Monday, September 1, 2008

Welcome to the Ninth Month.

So I am trying to brain storm with a ice cream sandwich aznd kool-aid (which is a Nebraska invention). I am think of a political theme post because that is what I have been listening to especially when some of my liberal Christian friends like Obama. I have to say that I completely dislike Obama's plans to help the world.


B/c Christians are told to help the sick, the poor, homeless, the broken hearted and not the government. The government misses one point about helping these groups of people. They tend to miss out on sharing a gospel with these people. Obama seems to be getting liberal Christians (what an oxymoron) on hand b/c he wants to help these groups. Again, Jesus told CHRISTIANS to help the world and NOT THE GOVERNMENT!!!!! enough said.


Obama's is not a great debater. I have yet seen him answer a tough question (I do admit that I do not listen to a lot of his speeches). When I was listen to A Christian Worldview with David Wheaton, it seemed like Obama when around question and not a solid answer. McCain seemed to answer question well but that does not mean I am going to vote for him (Although his VP seems to be a person I could vote for, I do have one question, is she young-earth creationist?).

I was also found out that Obama energy plans is a giant hoax. There is a lot of things that can help us saving gas. The problem I see is that a little can help but OPEC is not dumb. All they have to do is stop exporting as many barrels keeping the price high. What would drive the prices down would be a sudden increase in crude oil that OPEC could not control. That is why off-shore drilling would help bring down prices.

Even though it seems that I would vote for McCain, I think there still might be a better candidate for president.

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