Here is the Ambassador Creed that I found at the bottom of the inbox when I was cleaning it out. Through Christ, all of this will help us be a better ambassador for Christ.
- An ambassador is…
1. Ready. An Ambassador is alert for chances to represent Christ and will not back away from a challenge or an opportunity.
2. Patient. An Ambassador won’t quarrel, but will listen in order to understand, then with gentleness seek to respectfully correct those in opposition.
3. Reasonable. An Ambassador has informed convictions (not just feelings), gives reasons, asks questions, aggressively seeks answers, and will not be stumped by the same challenge twice.
4. Tactical. An Ambassador adapts to each unique person and situation, maneuvering with wisdom to challenge bad thinking, presenting the truth in an understandable and compelling way.
5. Clear. An Ambassador is careful with language, and will not rely on Christian lingo nor gain unfair advantage with empty rhetoric.
6. Fair. An Ambassador is sympathetic and understanding towards the opposition, and will acknowledge the merits of contrary views.
7. Honest. An Ambassador is careful with the facts and will not misrepresent his opponent, overstate his own case, or understate the demands of the Gospel.
8. Humble. An Ambassador is provisional in his claims, knowing that his understanding of truth is fallible, and will not press a point beyond what his evidence allows.
9. Attractive. An Ambassador will act with grace, kindness, and good manners and will not dishonor Christ in his conduct.
10. Dependent. An Ambassador knows that effectiveness requires joining his best efforts with God’s power.
Follow along as I make my way back through seminary as Biblical and Theological Studies student.
Friday, February 29, 2008
A Song of Hope
I listen to Air 1 a lot. More than that, I have to have music on all the time. It is like a little get-a-way. I also hate silence. This is a new song to me that I have heard and liked. Here are the lyrics so you can see what it says.
All things bright and beautiful You are
All things wise and wonderful You are
In my darkest night, You brighten up the skies
A song will rise
I will sing a song of hope
Sing along
God of heaven come down
Heaven come down
Just to know that You are near is enough
God of heaven come down, heaven come down
All things new
I can start again
Creator, God
Calling me Your friend
Sing praise, my soul
To the Maker of the skies
A song will rise
I will sing a song of hope
Sing along
God of heaven come down
Heaven come down
Just to know You and be loved is enough
God of heaven come down, heaven come down
Hallelujah, sing
Hallelujah, sing
Hallelujah, sing
All things bright and beautiful You are
All things wise and wonderful You are
In my darkest night, You brighten up the skies
A song will rise
I will sing a song of hope
Sing along
God of heaven come down
Heaven come down
Just to know that You are near is enough
God of heaven come down, heaven come down
All things new
I can start again
Creator, God
Calling me Your friend
Sing praise, my soul
To the Maker of the skies
A song will rise
I will sing a song of hope
Sing along
God of heaven come down
Heaven come down
Just to know You and be loved is enough
God of heaven come down, heaven come down
Hallelujah, sing
Hallelujah, sing
Hallelujah, sing
Sunday, February 24, 2008
My new Shirt
The Beauty will Take your Breath away.
I just love how God can pull you close to him in simple ways. My last post was about my trip to Bath. That trip ended with a great picture of Bath against the hills that surround it. This mo
rning God again showed his creations beauty. Outside my door are 2 small trees. They are in bloom and it is late February. What a treat it is to see spring is close. In Nebraska, spring arrives around late March or early April. What is it about the beauty of the Lord that it requires praise and why is it when we slow down? I do not have the answers but I do know that God does it for a reason. I guess a worldly example would be when a mother or father see there Children sleep and you feel a love (or that is what the movies show). Is that the same for our Lord? Being a avid backpacker in high school and college, I have seen some of the most beautiful land ever. It was so bad that when my parent were in awe of a place, I was thinking I have seen better. One of the best place I went backpacking was in the Wind River Range in Wyoming south of Yellowstone 100 miles. It is along the Green River (last post). Purple mountains majesty was an under statement.
It was the first time the pictures I took did not do justice to the area around. This area is still untouched and is protected by the government. The crowds in summer are still same. It is a true gem in the word. I think crowds are a big part in the beauty of the surroundings. I like Rocky Mountain National Park, Yellowstone, and the Great Smoky Mountains but Wind River will always be better. The landscape is untouched, the lakes are pure looking. I mean you can see several feet down and it is clear and not murky. I likes good enough to drink. I challenge everyone to stop and look at the beauty of the earth even in the city. God still created it through human hands.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
YOU STINK!!!!! Let's go to Bath.
Today I went on my first ITT day trip to the City of Bath. It was a sweet trip and a must see if you come to England. If you do not see Bath while in England, you are not an American. Seriously. Anyways, the City of Bath was an amazing city with more history than most people's moms. The town was star
ted by the Romans in the 4th century (evolutionist say around 15,000bc). The day started with an 4hr sleeping on the bus time. Did a walking tour of some sites with the city center of Bath to include walking down the expensive shops with the most up to date clothing lines from London and main land Europe. Saw a house that Nickolas Gage bought for 4 million pounds or $8 million. It is small, he over paid. Most of the Roman buildings have been destroyed but many houses from the Georgian Period are still around. Most houses in the center of the city are made with really Bath Stones. The newer houses are made by concert with one side covered with Bath stones. The architecture was beyond belief and the city was clean. After the walking tour, I had some lunch at a Italian pizza place. It
was good. I did find a Starbucks but did not stop. After eating, walk town a street that is in Vanity Fair with Reese Witherspoon. Then saw a funny street entertainer. He was really good. Then it was time to pay 10.50 quid to see the Roman Baths. It guess it was a large area with a wall. The hot spring which is used to take a bath in, is actually a hot spring. Unlike the hot springs in Yellowstone, these hot springs do not contain rotten eggs/sulfur. In other words, my friend Kyle's farts are not included. The water was green. That reminded me or the Green River in Wyoming up in the Wind River Range. The Green River starts in the range and the water is really green because of the soil. There where some nice pictures of the Bath on the way out but my slow reaction and a wall on the carriageway made the shot hard. I should have went for the mobile but I was not thinking. There was definitely to much to do in a 3 hrs period and I am going to plan a trip to Bath for a weekend. Then I can get more pictures of the city from on top of the hill. The weird fact about Bath, as just like Rome, the city is build in between hills. I will have to go this summer when they have a festival or something going on.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
The evil of money and the leave that is not meant to be
I guess this is kind of a public notice that I like 75% sure that I will not take leave in May like original plan. As it appears at this moment, I will be nearly $1000 off my suggested amount for leave. As I know that it will break many hearts that I cannot come back to see many, I need some serious dough before I go under. The problem that has risen is that a dear friend and bro in Christ has told me that he would pay for the trip. Although I thank God that he is gracious enough to pay for my airfare, I feel that it would be an easy way of getting around a problem and I do not feel right. I feel like I am using him even if he has said that it would not burden him. Trust me on this but it is a hard decision. I guess I do not see the importance of me being in his wedding. That comes since I have been to wedding since I became a Christian. Still the fact is that I do not feel that it is right to take my friend's money to fund a trip I knew about since last May. It is because of my financial responsibility is why I cannot go. I really do not know what to do. I have asked a couple of people and one said maybe to make it a loan in which I will pay it back. I like the idea but still confuse.
FYI: I have disable comments for a while.
FYI: I have disable comments for a while.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Saved by grace and not by works
This might seem to be in the wrong blog but it is what the Lord has been showing me lately. It is the whole salvation by grace alone. In this very blog, I wrote that I was not saved. This act goes against the Bible and the teaching that goes from it. So this week for Sunday School, I was to read little studies/devotionals about assurance of salvation. Also this week I started to receive a devotional called Day by Day by Grace from the site which is what I use to do my word searches for my Bible studies. I was thinking about the verse that Paul wrote Emphasis about being saved and the works that should come from it. I notice that I am saved by just believing in Christ and trusting him. This trust is what allows good works to come forth from me. So these works are now for the glory of God and not of me. If I was saved by my works that would give me grounds to save that I am a better person than my co-workers. I got boast just like Paul. But the next question of my salvation by works is how to I know that I saved. The Bible tells us that we are saved if we are born again in the spirit. I can not wait for what the Lord has on this topic as I continually learn to trust more and more on Him who saves.
Train up a Child
Yesterday (16 Feb 08), I went to the commissary to grab food so I stop losing weight. I went a booth that was selling girl scout cookies. After picking up a couple of big items, I needed to grab a cart. I went by the table once again and on of the girls recognized me from AWANA. She asked me if I wanted any cookies or to donate some to troops at forward deployed locations. She was a little disappointed that I had no cash on me. As I was finishing up my shopping, I decied to find an atm and get some cash. I went back to the commissary and bought some cookies. I got not resist the thin mints and had half of box gone by diner time. When this girl some walk up again, it was like a bright light. I ordered my 3 boxes of cookies. I do not know the impact I had on the children I am helping out. It was like AWANA is worth my not getting enough sleep for work. It is also a neat story to write about.
This concludes another pointless entry. Cheers!
This concludes another pointless entry. Cheers!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Fun on a Sunday
This video is of My main England man Levi and Megan a friend of his. I think he has a middle school girlfriend.

This is a pic of Levi (Middle), Gage (Right) and Me.
And 8 hrs later at work...

This is me board on a refuel looking at the gages on IFMP. This action could have blown up the aircraft so be luckily that you get to see me at work illegally.
Monday, February 11, 2008
What is the opposite of God?
That was a question that was asked yesterday during the sermon by the Sr. Protestant Chaplain at RAF Mildenhall. He tackled issues about the devil. Is the devil real or just a scapegoat was the question asked. He explained that in early Bible times, common medical problems were thought of a demons. Going through the Bible, we read that the devil is real spirit that has control to interfere with our lives. He asked the question about what is opposite of God and the common answer is the devil. Make sense, God is all love and the devil is all evil. He used Star Wars as an example. In Star Wars, there is one force with 2 ends. But that is not right, saying that the devil is the opposite of God is giving the devil the position of a god. This proves that Star Wars is not a good example to relationship of God and the devil. Reading the Bible tells us that the devil was an angel. He was believe he could be god and tried to overtake his creator. So who is the opposite of God and who is the opposite of the devil? There is nothing that is opposite of God because there is not all powerful like God. There is nothing that can destroy what God has created. Jesus is also not opposite him because Jesus is God. Then the opposite of the devil would have be the head archangel maybe Michael. Which makes perfect sense since both are angels. This is all I remember from the sermon, but these were the main parts of the sermon. He used several examples from the Bible to prove his points.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
A new T-Shirt
I am in the process of designing 2 new t-shirt to wear. The first idea comes from when I was in Oklahoma and was told that I was going to be set up with a "hot" Christian girl. After telling people I have lunch with that high standard for a girl is Christian and drinks coffee. We thought it would be a good t-shirt design:
FRONT: A single Christian guy looking for...
BACK: A HOT Christian girl that drinks COFFEE!
The other idea is from a couple weeks ago when at the same group, one of the children told me to stop chewing with my mouth full.
Front: Stop Chewing with your mouth full (A picture with a kid's mouth full of food)
Well that is the facts. They should be great t-shirts.
FRONT: A single Christian guy looking for...
BACK: A HOT Christian girl that drinks COFFEE!
The other idea is from a couple weeks ago when at the same group, one of the children told me to stop chewing with my mouth full.
Front: Stop Chewing with your mouth full (A picture with a kid's mouth full of food)
Well that is the facts. They should be great t-shirts.
My Final Grades are in and I passed.
I have been worried about my world religion class. The final grade was posted and I got an 79% or a C. Kinda stoked about it. I really needed an A but I will take a C because I hated to class. I also did well in my management class. I think I got a mideighties and which is a B. If I would have failed my world religion class, I would have to pay the money back to the Air Force. That is one less bill.
FYI: I posted some more on Why is it so hard to leave? Part 2. You should op ck it out. (CC talk)
FYI: I posted some more on Why is it so hard to leave? Part 2. You should op ck it out. (CC talk)
Saturday, February 9, 2008
It is almost 0630
Warning! This post will reduce your intelligence by 5 points.
Why is that I can not go to sleep. I need to try. I really hate working nights. That is when evil likes to hit. When it is dark. Will I am going to read and hopefully fall asleep. I am also board out of my mind. There is literal no one up right now besides me. Even people I know in the States are sleeping right now. This Stinks.
Why is that I can not go to sleep. I need to try. I really hate working nights. That is when evil likes to hit. When it is dark. Will I am going to read and hopefully fall asleep. I am also board out of my mind. There is literal no one up right now besides me. Even people I know in the States are sleeping right now. This Stinks.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Here are some more pictures of my Trip.
Why is leaving so hard? Part 2 And recap of OK Trip.
This part is from my plane ride from JFK to Stansted. It is not exactly to what I wrote. Again, I might post first names of people.
It is approx 0300hrs GMT "Zulu" (Sunday Feb. 3, 2008) as I start to write again. I am trying to sleep but the coffee has not finished it job of getting me awake. This post is more about the whole trip instead. The trip started at 2000 GMT when I start to clean my room. I left at 0600hrs of the 26th to STN to fly to JFK. When I got to JFK, my first name, last name, and birthdate was flagged by the US Border patrol. There was a guy from New York with the same info and since I was coming into the States without in documents saying I left, I was hot. After showing some military documents, I was cleared to enter the United States. I would have to wait for a leaking steering metering value at JFK which almost made me late for my OKC flight home. This leak freaked people out. At least I know nothing was wrong. The steering value is used on ground only. So instead of the pilots using their engines to travel around. They would have to tow use around. It could be a slight problem on take-off and landing. They would normally use rudder in that case. This knowledge freaks me out because if something goes wrong in flight, I what cause it. I would make it to my DFW-OKC flight and then meet Betsy at the OKC airport. I would meet Jason and Thomas at their apartment. Tegan and Mike came by because they live like 500 ft away. I would see many of the group at the Base Chapel and also see, according to Joe, the "fruits of my labor." Since I left, almost all the members are people that I hang-out with and went to my final Sunday singing. They decided to attend and start to sing. Monday is really when I started to see the difference of being gone for 9 months. I also started to feel lonely that day and wrote "In Oklahoma and it Feels Weird." I would call the Chaplain I meet with in England to find some guidance but he had to get off early so he could out on a date with his oldest daughter. I notice that I was getting lost in the inside jokes and confusing Betsy with my dull aircraft knowledge/terms. Tuesday was diner night a Tegan's adn Wednesday was Praise Team practice/feel meal. I would meet a lot of people that I engaged with at church. It was fun for me. Thursday, Betsy, Kyle, Jason, and I went to Casting Crowns concert, which included John Waller and Leeland (AKA the girl-looking band). I was a little disappointed in John Waller and Leeland was punk/what-a-Christians-guy-should-not-look-like band. That might be a a little harsh but I believe they are still Christians and are doing a good thing. They just look a little worldish.
(side note: I just started to listen to "Here I am to Worship." Here I am to worship...You (God) are altogether loving, worthy, and wonderful to me./side note) Friday was Bible Study and Thomas, Jason, Kyle and I left early so you can caught a movie before it was to late for Thomas. We went and watch Juno. It was a good movie but I would not buy it. After the movie, Kyle picked up Betsy and then we headed to the guy's apartment. Betsy, Kyle, Jason, and I started to talk mostly about aircraft. I confussed Betsy with my again with my great dull knowledge of aircraft. FYI it is about 0330 GMT and the ocean is dark, I just looked outside.
Saturday was the day I was leaving. Betsy came by so we could have a Starbucks and Classical Music time. I tried to wake up Kyle, but he needed his beauty sleep. Betsy and I did not talk about Classical Music but more about what we wanted to accomplish in our life. I notice that my goals are the same since I was in college and it included me making lots of money and not God. Betsy went and picked up Kyle and then we headed over to Joe and Michelle's home because I needed to give them a gift. I also got a tour of there home. It was a nice little house near Tinker. After that, I left for the airport and getting ready to return to England. I was thinking that leaving was not hard this time because I know what I am getting to. I was wrong by far. It was even harder to leave. That is when I started to write the series of posts. I tried to call my parent to tell them that I was returning to England and hardly capable to speak because I was crying. I texted Kyle, "Why is it so hard to leave?" The texted back, "Because you don't want to." So true. That is why I wrote these post. I really did not want to leave Oklahoma. I was leaving a group of friends that were closer to me than my actually family. That is why it choose to Palace Chase back to Oklahoma and start school again.
From Stansted to base. I found out that my luggage did not make it England with me. And I was trying to make it to church on time, and was pulled over by a police officer during 96.44mph in a 70mph speed zone on the A 11, The A 11 connects Mildenhall to London (the M 11 after Cambridge). So I was late to church. After Church, everyone was surprise to see me because I was going to come back around 1100hrs.
Here are some picture of my flight at the sunrise approx 0645hrs.

Is not creation so beautiful? I was praising God the whole time I was watching the sun rise.
It is approx 0300hrs GMT "Zulu" (Sunday Feb. 3, 2008) as I start to write again. I am trying to sleep but the coffee has not finished it job of getting me awake. This post is more about the whole trip instead. The trip started at 2000 GMT when I start to clean my room. I left at 0600hrs of the 26th to STN to fly to JFK. When I got to JFK, my first name, last name, and birthdate was flagged by the US Border patrol. There was a guy from New York with the same info and since I was coming into the States without in documents saying I left, I was hot. After showing some military documents, I was cleared to enter the United States. I would have to wait for a leaking steering metering value at JFK which almost made me late for my OKC flight home. This leak freaked people out. At least I know nothing was wrong. The steering value is used on ground only. So instead of the pilots using their engines to travel around. They would have to tow use around. It could be a slight problem on take-off and landing. They would normally use rudder in that case. This knowledge freaks me out because if something goes wrong in flight, I what cause it. I would make it to my DFW-OKC flight and then meet Betsy at the OKC airport. I would meet Jason and Thomas at their apartment. Tegan and Mike came by because they live like 500 ft away. I would see many of the group at the Base Chapel and also see, according to Joe, the "fruits of my labor." Since I left, almost all the members are people that I hang-out with and went to my final Sunday singing. They decided to attend and start to sing. Monday is really when I started to see the difference of being gone for 9 months. I also started to feel lonely that day and wrote "In Oklahoma and it Feels Weird." I would call the Chaplain I meet with in England to find some guidance but he had to get off early so he could out on a date with his oldest daughter. I notice that I was getting lost in the inside jokes and confusing Betsy with my dull aircraft knowledge/terms. Tuesday was diner night a Tegan's adn Wednesday was Praise Team practice/feel meal. I would meet a lot of people that I engaged with at church. It was fun for me. Thursday, Betsy, Kyle, Jason, and I went to Casting Crowns concert, which included John Waller and Leeland (AKA the girl-looking band). I was a little disappointed in John Waller and Leeland was punk/what-a-Christians-guy-should-not-look-like band. That might be a a little harsh but I believe they are still Christians and are doing a good thing. They just look a little worldish.
(side note: I just started to listen to "Here I am to Worship." Here I am to worship...You (God) are altogether loving, worthy, and wonderful to me./side note) Friday was Bible Study and Thomas, Jason, Kyle and I left early so you can caught a movie before it was to late for Thomas. We went and watch Juno. It was a good movie but I would not buy it. After the movie, Kyle picked up Betsy and then we headed to the guy's apartment. Betsy, Kyle, Jason, and I started to talk mostly about aircraft. I confussed Betsy with my again with my great dull knowledge of aircraft. FYI it is about 0330 GMT and the ocean is dark, I just looked outside.
Saturday was the day I was leaving. Betsy came by so we could have a Starbucks and Classical Music time. I tried to wake up Kyle, but he needed his beauty sleep. Betsy and I did not talk about Classical Music but more about what we wanted to accomplish in our life. I notice that my goals are the same since I was in college and it included me making lots of money and not God. Betsy went and picked up Kyle and then we headed over to Joe and Michelle's home because I needed to give them a gift. I also got a tour of there home. It was a nice little house near Tinker. After that, I left for the airport and getting ready to return to England. I was thinking that leaving was not hard this time because I know what I am getting to. I was wrong by far. It was even harder to leave. That is when I started to write the series of posts. I tried to call my parent to tell them that I was returning to England and hardly capable to speak because I was crying. I texted Kyle, "Why is it so hard to leave?" The texted back, "Because you don't want to." So true. That is why I wrote these post. I really did not want to leave Oklahoma. I was leaving a group of friends that were closer to me than my actually family. That is why it choose to Palace Chase back to Oklahoma and start school again.
From Stansted to base. I found out that my luggage did not make it England with me. And I was trying to make it to church on time, and was pulled over by a police officer during 96.44mph in a 70mph speed zone on the A 11, The A 11 connects Mildenhall to London (the M 11 after Cambridge). So I was late to church. After Church, everyone was surprise to see me because I was going to come back around 1100hrs.
Here are some picture of my flight at the sunrise approx 0645hrs.
Is not creation so beautiful? I was praising God the whole time I was watching the sun rise.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Why is leaving so hard?
This post was written in subjects according to the plane ride. I normal do not use names but it would confusing so I used on first b/c i wanted to only use first names.
At OKC's Will Roger until DC
What is it about leaving people that are like family? I am sitting in OKC will Roger airport and wondering how I can leave my family and not my friends. What makes it hard leaving? In May, when I left Nebraska, it was not hard to leave my parents. I think it is because I never had a tight connection with my parents. I did not see the lost of not having my parents around. Even when some of my friends from Nebraska dropped me off at the Omaha’s Eppley, it was not hard to see them go. I guess that is because we were not that close. Leaving Oklahoma, now and back in May, has been the hardest. I can accurately describe the feels that I am feeling right now but I am trying to call my parents and crying at the same time. It is kind of funny that I hated to be stationed in Oklahoma but I leave missing it.
From DC to JFK
So as I was flying from OKC to IAD (DC), I came to realize that I have to go back to Oklahoma to live (unless my friends PCS). I have asked the Lord for an answer for my reenlistment/separate as I come up to the end of my enlistment in the Air Force. I want to stay in so I choose to go reserve and go back to college. I am going to try to join the 507th ARW at Tinker working KC-135Rs. This answer to pray left a big burden and also allows me to hang out with my friends in Oklahoma. Now the question is what does the Lord require of me to do his will? The flight is 10 min out from landing and getting ready to board my next flight. The next flight is the longest but the last leg.
At OKC's Will Roger until DC
What is it about leaving people that are like family? I am sitting in OKC will Roger airport and wondering how I can leave my family and not my friends. What makes it hard leaving? In May, when I left Nebraska, it was not hard to leave my parents. I think it is because I never had a tight connection with my parents. I did not see the lost of not having my parents around. Even when some of my friends from Nebraska dropped me off at the Omaha’s Eppley, it was not hard to see them go. I guess that is because we were not that close. Leaving Oklahoma, now and back in May, has been the hardest. I can accurately describe the feels that I am feeling right now but I am trying to call my parents and crying at the same time. It is kind of funny that I hated to be stationed in Oklahoma but I leave missing it.
From DC to JFK
So as I was flying from OKC to IAD (DC), I came to realize that I have to go back to Oklahoma to live (unless my friends PCS). I have asked the Lord for an answer for my reenlistment/separate as I come up to the end of my enlistment in the Air Force. I want to stay in so I choose to go reserve and go back to college. I am going to try to join the 507th ARW at Tinker working KC-135Rs. This answer to pray left a big burden and also allows me to hang out with my friends in Oklahoma. Now the question is what does the Lord require of me to do his will? The flight is 10 min out from landing and getting ready to board my next flight. The next flight is the longest but the last leg.
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