It has been one year since I started to post. Well it was one year on Sept. 4th but Oct 31 is close enough for a government worker. It has been a while ride. It really started since I have move to England. I have shared a not so glorious part of my life in a post title "Realiziation that I am not the person I claim to be" which also happens to be the highest commented post with 7. There have been a total of 154 posts since that Sept 4th post with total of 39 comments including 2 from myself. I tried the vlog thing but upload times were outrageous long.
Well, the next year should even be more fun and not-so-exciting as the last. There is so much that can be blogged about. There are more travels, more grips, more prayer request, and more sarcasm that only I can deliver. Let us welcome "The England File" in for at least 1 more year.
And by the way, the font color is orange for Reformation Day.
Follow along as I make my way back through seminary as Biblical and Theological Studies student.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Election Time
As we come up to the election of our great nation. Lets remember that the problems of our nation are caused by God as the nation has fallen away. So instead of trying to have our government change the situation of our country, lets us instead share the glorious Gospel of our Lord and Savior and vote for the candidate that is closest to a Biblical worldview.
"And Jesus came and said to them, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.' " Matthew 28:18-20 (ESV)
This is something that I must do, too. It is our job as Christians to share the Gospel.
"And Jesus came and said to them, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.' " Matthew 28:18-20 (ESV)
This is something that I must do, too. It is our job as Christians to share the Gospel.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Questioning a Liberal.
On Facebook, I asked a liberal friend some question about politics and religion. My friends conclusion was that voting based on politics and faith should be up to the individual person and should not be mixed in government.
I am going to Post my questions then his answers. After that I will post my comments. I think then we will see a difference between Liberalism and Christianity. (Spelling errors have been fixed and is [in brackets with new spelling])
My Question: So as a Christian, what makes Obama such a great candidate for president?
His Answer: The way I see it, neither of the candidates will have a significant effect on Christians. That said, I then look at other issues and go with my personal preference, which happens to be Obama/Biden.
My comments: The purpose of this question was to see way a Christian would like Obama over any other candidate. I was looking at what qualities Obama have that would make him the prime candidate for the White House. But I want to address the comment "neither of the candidates will have a significant effect on Christians." First this comment is wrong, both candidates are a giant effect on Christians. Obama is for equality. With his socialist policies, we can see that marriage would be defined as any 2 people whether male and female or not. This is completely against the Bible and a strong Christian needs to be in office so that marriage will also be Man and Women. (On a side note, I do not think that Palin will do the job. Her comments at the VP debate seemed more liberal then who I want in the office.)
Another ideal that will effect Christians is abortion. Abortion is murdering a child where it is the most defenseless but yet it is legal. Obama supports abortion not only in the womb but after the child is born. Complete wrong but lawful. I am waiting for the fire to come from Heaven on this subject.
The problem with the McCain camp is that they will do nothing to overturn Rue v. Wade unless McCain has some really strong conservative Christians judges. A no decision is as bad as a bad decision.
My Question: The question was more about why Obama would be a better candidate using your Christian views. For example, I would vote for Obama because he would help end social injustice.
So correct me if I am wrong but you believe Obama is a better candidate because his view on the issues match your views. Do you believe that we should vote base on our religious convection, that would what Joe Biden calls forcing our religion on people, or do you believe that we vote base on what we think is right? Also what is your opinion if a presidential candidate or a VP candidate is using scripture and interpreting it the wrong way, is that a reason to not vote for them since they can not rightly divide the scripture (2 Timothy 2:15)?
Just to info on what I am doing. I am asking a couple different Christians who are liberal and trying to found why they think Obama is a better for the presidency. In no way am I trying to get you to change vote b/c personnel I am not sure even if I will vote for the McCain
His Answer: I believe that one should vote by personal preference. If that means voting based on one's religious conviction, then that is what one should do. As for myself, I view many of the other issues as more relevant to the election than my religious views, so I will vote accordingly.
Obviously, though, some of these views align with Christian views. I think politics is a separate issue from religion, so I don't have a problem with politicians trying to use Scripture if they're trying to win votes. It's cheesy if they misinterpret it, but that's bound to happen sometimes. Hope this helps.
My Comments: This was a two-part question. First question was, "Do you believe that we should vote base on our religious convection, that would what Joe Biden calls forcing our religion on people, or do you believe that we vote base on what we think is right?" My answer, Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding." and John 17:17b, "[Y]our word is truth." Vote base on the truth of the world that is called the Bible. There is a reason why a conservative like me will never enter the office of president. I would completely use what is right according to God. God might not have a solution for the economic downfall we are currently having but he did provide us with principles that can be followed. The Bible is the foundation of our great nation and the presidents when this country was started; they rule was based on the Bible.
The next question was “Also what is your opinion if a presidential candidate or a VP candidate is using scripture and interpreting it the wrong way, is that a reason to not vote for them since they can not rightly divide the scripture (2 Timothy 2:15)?” Notice that I used 2 Timothy 2:15 “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.” (ESV). If a presidential candidate uses scripture wrongly, they need to be rebuke. That is unacceptable to use the Holy words for your own pleasure.
My question: What are some of the issues you think Obama has a better policy on?
Also you mention that you did not like McCain and then when he picked Palin as a running mate you said that the pick "further alienated" you. Why do you dislike the McCain/Palin ticket?
He Answers: I think Obama has a better energy policy that will be more helpful and effective for the future. I agree more with his stance on the war in Iraq, as well. He has a better plan to aid the economy, a better health care plan, and a better welfare and taxation plan.
I dislike the McCain/Palin ticket because I believe the country needs to go in a different direction than it has for the past eight years, and I don't feel McCain/Palin can do this. I disagree with his stance on Iraq, his energy policy, and his plan to fix the economy. Joe Biden is a man of the people with tremendous political and foreign policy experience. Sarah Palin is an inexperienced small-town Alaskan mayor chosen to shock and guilt the American people into voting for the McCain ticket. What the future holds for her, I don't know, but she is clearly not ready to be in a position of authority at the moment.
My Comment: Another two-part question, first question was what is Obama’s best policy. He put down economy, health care, welfare, and taxation. If you look up Socialism, all 4 plans that Obama has are clearly defined (and then Obama’s name will be next to it). What happen to capitalism? What happen when business make bad business decisions, they have to try and fix it themselves? There is a reason why we have Chapter 13 Bankruptcy? That is where Fannie Ma and Freddy Mac? Socialism is not what this country needs, more government control and fewer freedoms.
The other question was “Why do you dislike the McCain/Palin Ticket?” McCain/Palin actually have a better economic plan for this country. They are looking to reduce the amount of money spent to worthless programs, i.e. Department of Homeland Security and the DNC. Why is our government spending money for things that should not have government involvement, i.e. monuments, parks, etc.? McCain is talking about oversight of the programs and not more government regulations. Regulations are is Socialist ideal and basically sending us to communism.
My Question: You said that Obama has a better plan to aid the economy, the last Democratic president that aided the economy left it in a unstable condition that will overshadow Bush's good decisions like Afghanistan and Iraq forever. Explain to me why a conservative Christian would vote for the same party that is throwing our economy to the dogs today?
His Answer: ??? Bill Clinton was the best thing that has happened to our economy since World War II. And when were Afghanistan and Iraq good decisions? At the beginning? (yes) Still? (not so much) If you mean why should you vote Democrat, I find that question hard to answer since you seem to think the Democrats are hell-bent on destroying the economy, a concept I see no evidence for. I can only remind you that John McCain appears to have no plan for the economy, which, if I recall, is exactly what got us into trouble eight years ago after Clinton.
My Outburst: Clinton is the one who changed Carter's law to make it easier for people who can not afford loans to get loans. That is why those companies had a whole a lot of bad loans that I, the American taxpayer, now had to now par for. Was it Bush's fault that Enron was under in 2001 or that the Tech Bubble popped in Clinton last year while Bush was still campaigning? Let alone the fact that almost every American Airliner had to fill bankruptcy b/c America stop traveling by air after 9/11. No, you can not blame Bush for that, that would be complete depravity there. Yet it was Bush who tried to make it harder for people to get loans. A bill that failed b/c of the Democratic and went unnoticed by the liberal media. Also the liberal media went on and said that we were in a recession when the market was still growing. Fueling the fire that now Obama is riding on.
This one is about GWOT. GWOT has done more good that what the liberal media wants you to know. Why not go to each of the services we[b]site to see what we are currently done? We are trying to help these countries continue to defeat terror. When do you h[ear] that on Fox News? You do not. America should know that war cost money and lives. The fact that most Iraqis are happy that we are there will beg to defer on the fact that is was a bad decision. We are also helping rebuild these countries when we defeat terror. I also must admit that is will be all in vain when Babylon is being rebuild but the USA might have lost their power before that will be build up.
My Comment: I think the outburst said it. I must say that Clinton is not the only reason why the loan companies fell. It was also the greed of the people within the companies and the greed of the people who could not afford what they wanted.
My Question: Next question, liberals have always been for big government to help the needy. The programs have had success by conservative Christians who are willing to help the poor and homeless. How will Obama's new plan on welfare be different?
His Answer: I think the debate last was a pretty clear indication of why I am currently going to [v]ote for Obama. I don't think I agreed with a single original statement McCain made. I look in Obama's eyes, and I see 14 letters: P-O-S-I-T-I-V-E C-H-A-N-G-E. :D Seriously, though, I just think we need something new, someone to shake things up a bit. I don't think anyone wants this financial crisis to continue.
My Comment: He really did not answer the question. I actually think that when he looks into Obama’s eyes, we see one of the many anti-Christ, wolves in sheep clothing.
My Question: What does separation of church and state mean?
His Answer: The church should not strive to be involved in the governing of the political state, and the legislature shouldn't take religious belief into account when making laws. It doesn't have to be an extreme dichotomy, but they shouldn't affect each other.
My Question: What does separation of church and state mean to the forefathers?
His Answer: ?? The same thing, I should think. I pretty much answered you that way.
My Comment: This is over the last two questions. It tackles the idea of separation of Church and State. What is it? According to Thomas Jefferson, separation of Church and State is that the State can make a State run church, i.e. the Church of England. There is nothing that says I can voice that the government needs to summit to the absolute authority that is in the Bible. GOD. This country must rule with the moral of God in mind. And that is why Obama must not be elected because he does not hold the values of God about man. He wants to murder children when they cannot even speak. That is not a Christian value and therefore is he really a Christian.
I am going to Post my questions then his answers. After that I will post my comments. I think then we will see a difference between Liberalism and Christianity. (Spelling errors have been fixed and is [in brackets with new spelling])
My Question: So as a Christian, what makes Obama such a great candidate for president?
His Answer: The way I see it, neither of the candidates will have a significant effect on Christians. That said, I then look at other issues and go with my personal preference, which happens to be Obama/Biden.
My comments: The purpose of this question was to see way a Christian would like Obama over any other candidate. I was looking at what qualities Obama have that would make him the prime candidate for the White House. But I want to address the comment "neither of the candidates will have a significant effect on Christians." First this comment is wrong, both candidates are a giant effect on Christians. Obama is for equality. With his socialist policies, we can see that marriage would be defined as any 2 people whether male and female or not. This is completely against the Bible and a strong Christian needs to be in office so that marriage will also be Man and Women. (On a side note, I do not think that Palin will do the job. Her comments at the VP debate seemed more liberal then who I want in the office.)
Another ideal that will effect Christians is abortion. Abortion is murdering a child where it is the most defenseless but yet it is legal. Obama supports abortion not only in the womb but after the child is born. Complete wrong but lawful. I am waiting for the fire to come from Heaven on this subject.
The problem with the McCain camp is that they will do nothing to overturn Rue v. Wade unless McCain has some really strong conservative Christians judges. A no decision is as bad as a bad decision.
My Question: The question was more about why Obama would be a better candidate using your Christian views. For example, I would vote for Obama because he would help end social injustice.
So correct me if I am wrong but you believe Obama is a better candidate because his view on the issues match your views. Do you believe that we should vote base on our religious convection, that would what Joe Biden calls forcing our religion on people, or do you believe that we vote base on what we think is right? Also what is your opinion if a presidential candidate or a VP candidate is using scripture and interpreting it the wrong way, is that a reason to not vote for them since they can not rightly divide the scripture (2 Timothy 2:15)?
Just to info on what I am doing. I am asking a couple different Christians who are liberal and trying to found why they think Obama is a better for the presidency. In no way am I trying to get you to change vote b/c personnel I am not sure even if I will vote for the McCain
His Answer: I believe that one should vote by personal preference. If that means voting based on one's religious conviction, then that is what one should do. As for myself, I view many of the other issues as more relevant to the election than my religious views, so I will vote accordingly.
Obviously, though, some of these views align with Christian views. I think politics is a separate issue from religion, so I don't have a problem with politicians trying to use Scripture if they're trying to win votes. It's cheesy if they misinterpret it, but that's bound to happen sometimes. Hope this helps.
My Comments: This was a two-part question. First question was, "Do you believe that we should vote base on our religious convection, that would what Joe Biden calls forcing our religion on people, or do you believe that we vote base on what we think is right?" My answer, Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding." and John 17:17b, "[Y]our word is truth." Vote base on the truth of the world that is called the Bible. There is a reason why a conservative like me will never enter the office of president. I would completely use what is right according to God. God might not have a solution for the economic downfall we are currently having but he did provide us with principles that can be followed. The Bible is the foundation of our great nation and the presidents when this country was started; they rule was based on the Bible.
The next question was “Also what is your opinion if a presidential candidate or a VP candidate is using scripture and interpreting it the wrong way, is that a reason to not vote for them since they can not rightly divide the scripture (2 Timothy 2:15)?” Notice that I used 2 Timothy 2:15 “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.” (ESV). If a presidential candidate uses scripture wrongly, they need to be rebuke. That is unacceptable to use the Holy words for your own pleasure.
My question: What are some of the issues you think Obama has a better policy on?
Also you mention that you did not like McCain and then when he picked Palin as a running mate you said that the pick "further alienated" you. Why do you dislike the McCain/Palin ticket?
He Answers: I think Obama has a better energy policy that will be more helpful and effective for the future. I agree more with his stance on the war in Iraq, as well. He has a better plan to aid the economy, a better health care plan, and a better welfare and taxation plan.
I dislike the McCain/Palin ticket because I believe the country needs to go in a different direction than it has for the past eight years, and I don't feel McCain/Palin can do this. I disagree with his stance on Iraq, his energy policy, and his plan to fix the economy. Joe Biden is a man of the people with tremendous political and foreign policy experience. Sarah Palin is an inexperienced small-town Alaskan mayor chosen to shock and guilt the American people into voting for the McCain ticket. What the future holds for her, I don't know, but she is clearly not ready to be in a position of authority at the moment.
My Comment: Another two-part question, first question was what is Obama’s best policy. He put down economy, health care, welfare, and taxation. If you look up Socialism, all 4 plans that Obama has are clearly defined (and then Obama’s name will be next to it). What happen to capitalism? What happen when business make bad business decisions, they have to try and fix it themselves? There is a reason why we have Chapter 13 Bankruptcy? That is where Fannie Ma and Freddy Mac? Socialism is not what this country needs, more government control and fewer freedoms.
The other question was “Why do you dislike the McCain/Palin Ticket?” McCain/Palin actually have a better economic plan for this country. They are looking to reduce the amount of money spent to worthless programs, i.e. Department of Homeland Security and the DNC. Why is our government spending money for things that should not have government involvement, i.e. monuments, parks, etc.? McCain is talking about oversight of the programs and not more government regulations. Regulations are is Socialist ideal and basically sending us to communism.
My Question: You said that Obama has a better plan to aid the economy, the last Democratic president that aided the economy left it in a unstable condition that will overshadow Bush's good decisions like Afghanistan and Iraq forever. Explain to me why a conservative Christian would vote for the same party that is throwing our economy to the dogs today?
His Answer: ??? Bill Clinton was the best thing that has happened to our economy since World War II. And when were Afghanistan and Iraq good decisions? At the beginning? (yes) Still? (not so much) If you mean why should you vote Democrat, I find that question hard to answer since you seem to think the Democrats are hell-bent on destroying the economy, a concept I see no evidence for. I can only remind you that John McCain appears to have no plan for the economy, which, if I recall, is exactly what got us into trouble eight years ago after Clinton.
My Outburst: Clinton is the one who changed Carter's law to make it easier for people who can not afford loans to get loans. That is why those companies had a whole a lot of bad loans that I, the American taxpayer, now had to now par for. Was it Bush's fault that Enron was under in 2001 or that the Tech Bubble popped in Clinton last year while Bush was still campaigning? Let alone the fact that almost every American Airliner had to fill bankruptcy b/c America stop traveling by air after 9/11. No, you can not blame Bush for that, that would be complete depravity there. Yet it was Bush who tried to make it harder for people to get loans. A bill that failed b/c of the Democratic and went unnoticed by the liberal media. Also the liberal media went on and said that we were in a recession when the market was still growing. Fueling the fire that now Obama is riding on.
This one is about GWOT. GWOT has done more good that what the liberal media wants you to know. Why not go to each of the services we[b]site to see what we are currently done? We are trying to help these countries continue to defeat terror. When do you h[ear] that on Fox News? You do not. America should know that war cost money and lives. The fact that most Iraqis are happy that we are there will beg to defer on the fact that is was a bad decision. We are also helping rebuild these countries when we defeat terror. I also must admit that is will be all in vain when Babylon is being rebuild but the USA might have lost their power before that will be build up.
My Comment: I think the outburst said it. I must say that Clinton is not the only reason why the loan companies fell. It was also the greed of the people within the companies and the greed of the people who could not afford what they wanted.
My Question: Next question, liberals have always been for big government to help the needy. The programs have had success by conservative Christians who are willing to help the poor and homeless. How will Obama's new plan on welfare be different?
His Answer: I think the debate last was a pretty clear indication of why I am currently going to [v]ote for Obama. I don't think I agreed with a single original statement McCain made. I look in Obama's eyes, and I see 14 letters: P-O-S-I-T-I-V-E C-H-A-N-G-E. :D Seriously, though, I just think we need something new, someone to shake things up a bit. I don't think anyone wants this financial crisis to continue.
My Comment: He really did not answer the question. I actually think that when he looks into Obama’s eyes, we see one of the many anti-Christ, wolves in sheep clothing.
My Question: What does separation of church and state mean?
His Answer: The church should not strive to be involved in the governing of the political state, and the legislature shouldn't take religious belief into account when making laws. It doesn't have to be an extreme dichotomy, but they shouldn't affect each other.
My Question: What does separation of church and state mean to the forefathers?
His Answer: ?? The same thing, I should think. I pretty much answered you that way.
My Comment: This is over the last two questions. It tackles the idea of separation of Church and State. What is it? According to Thomas Jefferson, separation of Church and State is that the State can make a State run church, i.e. the Church of England. There is nothing that says I can voice that the government needs to summit to the absolute authority that is in the Bible. GOD. This country must rule with the moral of God in mind. And that is why Obama must not be elected because he does not hold the values of God about man. He wants to murder children when they cannot even speak. That is not a Christian value and therefore is he really a Christian.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Cooking with AMN Miller.
Tonight was the first night that I made something that was not already pre-made i.e. hamburger helper, frozen pizza. It was my mom's recipe for Runza Casserole. It has cabbage, meat, cheese, crescent rolls, and my favorite spice, paprika plus onions. It was good even since I forgot my favorite spice. It goes into a 9x13 pan which is a lot of food for someone who eats like twice a day. It actually turned out really well. The oven I use cooks really fast. It has a fan and then blows the hot air around. I also cooked the rest of the crescent rolls (mainly because I thought it took 4 tubes instead of 2 so I opened all 4). I could have cooked the rolls in 8 mins and not 10 like I did. The tube said to cook for 11 to 13 mins. Enough about my cooking.
Work has been a loaded affair. Today (27 Oct and not when read this unless it is the 27 Oct), I took a shift for a friend at work so he could go to the NFL game in London. I was only to cover him for a couple of hrs. when he walked in, we asked him how much sleep he got and he got 30 mins after working 13hrs and attending a night game in London. So I work his shift instead so he could go to sleep. Before that was LSET, or in other words, and inspection to make sure that maintenance is fixing jets the right way. (FYI, we ALWAYS fix jets the right way wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more). It made it hard when I was inspected on the day I returned from the States but we stilled passed but our upper supervision did not like how close we did pass.
The inspection last week really should how bad my unit is. We were getting in trouble because we took a lot of hits because we need to generate 11 lines of airplanes with 40 people which is not enough when many tasks require 2 or more people. Since the hits were really on stupid mistakes that should not happen, we slowed down and starting to take our time. We are know getting yelled at by our upper supervision because we are not generating lines and our jets are really broke. It is a lose-lose situation. So I am will continue to generate plane with safe quality maintenance. It makes me feel but because that covers my behind when QA hits.
This post is dedicated to Michelle since you like to past judgment on me because I enjoy cooking.
Work has been a loaded affair. Today (27 Oct and not when read this unless it is the 27 Oct), I took a shift for a friend at work so he could go to the NFL game in London. I was only to cover him for a couple of hrs. when he walked in, we asked him how much sleep he got and he got 30 mins after working 13hrs and attending a night game in London. So I work his shift instead so he could go to sleep. Before that was LSET, or in other words, and inspection to make sure that maintenance is fixing jets the right way. (FYI, we ALWAYS fix jets the right way wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more). It made it hard when I was inspected on the day I returned from the States but we stilled passed but our upper supervision did not like how close we did pass.
The inspection last week really should how bad my unit is. We were getting in trouble because we took a lot of hits because we need to generate 11 lines of airplanes with 40 people which is not enough when many tasks require 2 or more people. Since the hits were really on stupid mistakes that should not happen, we slowed down and starting to take our time. We are know getting yelled at by our upper supervision because we are not generating lines and our jets are really broke. It is a lose-lose situation. So I am will continue to generate plane with safe quality maintenance. It makes me feel but because that covers my behind when QA hits.
This post is dedicated to Michelle since you like to past judgment on me because I enjoy cooking.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
What a Great Church Family
Being part of the Chapel, I have the opportunity to listen to different view of the Bible. Lately, the preaching have not been filling because the chaplain is emergent. besides that, today I went to praise team practice to gain more skill at running sound. When walk into the church the praise leader and the guitar player asked me how I was doing since I had to leave quickly to make to my grandfather's funeral. It makes me know that groups of Christians that love the Lord will always be there when you need them or when you don't. Praise God for this praise team.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
A poem
I am going to feature for you reading pleasure a poem that my grandfather wrote. His is talking about the amount of old tractors that he owned. They were placed in what I would come to know as the junk yard.
There is a grave yard on our family farm,
But human bones do not rest there.
It's full of once proud machines of the past,
Lines ond lines of ageless iron.
Whispers of other times,
Neglected but not forgotten.
Rows of machinery from auction sales,
A reminder of neighbors and friends.
Machines I loved to collect and own,
Waiting to be restored by a loving hand.
To be proud and useful oncemore.
Maybe some part needed to make repair,
Forever a link to the past.
Remembered but replaced by newer machines.
Now I have passed away, I know,
I will not walk this land.
Somehow through God's grace, I hope,
Someone will understand,
And not disturb this hallowed spot.
Secluded on the hills,
Where ageless iron sites in lines,
A reminder of ther times.
A Grave Yard
By Elmo Sughroue
There is a grave yard on our family farm,
But human bones do not rest there.
It's full of once proud machines of the past,
Lines ond lines of ageless iron.
Whispers of other times,
Neglected but not forgotten.
Rows of machinery from auction sales,
A reminder of neighbors and friends.
Machines I loved to collect and own,
Waiting to be restored by a loving hand.
To be proud and useful oncemore.
Maybe some part needed to make repair,
Forever a link to the past.
Remembered but replaced by newer machines.
Now I have passed away, I know,
I will not walk this land.
Somehow through God's grace, I hope,
Someone will understand,
And not disturb this hallowed spot.
Secluded on the hills,
Where ageless iron sites in lines,
A reminder of ther times.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
A funeral Catholic style.
Since I have been a Christian and read Tim Challies' "the Discipline of Spiritual Discernment," I have been more judging of what people say especial on religion. I could hear the fact that we must work our way to Heaven durning my grandfathers funeral. I notice that the Catholic missed the mark which is why Luther rebelled and created Lutherism. I notice that my grandfather by the status of the priest made it to Heaven but by a standard that God used I have to question if my grandfather is really in Heaven. Anyways, I must get off and buy Ice Cream for tonight. Plus I am also getting tired. Which is funny because I slept for approx. 10hrs last night and had a 3hrs nap this afternoon. Next time I blog, I will be back in England.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Going back to the States.
I found out today that my Grandfather passed away. I will be leaving the States this Wednesday to attend the funeral. Please pray that my family and me especially my mother, for it was her dad that passed.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
"I am good enough to get to heaven"
Here is a news story on about a 7 year old kid that broke into a zoo.
Read it here.
Do we need any more proof that we are sinful people needing some one to save us. That is why Christ died for us. To save us from the wrath of God because we sin. Enough said.
Read it here.
Do we need any more proof that we are sinful people needing some one to save us. That is why Christ died for us. To save us from the wrath of God because we sin. Enough said.
It is hard to be Christian around non-Christians.
The title says it all. Yesterday, I was at Moron AB, Spain. Since I choose to not drink any type of alcohol, I was a DD. We went to Moron de la Frontera so they could drink. Then also decided to find a strip club. Since I was already with them and said that I would DD, I went along. I told them that I was going to say in the car and not enter. After a night of driving to find a blinky blinky, we finally found (to much of my disappointment). But being to true to my word, I remained in the car except to pee behind the building. Anyways, 3 hrs later and 1/4 tank of gas, they finally exited the building that is slowly destroying the moral fibers of our society, we went to base. I was back in my room at 4am just in to for my 515am show for breakfast. They are talking about going to the blinky blinky again tonight. I might hang with the crew instead. They are only going to grab a few beers here in the Azores. Tomorrow night is a bull fight, I might catch it. I will take my camera and get some pics. Also wait for some pics of the KC-10 we refueled that in turn refueled AV-8B Harriers.
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