As many know, I went TDY to the desert but there was more. After spending 24 hrs at Al Udeid (pronouced al u-deed), Qatar (which do not allow you to take camels through customs) and dealing with 130 deg F on the flight line and about 150-160 deg F in the jet. 24 hrs was enough for me. It was also humid and that made it worse. We stayed in tents (and it was intense) instead of the trailers they have for the deployed people. When we landed at The Deid (pronounced deed), it was already 33 deg C at about 0400Z.

This is a picture of a RAF Tornado loaded to kill. The ground guy came out to tell us that the plane was loaded and if we could move our plane. I informed him that we are waiting on so things that the jet would be moved shortly.

This is a picture of one of many ramps that planes are parked on.

This is a picture of sand some where in Qatar. There was lots of it.

This is the A-10 we refuel on our way to NAS Sigonella. The A-10 home station is Spangdahiem AB, Germany.
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