Follow along as I make my way back through seminary as Biblical and Theological Studies student.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
The Beauty will Take your Breath away.
I just love how God can pull you close to him in simple ways. My last post was about my trip to Bath. That trip ended with a great picture of Bath against the hills that surround it. This mo
rning God again showed his creations beauty. Outside my door are 2 small trees. They are in bloom and it is late February. What a treat it is to see spring is close. In Nebraska, spring arrives around late March or early April. What is it about the beauty of the Lord that it requires praise and why is it when we slow down? I do not have the answers but I do know that God does it for a reason. I guess a worldly example would be when a mother or father see there Children sleep and you feel a love (or that is what the movies show). Is that the same for our Lord? Being a avid backpacker in high school and college, I have seen some of the most beautiful land ever. It was so bad that when my parent were in awe of a place, I was thinking I have seen better. One of the best place I went backpacking was in the Wind River Range in Wyoming south of Yellowstone 100 miles. It is along the Green River (last post). Purple mountains majesty was an under statement.
It was the first time the pictures I took did not do justice to the area around. This area is still untouched and is protected by the government. The crowds in summer are still same. It is a true gem in the word. I think crowds are a big part in the beauty of the surroundings. I like Rocky Mountain National Park, Yellowstone, and the Great Smoky Mountains but Wind River will always be better. The landscape is untouched, the lakes are pure looking. I mean you can see several feet down and it is clear and not murky. I likes good enough to drink. I challenge everyone to stop and look at the beauty of the earth even in the city. God still created it through human hands.