views align with Christian views. I think politics is a separate issue from religion, so I don't have a problem with politicians trying to use Scripture if they're trying to win votes. It's cheesy if they misinterpret it, but that's bound to happen sometimes. Hope this helps.
My Comments: This was a two-part question. First question was, "Do you believe that we should vote base on our religious convection, that would what Joe Biden calls forcing our religion on people, or do you believe that we vote base on what we think is right?" My answer, Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding." and John 17:17b, "[Y]our word is truth." Vote base on the truth of the world that is called the Bible. There is a reason why a conservative like me will never enter the office of president. I would completely use what is right according to God. God might not have a solution for the economic downfall we are currently having but he did provide us with principles that can be followed. The Bible is the foundation of our great nation and the presidents when this country was started; they rule was based on the Bible.
The next question was “Also what is your opinion if a presidential candidate or a VP candidate is using scripture and interpreting it the wrong way, is that a reason to not vote for them since they can not rightly divide the scripture (2 Timothy 2:15)?” Notice that I used 2 Timothy 2:15 “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.” (ESV). If a presidential candidate uses scripture wrongly, they need to be rebuke. That is unacceptable to use the Holy words for your own pleasure.
My question: What are some of the issues you think Obama has a better policy on?
Also you mention that you did not like McCain and then when he picked Palin as a running mate you said that the pick "further alienated" you. Why do you dislike the McCain/Palin ticket?
He Answers: I think Obama has a better energy policy that will be more helpful and effective for the future. I agree more with his stance on the war in Iraq, as well. He has a better plan to aid the economy, a better health care plan, and a better welfare and taxation plan.
I dislike the McCain/Palin ticket because I believe the country needs to go in a different direction than it has for the past eight years, and I don't feel McCain/Palin can do this. I disagree with his stance on Iraq, his energy policy, and his plan to fix the economy. Joe Biden is a man of the people with tremendous political and foreign policy experience. Sarah Palin is an inexperienced small-town Alaskan mayor chosen to shock and guilt the American people into voting for the McCain ticket. What the future holds for her, I don't know, but she is clearly not ready to be in a position of authority at the moment.
My Comment: Another two-part question, first question was what is Obama’s best policy. He put down economy, health care, welfare, and taxation. If you look up Socialism, all 4 plans that Obama has are clearly defined (and then Obama’s name will be next to it). What happen to capitalism? What happen when business make bad business decisions, they have to try and fix it themselves? There is a reason why we have Chapter 13 Bankruptcy? That is where Fannie Ma and Freddy Mac? Socialism is not what this country needs, more government control and fewer freedoms.
The other question was “Why do you dislike the McCain/Palin Ticket?” McCain/Palin actually have a better economic plan for this country. They are looking to reduce the amount of money spent to worthless programs, i.e. Department of Homeland Security and the DNC. Why is our government spending money for things that should not have government involvement, i.e. monuments, parks, etc.? McCain is talking about oversight of the programs and not more government regulations. Regulations are is Socialist ideal and basically sending us to communism.
My Question: You said that Obama has a better plan to aid the economy, the last Democratic president that aided the economy left it in a unstable condition that will overshadow Bush's good decisions like Afghanistan and Iraq forever. Explain to me why a conservative Christian would vote for the same party that is throwing our economy to the dogs today?
His Answer: ??? Bill Clinton was the best thing that has happened to our economy since World War II. And when were Afghanistan and Iraq good decisions? At the beginning? (yes) Still? (not so much) If you mean why should you vote Democrat, I find that question hard to answer since you seem to think the Democrats are hell-bent on destroying the economy, a concept I see no evidence for. I can only remind you that John McCain appears to have no plan for the economy, which, if I recall, is exactly what got us into trouble eight years ago after Clinton.
My Outburst: Clinton is the one who changed Carter's law to make it easier for people who can not afford loans to get loans. That is why those companies had a whole a lot of bad loans that I, the American taxpayer, now had to now par for. Was it Bush's fault that Enron was under in 2001 or that the Tech Bubble popped in Clinton last year while Bush was still campaigning? Let alone the fact that almost every American Airliner had to fill bankruptcy b/c America stop traveling by air after 9/11. No, you can not blame Bush for that, that would be complete depravity there. Yet it was Bush who tried to make it harder for people to get loans. A bill that failed b/c of the Democratic and went unnoticed by the liberal media. Also the liberal media went on and said that we were in a recession when the market was still growing. Fueling the fire that now Obama is riding on.
This one is about GWOT. GWOT has done more good that what the liberal media wants you to know. Why not go to each of the services we[b]site to see what we are currently done? We are trying to help these countries continue to defeat terror. When do you h[ear] that on Fox News? You do not. America should know that war cost money and lives. The fact that most Iraqis are happy that we are there will beg to defer on the fact that is was a bad decision. We are also helping rebuild these countries when we defeat terror. I also must admit that is will be all in vain when Babylon is being rebuild but the USA might have lost their power before that will be build up.
My Comment: I think the outburst said it. I must say that Clinton is not the only reason why the loan companies fell. It was also the greed of the people within the companies and the greed of the people who could not afford what they wanted.
My Question: Next question, liberals have always been for big government to help the needy. The programs have had success by conservative Christians who are willing to help the poor and homeless. How will Obama's new plan on welfare be different?
His Answer: I think the debate last was a pretty clear indication of why I am currently going to [v]ote for Obama. I don't think I agreed with a single original statement McCain made. I look in Obama's eyes, and I see 14 letters: P-O-S-I-T-I-V-E C-H-A-N-G-E. :D Seriously, though, I just think we need something new, someone to shake things up a bit. I don't think anyone wants this financial crisis to continue.
My Comment: He really did not answer the question. I actually think that when he looks into Obama’s eyes, we see one of the many anti-Christ, wolves in sheep clothing.
My Question: What does separation of church and state mean?
His Answer: The church should not strive to be involved in the governing of the political state, and the legislature shouldn't take religious belief into account when making laws. It doesn't have to be an extreme dichotomy, but they shouldn't affect each other.
My Question: What does separation of church and state mean to the forefathers?
His Answer: ?? The same thing, I should think. I pretty much answered you that way.
My Comment: This is over the last two questions. It tackles the idea of separation of Church and State. What is it? According to Thomas Jefferson, separation of Church and State is that the State can make a State run church, i.e. the Church of England. There is nothing that says I can voice that the government needs to summit to the absolute authority that is in the Bible. GOD. This country must rule with the moral of God in mind. And that is why Obama must not be elected because he does not hold the values of God about man. He wants to murder children when they cannot even speak. That is not a Christian value and therefore is he really a Christian.
I am going to Post my questions then his answers. After that I will post my comments. I think then we will see a difference between Liberalism and Christianity. (Spelling errors have been fixed and is [in brackets with new spelling])
My Question: So as a Christian, what makes Obama such a great candidate for president?
His Answer: The way I see it, neither of the candidates will have a significant effect on Christians. That said, I then look at other issues and go with my personal preference, which happens to be Obama/Biden.
My comments: The purpose of this question was to see way a Christian would like Obama over any other candidate. I was looking at what qualities Obama have that would make him the prime candidate for the White House. But I want to address the comment "neither of the candidates will have a significant effect on Christians." First this comment is wrong, both candidates are a giant effect on Christians. Obama is for equality. With his socialist policies, we can see that marriage would be defined as any 2 people whether male and female or not. This is completely against the Bible and a strong Christian needs to be in office so that marriage will also be Man and Women. (On a side note, I do not think that Palin will do the job. Her comments at the VP debate seemed more liberal then who I want in the office.)
Another ideal that will effect Christians is abortion. Abortion is murdering a child where it is the most defenseless but yet it is legal. Obama supports abortion not only in the womb but after the child is born. Complete wrong but lawful. I am waiting for the fire to come from Heaven on this subject.
The problem with the McCain camp is that they will do nothing to overturn Rue v. Wade unless McCain has some really strong conservative Christians judges. A no decision is as bad as a bad decision.
My Question: The question was more about why Obama would be a better candidate using your Christian views. For example, I would vote for Obama because he would help end social injustice.
So correct me if I am wrong but you believe Obama is a better candidate because his view on the issues match your views. Do you believe that we should vote base on our religious convection, that would what Joe Biden calls forcing our religion on people, or do you believe that we vote base on what we think is right? Also what is your opinion if a presidential candidate or a VP candidate is using scripture and interpreting it the wrong way, is that a reason to not vote for them since they can not rightly divide the scripture (2 Timothy 2:15)?
Just to info on what I am doing. I am asking a couple different Christians who are liberal and trying to found why they think Obama is a better for the presidency. In no way am I trying to get you to change vote b/c personnel I am not sure even if I will vote for the McCain
His Answer: I believe that one should vote by personal preference. If that means voting based on one's religious conviction, then that is what one should do. As for myself, I view many of the other issues as more relevant to the election than my religious views, so I will vote accordingly.
Obviously, though, some of these views align with Christian views. I think politics is a separate issue from religion, so I don't have a problem with politicians trying to use Scripture if they're trying to win votes. It's cheesy if they misinterpret it, but that's bound to happen sometimes. Hope this helps.
My Comments: This was a two-part question. First question was, "Do you believe that we should vote base on our religious convection, that would what Joe Biden calls forcing our religion on people, or do you believe that we vote base on what we think is right?" My answer, Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding." and John 17:17b, "[Y]our word is truth." Vote base on the truth of the world that is called the Bible. There is a reason why a conservative like me will never enter the office of president. I would completely use what is right according to God. God might not have a solution for the economic downfall we are currently having but he did provide us with principles that can be followed. The Bible is the foundation of our great nation and the presidents when this country was started; they rule was based on the Bible.
The next question was “Also what is your opinion if a presidential candidate or a VP candidate is using scripture and interpreting it the wrong way, is that a reason to not vote for them since they can not rightly divide the scripture (2 Timothy 2:15)?” Notice that I used 2 Timothy 2:15 “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.” (ESV). If a presidential candidate uses scripture wrongly, they need to be rebuke. That is unacceptable to use the Holy words for your own pleasure.
My question: What are some of the issues you think Obama has a better policy on?
Also you mention that you did not like McCain and then when he picked Palin as a running mate you said that the pick "further alienated" you. Why do you dislike the McCain/Palin ticket?
He Answers: I think Obama has a better energy policy that will be more helpful and effective for the future. I agree more with his stance on the war in Iraq, as well. He has a better plan to aid the economy, a better health care plan, and a better welfare and taxation plan.
I dislike the McCain/Palin ticket because I believe the country needs to go in a different direction than it has for the past eight years, and I don't feel McCain/Palin can do this. I disagree with his stance on Iraq, his energy policy, and his plan to fix the economy. Joe Biden is a man of the people with tremendous political and foreign policy experience. Sarah Palin is an inexperienced small-town Alaskan mayor chosen to shock and guilt the American people into voting for the McCain ticket. What the future holds for her, I don't know, but she is clearly not ready to be in a position of authority at the moment.
My Comment: Another two-part question, first question was what is Obama’s best policy. He put down economy, health care, welfare, and taxation. If you look up Socialism, all 4 plans that Obama has are clearly defined (and then Obama’s name will be next to it). What happen to capitalism? What happen when business make bad business decisions, they have to try and fix it themselves? There is a reason why we have Chapter 13 Bankruptcy? That is where Fannie Ma and Freddy Mac? Socialism is not what this country needs, more government control and fewer freedoms.
The other question was “Why do you dislike the McCain/Palin Ticket?” McCain/Palin actually have a better economic plan for this country. They are looking to reduce the amount of money spent to worthless programs, i.e. Department of Homeland Security and the DNC. Why is our government spending money for things that should not have government involvement, i.e. monuments, parks, etc.? McCain is talking about oversight of the programs and not more government regulations. Regulations are is Socialist ideal and basically sending us to communism.
My Question: You said that Obama has a better plan to aid the economy, the last Democratic president that aided the economy left it in a unstable condition that will overshadow Bush's good decisions like Afghanistan and Iraq forever. Explain to me why a conservative Christian would vote for the same party that is throwing our economy to the dogs today?
His Answer: ??? Bill Clinton was the best thing that has happened to our economy since World War II. And when were Afghanistan and Iraq good decisions? At the beginning? (yes) Still? (not so much) If you mean why should you vote Democrat, I find that question hard to answer since you seem to think the Democrats are hell-bent on destroying the economy, a concept I see no evidence for. I can only remind you that John McCain appears to have no plan for the economy, which, if I recall, is exactly what got us into trouble eight years ago after Clinton.
My Outburst: Clinton is the one who changed Carter's law to make it easier for people who can not afford loans to get loans. That is why those companies had a whole a lot of bad loans that I, the American taxpayer, now had to now par for. Was it Bush's fault that Enron was under in 2001 or that the Tech Bubble popped in Clinton last year while Bush was still campaigning? Let alone the fact that almost every American Airliner had to fill bankruptcy b/c America stop traveling by air after 9/11. No, you can not blame Bush for that, that would be complete depravity there. Yet it was Bush who tried to make it harder for people to get loans. A bill that failed b/c of the Democratic and went unnoticed by the liberal media. Also the liberal media went on and said that we were in a recession when the market was still growing. Fueling the fire that now Obama is riding on.
This one is about GWOT. GWOT has done more good that what the liberal media wants you to know. Why not go to each of the services we[b]site to see what we are currently done? We are trying to help these countries continue to defeat terror. When do you h[ear] that on Fox News? You do not. America should know that war cost money and lives. The fact that most Iraqis are happy that we are there will beg to defer on the fact that is was a bad decision. We are also helping rebuild these countries when we defeat terror. I also must admit that is will be all in vain when Babylon is being rebuild but the USA might have lost their power before that will be build up.
My Comment: I think the outburst said it. I must say that Clinton is not the only reason why the loan companies fell. It was also the greed of the people within the companies and the greed of the people who could not afford what they wanted.
My Question: Next question, liberals have always been for big government to help the needy. The programs have had success by conservative Christians who are willing to help the poor and homeless. How will Obama's new plan on welfare be different?
His Answer: I think the debate last was a pretty clear indication of why I am currently going to [v]ote for Obama. I don't think I agreed with a single original statement McCain made. I look in Obama's eyes, and I see 14 letters: P-O-S-I-T-I-V-E C-H-A-N-G-E. :D Seriously, though, I just think we need something new, someone to shake things up a bit. I don't think anyone wants this financial crisis to continue.
My Comment: He really did not answer the question. I actually think that when he looks into Obama’s eyes, we see one of the many anti-Christ, wolves in sheep clothing.
My Question: What does separation of church and state mean?
His Answer: The church should not strive to be involved in the governing of the political state, and the legislature shouldn't take religious belief into account when making laws. It doesn't have to be an extreme dichotomy, but they shouldn't affect each other.
My Question: What does separation of church and state mean to the forefathers?
His Answer: ?? The same thing, I should think. I pretty much answered you that way.
My Comment: This is over the last two questions. It tackles the idea of separation of Church and State. What is it? According to Thomas Jefferson, separation of Church and State is that the State can make a State run church, i.e. the Church of England. There is nothing that says I can voice that the government needs to summit to the absolute authority that is in the Bible. GOD. This country must rule with the moral of God in mind. And that is why Obama must not be elected because he does not hold the values of God about man. He wants to murder children when they cannot even speak. That is not a Christian value and therefore is he really a Christian.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Cooking with AMN Miller.
Tonight was the first night that I made something that was not already pre-made i.e. hamburger helper, frozen pizza. It was my mom's recipe for Runza Casserole. It has cabbage, meat, cheese, crescent rolls, and my favorite spice, paprika plus onions. It was good even since I forgot my favorite spice. It goes into a 9x13 pan which is a lot of food for someone who eats like twice a day. It actually turned out really well. The oven I use cooks really fast. It has a fan and then blows the hot air around. I also cooked the rest of the crescent rolls (mainly because I thought it took 4 tubes instead of 2 so I opened all 4). I could have cooked the rolls in 8 mins and not 10 like I did. The tube said to cook for 11 to 13 mins. Enough about my cooking.
Work has been a loaded affair. Today (27 Oct and not when read this unless it is the 27 Oct), I took a shift for a friend at work so he could go to the NFL game in London. I was only to cover him for a couple of hrs. when he walked in, we asked him how much sleep he got and he got 30 mins after working 13hrs and attending a night game in London. So I work his shift instead so he could go to sleep. Before that was LSET, or in other words, and inspection to make sure that maintenance is fixing jets the right way. (FYI, we ALWAYS fix jets the right way wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more). It made it hard when I was inspected on the day I returned from the States but we stilled passed but our upper supervision did not like how close we did pass.
The inspection last week really should how bad my unit is. We were getting in trouble because we took a lot of hits because we need to generate 11 lines of airplanes with 40 people which is not enough when many tasks require 2 or more people. Since the hits were really on stupid mistakes that should not happen, we slowed down and starting to take our time. We are know getting yelled at by our upper supervision because we are not generating lines and our jets are really broke. It is a lose-lose situation. So I am will continue to generate plane with safe quality maintenance. It makes me feel but because that covers my behind when QA hits.
This post is dedicated to Michelle since you like to past judgment on me because I enjoy cooking.
Work has been a loaded affair. Today (27 Oct and not when read this unless it is the 27 Oct), I took a shift for a friend at work so he could go to the NFL game in London. I was only to cover him for a couple of hrs. when he walked in, we asked him how much sleep he got and he got 30 mins after working 13hrs and attending a night game in London. So I work his shift instead so he could go to sleep. Before that was LSET, or in other words, and inspection to make sure that maintenance is fixing jets the right way. (FYI, we ALWAYS fix jets the right way wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more). It made it hard when I was inspected on the day I returned from the States but we stilled passed but our upper supervision did not like how close we did pass.
The inspection last week really should how bad my unit is. We were getting in trouble because we took a lot of hits because we need to generate 11 lines of airplanes with 40 people which is not enough when many tasks require 2 or more people. Since the hits were really on stupid mistakes that should not happen, we slowed down and starting to take our time. We are know getting yelled at by our upper supervision because we are not generating lines and our jets are really broke. It is a lose-lose situation. So I am will continue to generate plane with safe quality maintenance. It makes me feel but because that covers my behind when QA hits.
This post is dedicated to Michelle since you like to past judgment on me because I enjoy cooking.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
What a Great Church Family
Being part of the Chapel, I have the opportunity to listen to different view of the Bible. Lately, the preaching have not been filling because the chaplain is emergent. besides that, today I went to praise team practice to gain more skill at running sound. When walk into the church the praise leader and the guitar player asked me how I was doing since I had to leave quickly to make to my grandfather's funeral. It makes me know that groups of Christians that love the Lord will always be there when you need them or when you don't. Praise God for this praise team.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
A poem
I am going to feature for you reading pleasure a poem that my grandfather wrote. His is talking about the amount of old tractors that he owned. They were placed in what I would come to know as the junk yard.
There is a grave yard on our family farm,
But human bones do not rest there.
It's full of once proud machines of the past,
Lines ond lines of ageless iron.
Whispers of other times,
Neglected but not forgotten.
Rows of machinery from auction sales,
A reminder of neighbors and friends.
Machines I loved to collect and own,
Waiting to be restored by a loving hand.
To be proud and useful oncemore.
Maybe some part needed to make repair,
Forever a link to the past.
Remembered but replaced by newer machines.
Now I have passed away, I know,
I will not walk this land.
Somehow through God's grace, I hope,
Someone will understand,
And not disturb this hallowed spot.
Secluded on the hills,
Where ageless iron sites in lines,
A reminder of ther times.
A Grave Yard
By Elmo Sughroue
There is a grave yard on our family farm,
But human bones do not rest there.
It's full of once proud machines of the past,
Lines ond lines of ageless iron.
Whispers of other times,
Neglected but not forgotten.
Rows of machinery from auction sales,
A reminder of neighbors and friends.
Machines I loved to collect and own,
Waiting to be restored by a loving hand.
To be proud and useful oncemore.
Maybe some part needed to make repair,
Forever a link to the past.
Remembered but replaced by newer machines.
Now I have passed away, I know,
I will not walk this land.
Somehow through God's grace, I hope,
Someone will understand,
And not disturb this hallowed spot.
Secluded on the hills,
Where ageless iron sites in lines,
A reminder of ther times.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
A funeral Catholic style.
Since I have been a Christian and read Tim Challies' "the Discipline of Spiritual Discernment," I have been more judging of what people say especial on religion. I could hear the fact that we must work our way to Heaven durning my grandfathers funeral. I notice that the Catholic missed the mark which is why Luther rebelled and created Lutherism. I notice that my grandfather by the status of the priest made it to Heaven but by a standard that God used I have to question if my grandfather is really in Heaven. Anyways, I must get off and buy Ice Cream for tonight. Plus I am also getting tired. Which is funny because I slept for approx. 10hrs last night and had a 3hrs nap this afternoon. Next time I blog, I will be back in England.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Going back to the States.
I found out today that my Grandfather passed away. I will be leaving the States this Wednesday to attend the funeral. Please pray that my family and me especially my mother, for it was her dad that passed.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
"I am good enough to get to heaven"
Here is a news story on about a 7 year old kid that broke into a zoo.
Read it here.
Do we need any more proof that we are sinful people needing some one to save us. That is why Christ died for us. To save us from the wrath of God because we sin. Enough said.
Read it here.
Do we need any more proof that we are sinful people needing some one to save us. That is why Christ died for us. To save us from the wrath of God because we sin. Enough said.
It is hard to be Christian around non-Christians.
The title says it all. Yesterday, I was at Moron AB, Spain. Since I choose to not drink any type of alcohol, I was a DD. We went to Moron de la Frontera so they could drink. Then also decided to find a strip club. Since I was already with them and said that I would DD, I went along. I told them that I was going to say in the car and not enter. After a night of driving to find a blinky blinky, we finally found (to much of my disappointment). But being to true to my word, I remained in the car except to pee behind the building. Anyways, 3 hrs later and 1/4 tank of gas, they finally exited the building that is slowly destroying the moral fibers of our society, we went to base. I was back in my room at 4am just in to for my 515am show for breakfast. They are talking about going to the blinky blinky again tonight. I might hang with the crew instead. They are only going to grab a few beers here in the Azores. Tomorrow night is a bull fight, I might catch it. I will take my camera and get some pics. Also wait for some pics of the KC-10 we refueled that in turn refueled AV-8B Harriers.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Obama and Palin plus views from Christians who support Obama.
Hopefully, if God's grace allows, I will bring to my readers my thought on the present state of affairs here in the US about the Presidential Race. I will also use a couple of Christians to see why they are voting liberal and not the more Biblical worldview of the Republicans. Hopefully, again by God's grace alone, I will provide a Biblical worldview on the current state and try and weed out. I do want to make clear that I have declared that I support the Republicans but I will say that I will never ever vote for Obama.
I am also talking to 2 friends to get there view on why Obama is a better candidate. It should be interesting because I am trying and not force my views on them.
Also a little rant. Why does the US Government give Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac some billion dollars and the CEO (or whatever he is called) walks away with $9.3 Million severance package for sending the company to rock bottom?
I am also talking to 2 friends to get there view on why Obama is a better candidate. It should be interesting because I am trying and not force my views on them.
Also a little rant. Why does the US Government give Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac some billion dollars and the CEO (or whatever he is called) walks away with $9.3 Million severance package for sending the company to rock bottom?
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
This past weekend was the first AWANA that I was able to teach. I used an AWANA tool called the Gospel Wheel. There is 6 verses that are used to show God's character and action and men's character and actions. I started with man's actions which is sin. The verses used is Romans 3:23 and 6:23. I next explain that God loved us usinng John 3:16. John 3:16 provided a great segway to Romans 5:8 which is God's action. I finally explained that the Gospel was defined in 1 Corthinians 15:3-4; "For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures." (ESV) I would explain next that our actions are to trust (Acts 16:31) like someone would trust a parachute when jumping from a plane and repenting of sins (Matt 3:2).
This next week I am going to teach about
This next week I am going to teach about
Friday, September 12, 2008
Where were you when found out about 9-11?
I want to take some time to tell you where I was on Sept 11, 2001. I was a sophomore in high school and walking towards my orchestra class when I past a TV in the library office. I notice that the Today Show on NBC was showing one of the towers with smoke coming out of it. I did not stop but continue to my class. My next class was a study hall for people that were in special education. I was in the class becuase my IQ score in math and reading had a gap that was greater than 20 points. That is when I heard about the second tower and the Pentagon getting hit. I also watched one of the towers fall. I would later talk about the war in Iraq and how I was against an attacked based on reports on weapons of mass destruction.
This is my generation of a major event like Kennedy's shootings and Vietnam. Let us never forget.
This is my generation of a major event like Kennedy's shootings and Vietnam. Let us never forget.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
No More Internet
From this point on, I will not have internet at least for a little while.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
New House and AWANA Starts.
I have some new readers and some do not know what AWANA is. AWANA is an acronym for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed or 2 Timothy 2:15. It is a children program that incourges kids to memorize Bible Verses and read the Bible. This year I am moving up to trek which is middle school age kids. This was somewhat of my descision but I still want to work the Truth & Training or T&T (2-6th grade). I know that I will still have some fun. Awans starts tomorrow the 7th.
Also with AWANA, I have started to move which has become a bigger task then first thought. The good thing is the next time I move, I do not have to really left a finger. But everything is going well with many snags. enough about that.
I also are in a couple of classes so that has suffer b/c of move. I skipped (Amanda never skip class {Amanda is my sister who started college}) my class last Thursday and will have to miss my class Tuesday- Thursday next week b/c of work.
Also with AWANA, I have started to move which has become a bigger task then first thought. The good thing is the next time I move, I do not have to really left a finger. But everything is going well with many snags. enough about that.
I also are in a couple of classes so that has suffer b/c of move. I skipped (Amanda never skip class {Amanda is my sister who started college}) my class last Thursday and will have to miss my class Tuesday- Thursday next week b/c of work.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Heads Up Notice!
I just everyone to know that I will not have internet after Friday. That means no US phone, e-mail, blog, facebook and etc. I will be able to ck my e-mail at the library so even if you call and leave a message, I will be able get the info. Talk to all later.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Welcome to the Ninth Month.
So I am trying to brain storm with a ice cream sandwich aznd kool-aid (which is a Nebraska invention). I am think of a political theme post because that is what I have been listening to especially when some of my liberal Christian friends like Obama. I have to say that I completely dislike Obama's plans to help the world.
B/c Christians are told to help the sick, the poor, homeless, the broken hearted and not the government. The government misses one point about helping these groups of people. They tend to miss out on sharing a gospel with these people. Obama seems to be getting liberal Christians (what an oxymoron) on hand b/c he wants to help these groups. Again, Jesus told CHRISTIANS to help the world and NOT THE GOVERNMENT!!!!! enough said.
Obama's is not a great debater. I have yet seen him answer a tough question (I do admit that I do not listen to a lot of his speeches). When I was listen to A Christian Worldview with David Wheaton, it seemed like Obama when around question and not a solid answer. McCain seemed to answer question well but that does not mean I am going to vote for him (Although his VP seems to be a person I could vote for, I do have one question, is she young-earth creationist?).
I was also found out that Obama energy plans is a giant hoax. There is a lot of things that can help us saving gas. The problem I see is that a little can help but OPEC is not dumb. All they have to do is stop exporting as many barrels keeping the price high. What would drive the prices down would be a sudden increase in crude oil that OPEC could not control. That is why off-shore drilling would help bring down prices.
Even though it seems that I would vote for McCain, I think there still might be a better candidate for president.
B/c Christians are told to help the sick, the poor, homeless, the broken hearted and not the government. The government misses one point about helping these groups of people. They tend to miss out on sharing a gospel with these people. Obama seems to be getting liberal Christians (what an oxymoron) on hand b/c he wants to help these groups. Again, Jesus told CHRISTIANS to help the world and NOT THE GOVERNMENT!!!!! enough said.
Obama's is not a great debater. I have yet seen him answer a tough question (I do admit that I do not listen to a lot of his speeches). When I was listen to A Christian Worldview with David Wheaton, it seemed like Obama when around question and not a solid answer. McCain seemed to answer question well but that does not mean I am going to vote for him (Although his VP seems to be a person I could vote for, I do have one question, is she young-earth creationist?).
I was also found out that Obama energy plans is a giant hoax. There is a lot of things that can help us saving gas. The problem I see is that a little can help but OPEC is not dumb. All they have to do is stop exporting as many barrels keeping the price high. What would drive the prices down would be a sudden increase in crude oil that OPEC could not control. That is why off-shore drilling would help bring down prices.
Even though it seems that I would vote for McCain, I think there still might be a better candidate for president.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
CTK, class, and praises.
First order of business is to tell everyone that I am going to the tool crib but the praises to God is higher than last post. With AWANA on Sundays now, I will not have to worry about not getting enough sleep for work. My speech class is unbelievible time consuming. Reading tons for that class and also reading alot for my Human Resoruce Managment class. I will post more later about these classes.
I also want to note that I might change plans about want I am going to do after I leave the AF. Again more to come.
I also want to note that I might change plans about want I am going to do after I leave the AF. Again more to come.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Moving, paperwork, and a new job.
So in two weeks, I will be moving into a new house/ old barn and I also might be doing a new job starting Sept. 1st. Among all this is a massive amount of paper work that has to get done.
So about the new job. I will be working in are support area. So I will be making sure that all tools that are used on the flightline are accounted for. I do not want to go to support because then I will have to fly a desk and not work on airplanes. I was told that I will be working with Technical Orders and the laptops that they are on.
Cons: I do not want to work their. No more TDY aka seeing really cool places on the expanse of the government.
Pros: A more stable work schedule in which I will be able to be available for working sound on Sundays, Awana (either on Wednesday or Sunday), and being a project monitor for PMOC. In other words, I can be more depended on it what I do at the chapel. I can also be able to do school work at work.
Even though I do not want to go to support, I see that going to support will help the ministries that I am a part of. I will still have to work an weekend every month or 2.
About moving. First I will comment on my mother comment about on being like my uncle. That is I am not like my uncle although an CD rack made out of Legos is pretty sweet. Anyways, I am going to look at some more furniture today at Thedford (Thomas Paine was born where) and Bury St. Edmund (Sidenote: That is where buried St. Edmund). I get the keys on the 4th and then on the 5th I can start to move in.
Well I need to eat so breakfast so I must leave, anyways have a nice weekend and I will see everyone later.
So about the new job. I will be working in are support area. So I will be making sure that all tools that are used on the flightline are accounted for. I do not want to go to support because then I will have to fly a desk and not work on airplanes. I was told that I will be working with Technical Orders and the laptops that they are on.
Cons: I do not want to work their. No more TDY aka seeing really cool places on the expanse of the government.
Pros: A more stable work schedule in which I will be able to be available for working sound on Sundays, Awana (either on Wednesday or Sunday), and being a project monitor for PMOC. In other words, I can be more depended on it what I do at the chapel. I can also be able to do school work at work.
Even though I do not want to go to support, I see that going to support will help the ministries that I am a part of. I will still have to work an weekend every month or 2.
About moving. First I will comment on my mother comment about on being like my uncle. That is I am not like my uncle although an CD rack made out of Legos is pretty sweet. Anyways, I am going to look at some more furniture today at Thedford (Thomas Paine was born where) and Bury St. Edmund (Sidenote: That is where buried St. Edmund). I get the keys on the 4th and then on the 5th I can start to move in.
Well I need to eat so breakfast so I must leave, anyways have a nice weekend and I will see everyone later.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
This is a series of question that have been brought to my attention.
Why is American church voting for a presidential candidate that supports killing over 4 million Americans a year?
Why do Americans think that God is blessing a country that does not even follow his commandments?
Why do Americans accept the fact that homosexuals are equal when they actually are living in a sin that will cause them to get to hell?
Why is it wrong to be correct according to the Bible?
Why do people think I have a close mind when I say Jesus is "the Way, the Truth, and the Light?"
Why do people think that I judge them when I saw that everyone deserves hell because of our lack of obedience to our Creator, our Savior, and our God?
Why does the liberalism accuse conservative Christian of not help the world when the conservative Christian give more money and time in helping the world than any other group?
2 Timothy 4:1-4
1 I charge you (Christian) in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: 2 preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. 3 For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, 4 and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.
NOTE: This is also posted on Facebook and Myspace.
Why is American church voting for a presidential candidate that supports killing over 4 million Americans a year?
Why do Americans think that God is blessing a country that does not even follow his commandments?
Why do Americans accept the fact that homosexuals are equal when they actually are living in a sin that will cause them to get to hell?
Why is it wrong to be correct according to the Bible?
Why do people think I have a close mind when I say Jesus is "the Way, the Truth, and the Light?"
Why do people think that I judge them when I saw that everyone deserves hell because of our lack of obedience to our Creator, our Savior, and our God?
Why does the liberalism accuse conservative Christian of not help the world when the conservative Christian give more money and time in helping the world than any other group?
2 Timothy 4:1-4
1 I charge you (Christian) in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: 2 preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. 3 For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, 4 and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.
NOTE: This is also posted on Facebook and Myspace.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Take this Church of Global Warming.
I was reading an article on called "Magma Heats Stuff." I guess scientist have found underwater hot spots in the Arctic Circle. They found one under a ice stream. I would only assume that Global Warming would have a part with the hot spots because it seems that no scientist have found how old they are. With extreme heat that can melt ice would cause ice to melt. So yes the polar caps are melting. Why? Becuase of a world wide flood that would have split the earth in half.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Furniture Shopping
I am not a big person on shopping unless I am at Cabela's or other outdoor/camping stores. So today I went t2 different locations to shop for furniture and I am completely lost on what I want to get. What makes it hard is that I want to buy something that will last at least until I am like 60 years old (which is only around the corner, ie time goes by fast). Ok that is extreme but I want to last until I have to update, maybe 10 years or so. I am also thinking about the apartment that I will be moving into next year in OKC. The first thing I notice is that AFFES is too overpriced here overseas. I have notice that they know that most GIs and family will by their stuff and so they jack up their price. They also only buy namebrand items and give a discount so it is still above what I can afford. It is cheaper to order 3 DVDs off of Amazon and get them shipped then it is to buy DVDs at the BX. So after looking at overpriced AFFES stuff, I went off base to Bury St. Edmunds and looked at a store that I have seen on my way to center of Bury. They had lower prices but still in pounds but once they were converted it was a little above AFFES prices. I am think of going back to a different places in Bury to look at furniture and maybe over to Cambridge to see what they have to buy.
I will catch everyone next time on THE ENGLAND FILE.
I will catch everyone next time on THE ENGLAND FILE.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Being a Christian at Work.
This post is more for me than anything. I have notice in my life as a crew chief, that I have not been living up to a subpar level as a Christian at the work place. I am quick to judge people (not on salvation) for their mistakes when possible it was not them, I complain about people behind their back, and I do not show the joy that I have in my life with Christ. In light of this, my section chiefs have wanted me to act more like a Staff Sargent (SSgt) since I am now a Senior Airmen (Sra). Be more of a leader. I am try to figure all this out. I am trying to be more confronting when I see a problem and find more info. A bad example would have been this morning. I accused a SSgt of not finishing forms for a wash. I was upset that he did not do what I told that needed to be done. When I confronted him about it, he exampled that he wanted are truck driver to drop me off so the forms would get done. I was mad at him because our truck driver would not take me to him because he also was mad to him (for other reasons). That was not very Christian of me and a make against my testimony for Christ. Now since I have seen my problem, with God's grace, I am going to change my attitude to reflect more of my Christian beliefs. Please pray that by God's grace I can live more like his Son at work.
Also I want to share that at my last TDY, I was less then Christian as I had to much alchole by my standard. I do not drink much so I do not know how drunk I was but I did have a headache when I stop drink and started to drink water and eat gyros (real gyros). Just wanted everyone to know so that they will pray for when I go TDY again.
Also I want to share that at my last TDY, I was less then Christian as I had to much alchole by my standard. I do not drink much so I do not know how drunk I was but I did have a headache when I stop drink and started to drink water and eat gyros (real gyros). Just wanted everyone to know so that they will pray for when I go TDY again.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Souda Bay, Crete, Greece Pictures.
Here are some pictures from my trip to Souda Bay, Crete, Greece. On the 2nd day of the trip we flew over Iraq, Saudi, UAE, and Egypt.

Chania, Crete, Greece
Souda Airport (Not NAS Souda Bay)
mountains behind the tail. I think this is going to be always a shot I will try to get. Tail with nature. I might put to aileron control tab style to it (like this picture).

Monday, August 11, 2008
No posty for long time.
I know I have not posted in awhile but I have a great excuse. I was in Crete doing what American GIs do in Crete, whatever we do. I will share some pics later at a different time. I have been slacking in my thing lately like reading my Bible, pray (which tends to be all the time), Studying, reading my Christian and anti-Emergent blogs, and listen to podcasts. In fact I need to read 112 blog posts and listen to 113 podcasts (I want everyone to know that podcasts in not a word in the world of Firefox web browser). I guess I am my work cut out for me. I also start my last 2 classes for my CCAF (so is CCAF) at the end of the month. Anyways, I need to grab clothes from dryer and get ready for the thing everyone calls work. I like to call a complete chaos in which I get a stick across my behind. I just looked chaos in the dictionary (which I misspelled by edit) to see if I spelled it right and it also means: "Greek Mythology the first created being, from which came the primeval deities Gaia, Tartarus, Erebus, and Nyx." Good to know, since I was just in Crete, Greece. Ok I am a little tired and trying to throw a blog post together to maintain my post everyday disaster, which I have failed 2 months in a row. I wish everyone a goodnight as I must attend to the Greek Mythology called chaos.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
That is all I have to say 'bout that. Also it is thundering outside and I need to pack. Later.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Looking to Move Off Base.
I think I have found a nice semi-detached home in Isleham (eyes-lam). It is about 15-20 mins from base and it is quite. It will cost me about £830a month plus Utilities. The house 2 years old but the building is older. It was a barn before a house. I am going to look at another but I want that house as of now. It has an open kitchen, living and dining room. It has 2.5 baths which includes 2 full baths un-stairs. It is a 2 bedroom home.
Here is a Google Map of the home.
View Larger Map
Here is a Google Map of the home.
View Larger Map
Monday, August 4, 2008
The Bowers are Gone.
Since I have been in Military, the one thing that is still hard to do is say good-bye to the people that you grow close to. It was a hard Sunday night when I had to say good-bye to the Bower family as they leave for the States. I will miss seeing the family in church, Brain at PMOC, and their fellowship that they had. I can not even start to list why I am soo thankful for knowing the Bower Family. More later to come.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
I missed the Dark Knight.
So today I was planning on seeing the Dark Knight in Bury St. Edmunds. Will I did not because I decided to a nap at 1830 for 1hr. I would later wake up at 2315ish. So long for watching it this weekend. I might and try to catch this week before I leave on my TDY to where ever doing what every mission. So as I seat to read "Why We're Not Emergent (By Two Guys Who Should be)" and enjoy learning about a liberal church movement that will change our country for a while. I have also noticed that I have 51 blog posts to read. much fun.
I also heard a good comment today about Obama. Obama would be reaching farther into American pockets leaving American only with change. You can listen to this comment and others comments on Christian Worldview with David Wheaton.
I also heard a good comment today about Obama. Obama would be reaching farther into American pockets leaving American only with change. You can listen to this comment and others comments on Christian Worldview with David Wheaton.
More pictures for Al Udeid and Sig
The plane we took with the Sicilian mountains in the background.

This is a picture of Catana, Sicily.

Another picture in Catana.
This is an front loading Boeing 747 cargo jet. The front is similar as the C-5 the US uses.
The shore of Sicily.
Volcano on the island of Sicily.
Snow covered peaks of the Alps.
And the final picture is...
A picture of Paris.
You can see all pictures here
and you can also see approx of where I took the pictures.
Friday, August 1, 2008
1st day of August
Hello, the all the people that read this pointless blog . It is a new month and another chance for me to blog everyday this month minus the days I am not in England. I am preparing to go TDY again to a new place, hopefully. I might start sharing about a book I am reading call "Why we are not Emergent (By two guys how should be)." It is really a great book and must read if you want to know more about the Emergent Church and its leaders. So long and catch all of you on the flip side.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Failed MOT and getting ready to settle down.
This past week was a bad week but not a really bad week. I was overworked all week because of Obama in Europe and other things that are going on in the world. On Thursday, I failed my MOT test so I could drive here in England. Not worry, I will have it fixed by the end of the week.
What I really want to talk about is settling down. Since I have started to read, I have had a desire to settle down and start living a life less changing. I want to find the perfect woman that God will place in front of me (I will still have to find her) and start a family. The more I learn about singleness the more I want to settle. I can not wait to move back to Oklahoma and start to settle a little. I think it is funny that 18-21 years that live in the dorm and are wild are the reason why the AF treats dorm residence like kids. They have no need to settle and start a family. They are a cause of the lower population by reproducible. I see that they have fun (at least they were sober this time), but their has be a time where we need to start realize the need to settle down and find a perfect mate (hopefully some one of the opposite sex). Maybe the fact that I hangout with families has something to to with this. I think that God has gifted me with a great knowledge on how a marriage should look like. I have lots of example here and I praise God for that. I still have that touch with kids and it fun to run and play. Now only if I ever have kids that are so much fun without the other stuff (like raising them). Okay, I am only joking.
I lost my train of thought so I will continue it later.
What I really want to talk about is settling down. Since I have started to read, I have had a desire to settle down and start living a life less changing. I want to find the perfect woman that God will place in front of me (I will still have to find her) and start a family. The more I learn about singleness the more I want to settle. I can not wait to move back to Oklahoma and start to settle a little. I think it is funny that 18-21 years that live in the dorm and are wild are the reason why the AF treats dorm residence like kids. They have no need to settle and start a family. They are a cause of the lower population by reproducible. I see that they have fun (at least they were sober this time), but their has be a time where we need to start realize the need to settle down and find a perfect mate (hopefully some one of the opposite sex). Maybe the fact that I hangout with families has something to to with this. I think that God has gifted me with a great knowledge on how a marriage should look like. I have lots of example here and I praise God for that. I still have that touch with kids and it fun to run and play. Now only if I ever have kids that are so much fun without the other stuff (like raising them). Okay, I am only joking.
I lost my train of thought so I will continue it later.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
A quick post on some thoughts about singleness.
As I have learned and read sermons about singleness. I have one question about it. Singleness is a gift but is it a seasonal gift or a life long gift or can it be both seasonal and a life long gift? It seems to be a fitting question since Paul was single his whole life as according to 1 Corinthians 7. According to Debbie Maken in "Getting Serious about Getting Married", she claims that you are either single for a lifetime or destined to be married and you need to start early. Where David Wheaton believes that it is more of a seasonal then, but is that why he is still single? Is their a balance between devoting everything to God and yet still be able to find a wife or husband? Do I do what Dr. MacArthur says and claim a gift of singleness until I have a desire to get married, is that what I am suppose to do?
I first thoughts are that I should take this gift of singleness as a seasonal thing and I should devote my ever waking hour to sever God. Meanwhile, I should be looking at women that I should marry (which is hard in a military for of ungodly single women). But would looking for a wife (in my case) pull me away from serving my God every waking moment (which I have o say I do not do and their seem to sin aways)? Another question is that have I isolated myself so much because of shyness, is it even possible to meet women when I have a pool to choose from?
I guess as I learn more about singleness, the more I found different view. At least it is not a fundamental part of the Christian doctrine and is somewhat debatable.
Now is your time to chime in you .2 daily readers I have (this are made up stats).
I was just actually thinking how funny it is to have a regular blog were only one person reads ever once-in-a-while. I guess the real question is do I continue to write in this world called the blogosphere?
I first thoughts are that I should take this gift of singleness as a seasonal thing and I should devote my ever waking hour to sever God. Meanwhile, I should be looking at women that I should marry (which is hard in a military for of ungodly single women). But would looking for a wife (in my case) pull me away from serving my God every waking moment (which I have o say I do not do and their seem to sin aways)? Another question is that have I isolated myself so much because of shyness, is it even possible to meet women when I have a pool to choose from?
I guess as I learn more about singleness, the more I found different view. At least it is not a fundamental part of the Christian doctrine and is somewhat debatable.
Now is your time to chime in you .2 daily readers I have (this are made up stats).
I was just actually thinking how funny it is to have a regular blog were only one person reads ever once-in-a-while. I guess the real question is do I continue to write in this world called the blogosphere?
Friday, July 18, 2008
Singleness, the podcast part 2
This is a response on the post "Singleness, the Podcast". Please listen to audio before reading this post.
I just want to comment on what David Wheaton said about being single. As I have read articles and listen to podcasts, I have since understand that everything has a season. As much as we need to embrace the season that God has but us in. David brings a good point that he is single until the Lord tells his otherwise. The Lord has a reason on why I am in England and it is not to fight GWOT. I will know later but I need to embrace my season here as I do get to travel around Europe. The biggest thing I need to work on is to devote myself completely to God while I am single. So what I wanted to point out on this study of singless is that when you are single continue to live like you are called to be single until God has changed the season you are in and brings you a mate to spent the rest of your days with.
I just want to comment on what David Wheaton said about being single. As I have read articles and listen to podcasts, I have since understand that everything has a season. As much as we need to embrace the season that God has but us in. David brings a good point that he is single until the Lord tells his otherwise. The Lord has a reason on why I am in England and it is not to fight GWOT. I will know later but I need to embrace my season here as I do get to travel around Europe. The biggest thing I need to work on is to devote myself completely to God while I am single. So what I wanted to point out on this study of singless is that when you are single continue to live like you are called to be single until God has changed the season you are in and brings you a mate to spent the rest of your days with.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Please Support Living Waters
Living Waters is a ministry that puts on Way of the Master TV/Radio. They also create and print tracts to hand out. Since I have started to listen to Way of the Master Radio, I have found Tim Challies who gift is discernment. Through Tim Challies, I found ministers like CJ Mahaney, Joshua Harris, Mark Dever, and others that I know listen to. They are asking only to give what you can. Unlike Klove or Air 1, they have not said how much and this is also the first time that they have asked for donations from their viewers. Please consider in helping a ministry that oftens put topics that I mention here in my head. You can support them at
4 Days, 3 Countries, Round Trip and Much to See and Do.
As many know, I went TDY to the desert but there was more. After spending 24 hrs at Al Udeid (pronouced al u-deed), Qatar (which do not allow you to take camels through customs) and dealing with 130 deg F on the flight line and about 150-160 deg F in the jet. 24 hrs was enough for me. It was also humid and that made it worse. We stayed in tents (and it was intense) instead of the trailers they have for the deployed people. When we landed at The Deid (pronounced deed), it was already 33 deg C at about 0400Z.

This is a picture of a RAF Tornado loaded to kill. The ground guy came out to tell us that the plane was loaded and if we could move our plane. I informed him that we are waiting on so things that the jet would be moved shortly.

This is a picture of one of many ramps that planes are parked on.

This is a picture of sand some where in Qatar. There was lots of it.
This is the A-10 we refuel on our way to NAS Sigonella. The A-10 home station is Spangdahiem AB, Germany.
This is a picture of a RAF Tornado loaded to kill. The ground guy came out to tell us that the plane was loaded and if we could move our plane. I informed him that we are waiting on so things that the jet would be moved shortly.
This is a picture of one of many ramps that planes are parked on.
This is a picture of sand some where in Qatar. There was lots of it.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
I am leaving for a couple of days
I want to inform everyone that I am going down range for a couple of days. I will try and post while there and maybe so pics of the base. Later.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Singleness, the podcast
This post is from The Boundless Show. The Boundless show is a production of and is a ministry of Focus on the Family. The interview is with David Wheaton. The 1st clip is 6 mins long and the 2nd clip is about 10 mins long. I will post my thoughts later in this post.This is the first clipThis is the second clip
The song is Gentle Revolution By Scott Krippayne off his Autobiography CD and not his Autograph CD (which does not exist) Thanks Management.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Religion and Politics
I want to tackle an issue that we Christians must tackle while we have a choice to vote. I am not saying that we need to vote for a certain candidate or with a certain party but based on the word of God.
As Christian in America, we need to protect the morals of the Bible. We need to stand up and show the unbeliever that their sins are not welcome to Heaven. What sins do you ask? Homosexuality, abortion, and a false gospel that lead people away from God.
First with homosexuality. 1 Corinthians 6:5-10 clearly states,
The King James uses the word effeminate, which means 1)having feminine qualities untypical of a man : not manly in appearance or manner or 2) marked by an unbecoming delicacy or overrefinement (
The word effeminate in Greek is malakos which means:
These are not my words but God's word. The agenda of the homosexuals are to make their sins equal to the Christians who have repented and trusted. Homosexuals can not go to heaven when they continue to live in a homosexual lifestyle. Homosexuality is a chosen lifestyle and is not natural. Homosexuality is a sin that came because of the fall of man.
Abortion is also another issue that Christians must be against. A current presidential candidate has been quoted saying that children are a curse because of a sin that created it (ie rape, sex outside of marriage) but yet fatherhood starts at conception. I do not believe that when a baby is aborted, that the baby could be the next greatest thing on earth, but I do believe that every child is a gift for God no matter how it was started. A women who was raped could give the baby up for adoption and that child can be an answer to a prayer for a married man and woman. Did you know that more African-American child have been aborted then who died because of oppression in America. African-Americans have been killing more of THEIR OWN than what the white Americans have done since the creation of the US. So is abortion right?
And now I tackle the reason behind all of this and it deals with "churches" that claim to preach the true Gospel. The problem is that they do not mention that ALL WILL GO TO HELL unless you repent (turn from sin) and trust in Christ. These "churches" has fallen away from the Word of God and preach what the people want to hear. They also try and use the government to do what CHRISTIANS are called to do. Christians must go and help the poor and preach the whole gospel, the law/hell and grace/Jesus. Helping the poor does not advance the will of God, the will of God is to preach the whole gospel to the whole world.
As I do not currently go a preach the gospel to the lost, I do give money to people who do and shortly will be going to start preaching to the lost.
With all this said, as Christians we must understand the Word of God and vote based on what it says. We see that a disobedient country will fall to the hand of God and God wrath will be against that country. Tornadoes, floods, and hurricanes are all weapons that God uses to show us his wrath. Even those natural disaster, God shows his power and also shows that he is above all things.
So voting for a liberal agenda will undermine God and that is not what a country should do when it was started based on God's value of life and morality. Let us not turn away from God or let the earthquakes shake our country down.
As Christian in America, we need to protect the morals of the Bible. We need to stand up and show the unbeliever that their sins are not welcome to Heaven. What sins do you ask? Homosexuality, abortion, and a false gospel that lead people away from God.
First with homosexuality. 1 Corinthians 6:5-10 clearly states,
I say this to your shame. Can it be that there is no one among you wise enough to settle a dispute between the brothers, but brother goes to law against brother, and that before unbelievers? To have lawsuits at all with one another is already a defeat for you. Why not rather suffer wrong? Why not rather be defrauded? But you yourselves wrong and defraud—even your own brothers! Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.(ESV)
The King James uses the word effeminate, which means 1)having feminine qualities untypical of a man : not manly in appearance or manner or 2) marked by an unbecoming delicacy or overrefinement (
The word effeminate in Greek is malakos which means:
- soft, soft to the touch:
- metaph. in a bad sense,
- effeminate
- of a catamite
- of a boy kept for homosexual relations with a man
- of a male who submits his body to unnatural lewdness
- of a male prostitute (
These are not my words but God's word. The agenda of the homosexuals are to make their sins equal to the Christians who have repented and trusted. Homosexuals can not go to heaven when they continue to live in a homosexual lifestyle. Homosexuality is a chosen lifestyle and is not natural. Homosexuality is a sin that came because of the fall of man.
Abortion is also another issue that Christians must be against. A current presidential candidate has been quoted saying that children are a curse because of a sin that created it (ie rape, sex outside of marriage) but yet fatherhood starts at conception. I do not believe that when a baby is aborted, that the baby could be the next greatest thing on earth, but I do believe that every child is a gift for God no matter how it was started. A women who was raped could give the baby up for adoption and that child can be an answer to a prayer for a married man and woman. Did you know that more African-American child have been aborted then who died because of oppression in America. African-Americans have been killing more of THEIR OWN than what the white Americans have done since the creation of the US. So is abortion right?
And now I tackle the reason behind all of this and it deals with "churches" that claim to preach the true Gospel. The problem is that they do not mention that ALL WILL GO TO HELL unless you repent (turn from sin) and trust in Christ. These "churches" has fallen away from the Word of God and preach what the people want to hear. They also try and use the government to do what CHRISTIANS are called to do. Christians must go and help the poor and preach the whole gospel, the law/hell and grace/Jesus. Helping the poor does not advance the will of God, the will of God is to preach the whole gospel to the whole world.
As I do not currently go a preach the gospel to the lost, I do give money to people who do and shortly will be going to start preaching to the lost.
With all this said, as Christians we must understand the Word of God and vote based on what it says. We see that a disobedient country will fall to the hand of God and God wrath will be against that country. Tornadoes, floods, and hurricanes are all weapons that God uses to show us his wrath. Even those natural disaster, God shows his power and also shows that he is above all things.
So voting for a liberal agenda will undermine God and that is not what a country should do when it was started based on God's value of life and morality. Let us not turn away from God or let the earthquakes shake our country down.
It is sad to say goodbye.
If you do not know, in the military there are times when you have to say goodbye. This week, I have to say goodbye to the Ken MacDonald family. Ken and his wife have are the ones who got me to help at Awana and I cannot thank them enough. I got to know Ken's boys through Awana and also through other fellowships. They leave this week for his new assignment which I know that God will provide them more oppertunities to advance His will through this family. Please pray for Ken and his family as they fly to his new base.
If Ken or family is reading this, thanks for everything.
If Ken or family is reading this, thanks for everything.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Herman Who?
"Herman Who" is a DVD that I watched tonight. It is about hermeneutics which is the only why to understand text in the Bible and an application that is worthy of the God. You can buy the DVD at or at This is a good DVD that teaches the basic of hermeneutics.
I am going try and effectively use it on the Bible Study blog as I continue to go thru 1 John. I might go through a little about hermeneutics in the next couple of days. That is if I get some time and do not have to work.
I am going try and effectively use it on the Bible Study blog as I continue to go thru 1 John. I might go through a little about hermeneutics in the next couple of days. That is if I get some time and do not have to work.
Even if I had to work last night for a couple of hrs and then not leaving my room from 2300-1100. Everyone else, have a great day.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
I am a little upset.
I am so glad that I am not going to stay in. The Air Force likes to consider itself to be a regular company. One problem, if a regular company treated their employees like how the AF treats it employees, that company is not going far. Today is room inspection day and there are two times when which they were going to inspect rooms. The times were 0800 and 1430. My room is normally inspected at 0800 because I am at work. Well today, they inspected my room at 1430 time while I WAS SLEEPING SO I COULD WORK TONIGHT. That is wrong on so many levels. I called my section but of course not cares about the airmen in the dorms. The biggest problem I have is that what they did is against the regulations that I must follow for maintenance. So when I go to work tonight and something happens because I was tried, it is my fault because I did not get enough sleep. Or I will get in trouble because I fell asleep at work. It is a lose-lose situation.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Already failed at posting everyday in July.
I can not even post on the first day, I am 42 mins late. Maybe God did not will it. I was even thinking about posting about some music lyrics I heard on Air 1 when I went to get food. I got back to my dorm room and completely forgot to post. Anyways it is 0100 and I have to be at work in 3hrs so I want to take this time to comment about a post on blog. The post is called "Men Afraid of Bad Marriage."
The lady writing the post was reading an article about how men are afraid about marriage. The article is secular in nature but many Christian men feel the same way according the writer from talking with her single group at church. She claims that "two resounding themes [that men are afraid of commitment]: 1. A lack of desire for marriage (or suspicion of it); 2. An uncertainty about how to go about it. (The second is a sentiment I have heard often from my male friends. One guy recently told me, "I think a lot of guys would be willing to walk through that door [commitment] if they only knew where it was.")."
As I know people who have courted, I think that a fear of commitment is because we do not have a proper fear of God. I really can not talk because I am single without a relationship that would even come close to an idea of marriage. What I have heard or overheard is that you will know if God wants to marry that person. If both are strong in the Lord I think that they are right. It is trusting the Lord. As I have learned about biblical dating, it seems that it looks at what will generate a marriage that is worthy of God praise. If God is pleased with the relationship and that it looks like a relationship that God has described. They a fear to commit for the rest of your life is an easy choice.
BTW, I still have a ways to go in trusting in the Lord and also becoming a true man after God's heart but God is working on me. I have also realized that if what I feel that God wants me to do in my life is right, I need to get over this fear of commitment of marriage and get married.
I hope this post makes sense, I was going to wrote a comment on the blog but my writing was not making sense. So for all people (all zero of you) who read my blog, please comment about this.
The lady writing the post was reading an article about how men are afraid about marriage. The article is secular in nature but many Christian men feel the same way according the writer from talking with her single group at church. She claims that "two resounding themes [that men are afraid of commitment]: 1. A lack of desire for marriage (or suspicion of it); 2. An uncertainty about how to go about it. (The second is a sentiment I have heard often from my male friends. One guy recently told me, "I think a lot of guys would be willing to walk through that door [commitment] if they only knew where it was.")."
As I know people who have courted, I think that a fear of commitment is because we do not have a proper fear of God. I really can not talk because I am single without a relationship that would even come close to an idea of marriage. What I have heard or overheard is that you will know if God wants to marry that person. If both are strong in the Lord I think that they are right. It is trusting the Lord. As I have learned about biblical dating, it seems that it looks at what will generate a marriage that is worthy of God praise. If God is pleased with the relationship and that it looks like a relationship that God has described. They a fear to commit for the rest of your life is an easy choice.
BTW, I still have a ways to go in trusting in the Lord and also becoming a true man after God's heart but God is working on me. I have also realized that if what I feel that God wants me to do in my life is right, I need to get over this fear of commitment of marriage and get married.
I hope this post makes sense, I was going to wrote a comment on the blog but my writing was not making sense. So for all people (all zero of you) who read my blog, please comment about this.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Heidi Montag Recording Christian Album
I have mixed emotions about this story. Back in the day when I was not so pumped about learning about doctrine, I watched at show on MTV called "The Hills." It me it was a other Orange County Girls that have not respect (a now more mature Christian view). The leading lady I guess is going to produce a Christian Album. Cool but I have some problems because I know what her show was about. Why I have mixed emotions is because criticized her because she said , "Jesus was persecuted, and I’m going to get persecuted, ya know?" The writer of the artcule said, "She did not just compare herself to Jesus. Yes, yes, she did." The problem the editor does not seem to know is that she is right. To put that comment into just lighting, it was after an other actress claim she (Heidi) was spreading rumors about that actress having a sex tape. I guess all I can do is pray that she will become like Kirk Cameron and not do stop Hollywood stuff. You can read the assult an actress that claims to live for the lord here.
In case you are wondering how I found this story, I saw it on the homepage of the free e-mail service I use.
In case you are wondering how I found this story, I saw it on the homepage of the free e-mail service I use.
Can I do 31 days of posting.
I just want to try and see if I can post for the next 31 days starting July 1st. There will be no schedule posts.
I also have to admit that I have been reading the Bible like I should. Please pray that I can get back to reading. Thanks.
I also have to admit that I have been reading the Bible like I should. Please pray that I can get back to reading. Thanks.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Dr. MacArthur and singleness
As I said, I read 2 sermons called "Reasons for Remaining Single" by Dr. John MacArthur. Dr. MacArthur is is the preacher of Grace Community Church in LA and is also head of Grace to You Ministry. You can reach his ministry at These sermons were both found at Grace to You website and the link to the sermons will appear at the bottom of the post.
Dr. MacArthur gave 5 points for remaining single. The points are:
Pressure of the System:
Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 7:26 the first reason to remain single. Paul writes, "I think that in view of the present distress it is good for a person to remain as he is "(ESV). Dr. MacArthur tells us that because of the current problems. Distress in Greek in anagken, Dr MacArthur thinks the secondary meaning of anagken, which also means violence, is a better translation. He believes that the violence was so great that Paul wanted people to remain single. MacArthur uses the example of Paul and what if Paul had a wife and kids. If Paul had a wife and kids, just think of the thoughts of them. When Paul left would the see their husband/father ever again. MacArthur stresses that this for people called to be singled. MacArthur writes, "You see in the violence of the world in which Paul lived, marriage was a terrible encumbrance to somebody who was a Christian--at least in the sense of the ministry that he had."(pg 4)
I would agree with MacArthur. Paul's ministry would have been challenged by having a wife and kids. We see what happen to Paul in Acts, just think that Jesus said that people will hate us because they hated Christ. Look at the people in Africa or South America that are killed by guerrillas and other militant groups. They are killing Christians, now just think if you had a wife and kids back home or even with you. You would be worried about them but if you are called to remain single and are advancing the kingdom that is one less problem to deal with.
Problem of the Flesh:
The second reason to remain single come is verse 28 and that reason is problems in the flesh. Verse 28 of 1 Corinthians is "But if you do marry, you have not sinned, and if a betrothed woman marries, she has not sinned. Yet those who marry will have worldly troubles, and I would spare you that. (ESV)" MacArthur expresses that "humanness in marriage that makes for trouble. Even though the Holy Spirit wants perfect unity, humanness creates problems."(pg 7) That is the problem, get a couple of sinners together and problems will arise, at more sinners and then you have a recipe of disaster. MacArthur also says that marriage does not solve problems, it only magnifies them. Again that is if you have the gift of singleness. MacArthur does state that the only problem marriage solves is being obedient to God's will.
Passing of the World:
Guess what, this world is going to gone soon and there is nothing you can do about. Also, there are no marriages in heaven. Paul is telling us in verses 29-31 that the end of the world in near. "This is what I mean, brothers: the appointed time has grown very short. From now on, let those who have wives live as though they had none, and those who mourn as though they were not mourning, and those who rejoice as though they were not rejoicing, and those who buy as though they had no goods, and those who deal with the world as though they had no dealings with it. For the present form of this world is passing away. (ESV)" MacArthur stresses that Paul is telling the Corinthians to not get attach to the stuff that will pass away when the world ends to include marriage. Jesus tells us in Mark 12:25, "For when they rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven. (ESV)" This is Jesus' answer to the Sadducees about their question about a women marring 7 brother and which one will she marry in heaven (Mark 12:18-27). MacArthur is urging singles with the gift of singleness to not marry and deal with a worldly relationship. This also allows them to devote themselves to God.
Preoccupation of the Married:
Paul writes in verses 32 through 35, "I want you to be free from anxieties. The unmarried man is anxious about the things of the Lord, how to please the Lord. But the married man is anxious about worldly things, how to please his wife, and his interests are divided. And the unmarried or betrothed woman is anxious about the things of the Lord, how to be holy in body and spirit. But the married woman is anxious about worldly things, how to please her husband. I say this for your own benefit, not to lay any restraint upon you, but to promote good order and to secure your undivided devotion to the Lord. (ESV)" MacArthur writes on pg 4 of part 2, "There are certain cares that just encumber your mind when you're married. A married man must concentrate on things concerning his wife. A single unmarried, verse 32 says, cares for the things that belong to the Lord how he may please the Lord. Now this is potential, people. It doesn't mean that every single person is totally devoted to Jesus. It's just that he has the potential for that total devotion. There is an undistractedness that comes in the life of an unmarried person. He has only really one set of cares and that is his relation to the Lord. The married person has a divided set of cares, the Lord and his family." I think that explains it will enough. A single guy with me can devote much time to the Lord. I think even if some is called to be married, the time to serve the Lord is when you are single. I can pretty much go where the Lord needs me and help. MacArthur shows an example from Luke 14. It is that a married man could not follow Jesus because he was married. Marriage hinders a full devotion to God because you want to please your partner.
Permanence of the Union:
Permanence, what? Paul tells all in verses 39, "A wife is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But if her husband dies, she is free to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord. (ESV)" A marriage lasts until one dies or the end of the world, which ever comes first. If a married person feels that he needs to be single, he must wait until his wife dies before he can do what he was called. Marriage is a long-term haul that only God separate and not be considered sin. Divorcing your wife because God wanted you to remain single in not a valid reason. In modern day vows, it is till death do us part. There no playing around when you get married. If you have the gift of singleness and are married, you have not sin but you can not divorce because of it. So before one gets married, one must figure out if he/she is called to remain single or to married.
My comments:
I learned a lot about being single. I want to stress that this is just a study and in no why do I think I have the gift of singleness. As I read more and more of the sermon, the more and more I notice that it was not my calling. I do not quite agree with Dr. MacArthur say that violence is another word for distress. But he also has study Greek and I have not so I can not say if he is right or not.
Points 1, 2, and 3 are part 1 of the 2 part series. You can read it here. Points 4 and 5 are the second part and you can get that here.
Dr. MacArthur gave 5 points for remaining single. The points are:
- Pressure of the System
- Problems of the Flesh
- Passing of the World
- Preoccupation of the Married
- Permanence of the Union
Pressure of the System:
Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 7:26 the first reason to remain single. Paul writes, "I think that in view of the present distress it is good for a person to remain as he is "(ESV). Dr. MacArthur tells us that because of the current problems. Distress in Greek in anagken, Dr MacArthur thinks the secondary meaning of anagken, which also means violence, is a better translation. He believes that the violence was so great that Paul wanted people to remain single. MacArthur uses the example of Paul and what if Paul had a wife and kids. If Paul had a wife and kids, just think of the thoughts of them. When Paul left would the see their husband/father ever again. MacArthur stresses that this for people called to be singled. MacArthur writes, "You see in the violence of the world in which Paul lived, marriage was a terrible encumbrance to somebody who was a Christian--at least in the sense of the ministry that he had."(pg 4)
I would agree with MacArthur. Paul's ministry would have been challenged by having a wife and kids. We see what happen to Paul in Acts, just think that Jesus said that people will hate us because they hated Christ. Look at the people in Africa or South America that are killed by guerrillas and other militant groups. They are killing Christians, now just think if you had a wife and kids back home or even with you. You would be worried about them but if you are called to remain single and are advancing the kingdom that is one less problem to deal with.
Problem of the Flesh:
The second reason to remain single come is verse 28 and that reason is problems in the flesh. Verse 28 of 1 Corinthians is "But if you do marry, you have not sinned, and if a betrothed woman marries, she has not sinned. Yet those who marry will have worldly troubles, and I would spare you that. (ESV)" MacArthur expresses that "humanness in marriage that makes for trouble. Even though the Holy Spirit wants perfect unity, humanness creates problems."(pg 7) That is the problem, get a couple of sinners together and problems will arise, at more sinners and then you have a recipe of disaster. MacArthur also says that marriage does not solve problems, it only magnifies them. Again that is if you have the gift of singleness. MacArthur does state that the only problem marriage solves is being obedient to God's will.
Passing of the World:
Guess what, this world is going to gone soon and there is nothing you can do about. Also, there are no marriages in heaven. Paul is telling us in verses 29-31 that the end of the world in near. "This is what I mean, brothers: the appointed time has grown very short. From now on, let those who have wives live as though they had none, and those who mourn as though they were not mourning, and those who rejoice as though they were not rejoicing, and those who buy as though they had no goods, and those who deal with the world as though they had no dealings with it. For the present form of this world is passing away. (ESV)" MacArthur stresses that Paul is telling the Corinthians to not get attach to the stuff that will pass away when the world ends to include marriage. Jesus tells us in Mark 12:25, "For when they rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven. (ESV)" This is Jesus' answer to the Sadducees about their question about a women marring 7 brother and which one will she marry in heaven (Mark 12:18-27). MacArthur is urging singles with the gift of singleness to not marry and deal with a worldly relationship. This also allows them to devote themselves to God.
Preoccupation of the Married:
Paul writes in verses 32 through 35, "I want you to be free from anxieties. The unmarried man is anxious about the things of the Lord, how to please the Lord. But the married man is anxious about worldly things, how to please his wife, and his interests are divided. And the unmarried or betrothed woman is anxious about the things of the Lord, how to be holy in body and spirit. But the married woman is anxious about worldly things, how to please her husband. I say this for your own benefit, not to lay any restraint upon you, but to promote good order and to secure your undivided devotion to the Lord. (ESV)" MacArthur writes on pg 4 of part 2, "There are certain cares that just encumber your mind when you're married. A married man must concentrate on things concerning his wife. A single unmarried, verse 32 says, cares for the things that belong to the Lord how he may please the Lord. Now this is potential, people. It doesn't mean that every single person is totally devoted to Jesus. It's just that he has the potential for that total devotion. There is an undistractedness that comes in the life of an unmarried person. He has only really one set of cares and that is his relation to the Lord. The married person has a divided set of cares, the Lord and his family." I think that explains it will enough. A single guy with me can devote much time to the Lord. I think even if some is called to be married, the time to serve the Lord is when you are single. I can pretty much go where the Lord needs me and help. MacArthur shows an example from Luke 14. It is that a married man could not follow Jesus because he was married. Marriage hinders a full devotion to God because you want to please your partner.
Permanence of the Union:
Permanence, what? Paul tells all in verses 39, "A wife is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But if her husband dies, she is free to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord. (ESV)" A marriage lasts until one dies or the end of the world, which ever comes first. If a married person feels that he needs to be single, he must wait until his wife dies before he can do what he was called. Marriage is a long-term haul that only God separate and not be considered sin. Divorcing your wife because God wanted you to remain single in not a valid reason. In modern day vows, it is till death do us part. There no playing around when you get married. If you have the gift of singleness and are married, you have not sin but you can not divorce because of it. So before one gets married, one must figure out if he/she is called to remain single or to married.
My comments:
I learned a lot about being single. I want to stress that this is just a study and in no why do I think I have the gift of singleness. As I read more and more of the sermon, the more and more I notice that it was not my calling. I do not quite agree with Dr. MacArthur say that violence is another word for distress. But he also has study Greek and I have not so I can not say if he is right or not.
Points 1, 2, and 3 are part 1 of the 2 part series. You can read it here. Points 4 and 5 are the second part and you can get that here.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
1 sermon done, 2 or 3 more to go
I just finished with Dr. John MacArthur sermon on 1 Corinthians 7:25-31. It was titled "Reasons for Remaining Single part 1." That means there is also part 2 plus his sermon "To Marry or Not to Marry." Expect something this weekend. I might just post my opinion about Dr. MacArthur's view. It was different then what I was thinking of but still very good stuff. Again more to come.
The More by Downhere
Here is a new song on my Ipod that I have enjoyed listening to, it is by Downhere. The title is called "The More." It does not mention God but it still has great lyrics. ENJOY!
I met You like a little child
Wide-eyed and mystified
That You could love even me
So I'm here to testify
That it's been an amazing ride with You
And I have never walked alone
Wanna give You every moment, every minute
It's takes a lifetime to know You, to know You
And the more You show me, the more You grow me
The more Your glory becomes all there is
And the more I know You, the more I need You
The more I love You, the more You become to me
Fast-forward to the golden years
A smaller pride and a bigger fear
But still, no way are we done yet
I pray that You would keep me mystified,
In every way that I will still abide in You
Till You come to take me home
Wanna give You every moment, every minute
And take a lifetime to know You, to know You
Wanna give You every moment, every minute
I'll take a lifetime to know You
Hold me Lord, keep me
Draw me closer every moment of my life
After edit note: This is no might be called "The More." That was a bad editing problem before first post. So as the military says, Carry on.
I met You like a little child
Wide-eyed and mystified
That You could love even me
So I'm here to testify
That it's been an amazing ride with You
And I have never walked alone
Wanna give You every moment, every minute
It's takes a lifetime to know You, to know You
And the more You show me, the more You grow me
The more Your glory becomes all there is
And the more I know You, the more I need You
The more I love You, the more You become to me
Fast-forward to the golden years
A smaller pride and a bigger fear
But still, no way are we done yet
I pray that You would keep me mystified,
In every way that I will still abide in You
Till You come to take me home
Wanna give You every moment, every minute
And take a lifetime to know You, to know You
Wanna give You every moment, every minute
I'll take a lifetime to know You
Hold me Lord, keep me
Draw me closer every moment of my life
After edit note: This is no might be called "The More." That was a bad editing problem before first post. So as the military says, Carry on.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Too much to read about singleness.
So I am downloaded all the sermons that Dr. John MacArthur have given on 1 Corinthians 7. Many of you might not have read Dr. MacArthur stuff but it is heavy. There is a lot to read and try to check and discern. I will try and get some read by Friday and post on it but his stuff is really deep. I am also going to find some other stuff by other pastors. More to come.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Is Lack of Male Leadership to blame for Singleness in America?
Okay, I lied a couple of posts ago. I said that I was going to post about what I read from John MacArthur, John Piper, and other pastors. I am going to talk about Debbie Maken "Getting Serious about Getting Married." Chapter 4 was about lack of male leadership. As I want to pass the blame to women, like Adam passing the blame to Eve, She has a point. She used education/independence, lack of leadership in the house, and lack of leadership in the church.
She claims that men want to get more and more schooling to get a good job that they tend to put off marriage until the find the perfect job. Also on the independence side of the house, most men now (to include me) want to remain free to do whatever their heart desires. I am big into getting dirty by camping for days without showers to only be wowed by God's creation. She is right and that kind of upsets me. I see it in my life but also in the life of others. As I start to plan my big European Adventure, it appears that I am the only one going. Just think, 25-30 days traveling around Europe constantly. Only sleeping in hotels once every 3 to 4 days. All other times are sleeping on a train and no one to bug you. Sweetness waiting to happen.
It is not just men but also women who are putting off marriage until they are done with schooling and have a good job. The problem is that most of the time, men and women are looking the perfect job and jump around trying to find it. Debbie thinks it is the fact that most men what women to be independent from men. So women must continue to get educated to stay competitive with men.
I did find out the average age for a woman to get married is 27 and man is 29, just a little fun fact.
The next reason, Maken believes that singleness is higher now is because of a lack of leadership in the home. I completely agree. It was my mom that ran the show in my house and she also held a job to help (and not be independent) raise me and that other person they called my sister (I completely disown her, and my family does not read this blog so I can totally say that). In fact, most of my childhood was without my father in the house. He was always busy with a 2nd job or a church committee meeting. I think this blame goes more to the fathers today than the kids today. The fact that the father is not pushing children to marry like in the good ol' days is as much the church as it is the family. I was never pushed to get married but I also so much shyer than my sister. I notice it today with others I can know.
Hopefully this next topic does go in a different direction then the idea of the post. I truly believe that the church is what is causing the rise of singleness. As a whole (both Biblical and non-biblical) churches have gone away with a talking about marriage. I never heard any messages (or ones that I remember) about marriage until I came to England (hence the name England File if you never knew). The reason I have a string passion about this problem is that churches (if you call them churches) know do not preach from the Bible. Maken uses an example of a pastor that encourage marriage and do not but singleness and marriage on the same playing field. He also knew that some might be called to remain singled. The group this pastor was with, he saw that none of the kids were called to remain single. She wrote:
I would like to note that she claims that feminists are not all the blame. Debbie Maken makes the point that pointing fingers at feminist for producing easy sex that cause marriage to not happen now only "show our own [Christian] hypocrisy." (pg 66) She makes her point by concluding:
She claims that men want to get more and more schooling to get a good job that they tend to put off marriage until the find the perfect job. Also on the independence side of the house, most men now (to include me) want to remain free to do whatever their heart desires. I am big into getting dirty by camping for days without showers to only be wowed by God's creation. She is right and that kind of upsets me. I see it in my life but also in the life of others. As I start to plan my big European Adventure, it appears that I am the only one going. Just think, 25-30 days traveling around Europe constantly. Only sleeping in hotels once every 3 to 4 days. All other times are sleeping on a train and no one to bug you. Sweetness waiting to happen.
It is not just men but also women who are putting off marriage until they are done with schooling and have a good job. The problem is that most of the time, men and women are looking the perfect job and jump around trying to find it. Debbie thinks it is the fact that most men what women to be independent from men. So women must continue to get educated to stay competitive with men.
I did find out the average age for a woman to get married is 27 and man is 29, just a little fun fact.
The next reason, Maken believes that singleness is higher now is because of a lack of leadership in the home. I completely agree. It was my mom that ran the show in my house and she also held a job to help (and not be independent) raise me and that other person they called my sister (I completely disown her, and my family does not read this blog so I can totally say that). In fact, most of my childhood was without my father in the house. He was always busy with a 2nd job or a church committee meeting. I think this blame goes more to the fathers today than the kids today. The fact that the father is not pushing children to marry like in the good ol' days is as much the church as it is the family. I was never pushed to get married but I also so much shyer than my sister. I notice it today with others I can know.
Hopefully this next topic does go in a different direction then the idea of the post. I truly believe that the church is what is causing the rise of singleness. As a whole (both Biblical and non-biblical) churches have gone away with a talking about marriage. I never heard any messages (or ones that I remember) about marriage until I came to England (hence the name England File if you never knew). The reason I have a string passion about this problem is that churches (if you call them churches) know do not preach from the Bible. Maken uses an example of a pastor that encourage marriage and do not but singleness and marriage on the same playing field. He also knew that some might be called to remain singled. The group this pastor was with, he saw that none of the kids were called to remain single. She wrote:
Until the church returns to preaching the superiority of marriage [and the gospel] over the singleness and the duty to marry, and until some of these single (especially the men) start to squirming in their seats and feel the shame that is rightfully theirs to bear if they are refusing to follow God's leading into marriage there will be no substantive improvement in the number of Christian marriages. (pg 75)I think she is completely right because most of the churches that do not teach biblical give topical sermons. Those churches are not biblical and that is what happens when a churches moves away from expositional preaching and go to weak Bible translations for topical sermons with bad understanding.
I would like to note that she claims that feminists are not all the blame. Debbie Maken makes the point that pointing fingers at feminist for producing easy sex that cause marriage to not happen now only "show our own [Christian] hypocrisy." (pg 66) She makes her point by concluding:
If indeed easy sex has deterred single men from marriage, then we need to concede that today's Christians single men in not celibate but is probably a sexually satisfied single. On that basis, why do we insist that 1 Corinthians 7 gives single men some kind of biblical exception to be single? Why aren't these presumably overly sexed single men being disciplined by the church, or even excommunicated [or in the case of Mormonism, you must work your way back to the church so you can work some more to get saved, no of it for the glory of God] for failure to repent for engaging in a sexual outlet other than marriage? Pointing to feminists and easy sex is a convenient distraction from the real problem concerning the formation of Christian marriages. Blaming feminist theory is as untenable as pretending that Adam's silence and the lack of leadership had nothing to do with the fall. (pg 66)I think there was lot to learn as a man. I personal have not shown the leadership needed to become married as I try to figure out what God wants me to do in my life. I think that all men, married and single, need to realize that we need to get on the biblical train and start learning to take a leadership role in the family and not be like Ray from "Everyone Loves Raymond."
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