Saturday, March 8, 2008

The differnce in Churches

I have always been a guy who likes the designs of buildings. Today, I went to St. Paul's Cathedral in London, the main CoE Cathedral in the City of London. It cost me £10 to get in. I always hate paying to see a church but I realize that having 1.4 million or so visitors every year can do some damage to the church. The details of St. Paul's are unexplainable and everything looks perfect. The pictures on the ceiling are one of a kind. After in awe of the details and see what churches look like back home and in Oklahoma. Where is the detail gone? More churches are going with a contemporary theme. They losses the beautiful craftsmanship. I know that God really does not care about where we worship because we should be worshiping everywhere. It might be the people. It seems that without science, people tend to believe in God and act like his was their king. They believe that God's place of worship should be like the royal palace. What happen to the pictures of what Christians believe? The pictures of Christ death or his birth? What Jesus helping the poor or eating with sinners? One reason I like to tour these cathedrals is to feel the sacredness that is needed to worship God. That awe of coming to the Creator to ask for his direction for our and others lives. I will leave you with lyrics from Matt Redman's Call to Worship and a couple of pictures.

"Come, come let us worship
Come let us recognize what a sacred thing we do
Come, let us bow down"

Listening to:
Matt Redman - Call to Worship
via FoxyTunes