It is approx 0300hrs GMT "Zulu" (Sunday Feb. 3, 2008) as I start to write again. I am trying to sleep but the coffee has not finished it job of getting me awake. This post is more about the whole trip instead. The trip started at 2000 GMT when I start to clean my room. I left at 0600hrs of the 26th to STN to fly to JFK. When I got to JFK, my first name, last name, and birthdate was flagged by the US Border patrol. There was a guy from New York with the same info and since I was coming into the States without in documents saying I left, I was hot. After showing some military documents, I was cleared to enter the United States. I would have to wait for a leaking steering metering value at JFK which almost made me late for my OKC flight home. This leak freaked people out. At least I know nothing was wrong. The steering value is used on ground only. So instead of the pilots using their engines to travel around. They would have to tow use around. It could be a slight problem on take-off and landing. They would normally use rudder in that case. This knowledge freaks me out because if something goes wrong in flight, I what cause it. I would make it to my DFW-OKC flight and then meet Betsy at the OKC airport. I would meet Jason and Thomas at their apartment. Tegan and Mike came by because they live like 500 ft away. I would see many of the group at the Base Chapel and also see, according to Joe, the "fruits of my labor." Since I left, almost all the members are people that I hang-out with and went to my final Sunday singing. They decided to attend and start to sing. Monday is really when I started to see the difference of being gone for 9 months. I also started to feel lonely that day and wrote "In Oklahoma and it Feels Weird." I would call the Chaplain I meet with in England to find some guidance but he had to get off early so he could out on a date with his oldest daughter. I notice that I was getting lost in the inside jokes and confusing Betsy with my dull aircraft knowledge/terms. Tuesday was diner night a Tegan's adn Wednesday was Praise Team practice/feel meal. I would meet a lot of people that I engaged with at church. It was fun for me. Thursday, Betsy, Kyle, Jason, and I went to Casting Crowns concert, which included John Waller and Leeland (AKA the girl-looking band). I was a little disappointed in John Waller and Leeland was punk/what-a-Christians-guy-should-not-look-like band. That might be a a little harsh but I believe they are still Christians and are doing a good thing. They just look a little worldish.
(side note: I just started to listen to "Here I am to Worship." Here I am to worship...You (God) are altogether loving, worthy, and wonderful to me./side note) Friday was Bible Study and Thomas, Jason, Kyle and I left early so you can caught a movie before it was to late for Thomas. We went and watch Juno. It was a good movie but I would not buy it. After the movie, Kyle picked up Betsy and then we headed to the guy's apartment. Betsy, Kyle, Jason, and I started to talk mostly about aircraft. I confussed Betsy with my again with my great dull knowledge of aircraft. FYI it is about 0330 GMT and the ocean is dark, I just looked outside.
Saturday was the day I was leaving. Betsy came by so we could have a Starbucks and Classical Music time. I tried to wake up Kyle, but he needed his beauty sleep. Betsy and I did not talk about Classical Music but more about what we wanted to accomplish in our life. I notice that my goals are the same since I was in college and it included me making lots of money and not God. Betsy went and picked up Kyle and then we headed over to Joe and Michelle's home because I needed to give them a gift. I also got a tour of there home. It was a nice little house near Tinker. After that, I left for the airport and getting ready to return to England. I was thinking that leaving was not hard this time because I know what I am getting to. I was wrong by far. It was even harder to leave. That is when I started to write the series of posts. I tried to call my parent to tell them that I was returning to England and hardly capable to speak because I was crying. I texted Kyle, "Why is it so hard to leave?" The texted back, "Because you don't want to." So true. That is why I wrote these post. I really did not want to leave Oklahoma. I was leaving a group of friends that were closer to me than my actually family. That is why it choose to Palace Chase back to Oklahoma and start school again.
From Stansted to base. I found out that my luggage did not make it England with me. And I was trying to make it to church on time, and was pulled over by a police officer during 96.44mph in a 70mph speed zone on the A 11, The A 11 connects Mildenhall to London (the M 11 after Cambridge). So I was late to church. After Church, everyone was surprise to see me because I was going to come back around 1100hrs.
Here are some picture of my flight at the sunrise approx 0645hrs.
Is not creation so beautiful? I was praising God the whole time I was watching the sun rise.
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