Going to the mall to witness to some people has been a highlight because you just do not know who you run into. When street witnessing in England, you knew they were not Christian, for the most part. I had 2 good conversations today while at the mall. The first was to 3 young men. I used the curve illusion with the ticket to heaven, and some MDB. There were 2 ladies but the left. Two out of the three guys said that will go to Heaven and the other said to Hell because he has been bad. I would take them through the good person test and would watch them seem pretty convicted. They would probably never guess that on a field trip for DECA that they would have been witness to. It was a nice conversation since 2 of they had cross necklaces on. Please pray for them. I do not remember their names but God knows.
The next conversation would get kick out of the mall for soliciting. This man is name Isa, Jesus in Arabic, who was Muslim. He was sure that he would be going to heaven because he has done enough work. I used the law once and now realize that I should have used it again. It might not have mattered since he would never apply the law to himself without having other people involve. His friend was not that great of help even if he claimed to be a Christian. His friend would say that he has a faith so he is good and who am I to judge Isa. I told me that I was not judging but if the Bible is correct, his friend would go to hell because he does not understand Jesus rightly and that he has sinned against God. Isa would also never admit that every deserved Hell because he had sin against a holy God. I did tell him that lying lip are an abomination to the Lord and that all lairs will be thrown into the lake of fire. One mistake that I took away was that I was trying to convince him with knowledge and not always with God’s word. I need to remember that I do not save people, it if God and that God’s word will convict him. Even though it was not a great witness encounter, I learned a little about my tactic. One thing that I thought was interesting was that he would never admit that he was working to Heaven with work-righteousness. He could never say that but that is all that he said.
So reason for the title. I was told this by a security guard from the mall to end the conversation.