Follow along as I make my way back through seminary as Biblical and Theological Studies student.
Monday, August 31, 2009
200th Post.
UPDATE: I guess it is the 201st post, my dashboard was wrong and is off by one. My apology.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
A Refreshing Post
The church that I went to today and will go to the Sunday Night service to see how that works, was really great. The word was preached and it was not my first choice. It is done in the more traditional way with old hymns instead of the new repetitive lines songs.
God has brought a professor, who lead me to join the worship orchestra, to spent some time with. This could be a start to a new friendship with other Christians. He attends the church that I visited.
There is a lot that I still must trust God for like finding a wife and other friends. I also have been thinking about starting an evangelism group to reach Lynchburg. I think that Liberty needs to get out and witness to the community. I am praying that God presses on my heart so much that I have to act.
I hope this is more refreshing then the last couple of posts.
The Afters and What is Wrong with the Frosh.
So I went to the Block Party even though it rained about half way through. I got beat in some Madden 09. All is still well.
The main part of the post is about the freshmen that are here. My dad warned my that I people are not going to be, lets say, mature. I guess father knows best. He also used the GI Bill to attend college and also moved off campus. I guess this bugs me because I am here to find a godly wife and she must be ready to be married. I guess that there are some women that are ready but they did not seem to at the concert. Anyway, it started to rain and it postponed the concert a little bit but it allowed to see frosh jumping in the puddles. I was thinking that these are college students, these are fellow classmates. It is a going thing that I am graduating a year before them. I also though a 13 year old named Deborah. She lives in the UK and she is on FIRE for God. She happen to have a documentary done on her by BBC 3 and can be view in parts on Youtube. It is actually really great to watch if you have time. They went witnessing with her in the streets. She does it the Law-Grace method, same as Way of the Master. She does not know what really TV is. She would put all the freshmen, there might have been some upper-classmen also, to complete shame.
But then there was the concert, the beginning almost felt like a B-1 was taken off with the bass kicker. Fortunately, the B-1 has more bass and is much louder. It was a okay concert but there was a lot of things I would change. I like the concerts with out all the base, it made it hard to hear the voices, even though that is why the bass is turned up so much. The Casting Crowns concert I went to was at the right mix. The bass was heard but not overpowering. The Casting Crowns concert was a better time for me (Kyle can you back me on this one, not really). I recognized some songs from the radio and of course had more information for why the wrote certain songs. There were people crowd surfing which I thought was a little secular. The concert was definitely something that the world would have enjoyed. They did mention God after about 1/2 the show. I could not tell if the lead singer was trying to give a gospel presentation or trying to talk about God unfailing love. I am going with the God unfailing love because it was a terrible gospel presentation.
I think that this is enough for tonight (Sunday Morning). It is time for bed. Later and break a leg for God.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
A rainy? Block Party.
As I seat outside at Starbucks, I have been pondering if I should go to the LU Block party tonight. They have a couple of bands one is The Afters. I really do not know if I want to go but they said there is free food. I guess that is a plus. Although I have some Runza casserole waiting in my frig for me to eat it. It will be a change to meet some people to get to know. Although I did meet with a Professor from Liberty that I meet at a church that I will attend tomorrow. I went to there Sunday night service. So I decided this week that I will attend both Sunday morning and evening service to get the feel of the church. They do a program with some homeless every other Thursday, it is awesome that are caring about the people in Lynchburg. I have noticed that many time we neglate to witness within our own communities. Not just to the homeless but also to the professional and college students. I am looking for a group that is will to go out to the streets and win some souls for God.
Anyways, back to the block party. Why I have rainy? in the tittle is because it just stop raining and there are more clouds in the sky. Being the military man I am, I have my BDU Gore-tex because it is cleanest. (I have 2 of them plus an ABU one that is about black.) My fear is that I will not enjoy myself and not get accomplished what I want to do. I have been trying to get to know people in my classes a little but I am not one of those Hi my name is kinda guy. I am more of the "Have you gotton one of these" (hand a million dollar tract and smile). It is different coming to a new city. I was thinking about all the places I have been to. I was either forced or I knew people before I got there. Like my college roommate Adam, I was forced to get to know him because we lived together. When I went to England, I knew a Mormon that I went to Tech School and to Tinker AFB with. I also talked to a Chaplain before hand so I some I could talk to. Anyways, Liberty has not been that kind of experience. Although God is working his will and stuff have been falling into place. I guess I look at these time and wonder why I seem to question God and what he is doing.
This block party should be an adventure maybe worthy enough to get published on the LU File (dramatic music plays).
I hope that everyone is enjoying the new design. See everyone on the flip side.
Mikie-Man out!!!
Friday, August 28, 2009
A New Name for a New Time in my Life.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
A new Adventure at Liberty Univeristy
One of the biggest things I have noticed is how immature I was when I was a Freshmen and now I see it in the freshmen at Liberty. I can see that the military has shaped my life and I have some respect that these others have. The biggest is cell phones. This is purely military, but STOP WALKING WITH A CELL PHONE TO YOUR EAR AND PLEASE DO NOT DRIVE WITH A PHONE TO YOUR EAR (that was illegal in England)!!!!!!
I am sorry that complete bugs me and also texting and walking. Bad deal.
I have noticed more, because of different blogs, that people will seat with each other and not talk but text other people or check their cell phones when with other people. I do think that is rude and needs to stop.
I am not perfect at all manners like opening doors for ladies, which I am working on, but there is some things that I think need to change.
As I end this rant, I am excited to threw these judgmental thoughts and learn to be more tolerant with people I do not agree with.
Some things to pray for:
1. finding a church that will glorify God in my life.
2. A group of friends to help to become a better Christians so I can Glorify God Better.
3. To find a godly women looking for marriage and able to pursue her so that God is Glorified.
4. To show and proclaim to the world that Christ is the only way to heaven and act in a way that will glorify God is word and deeds.