This past week was a bad week but not a really bad week. I was overworked all week because of Obama in Europe and other things that are going on in the world. On Thursday, I failed my MOT test so I could drive here in England. Not worry, I will have it fixed by the end of the week.
What I really want to talk about is settling down. Since I have started to read, I have had a desire to settle down and start living a life less changing. I want to find the perfect woman that God will place in front of me (I will still have to find her) and start a family. The more I learn about singleness the more I want to settle. I can not wait to move back to Oklahoma and start to settle a little. I think it is funny that 18-21 years that live in the dorm and are wild are the reason why the AF treats dorm residence like kids. They have no need to settle and start a family. They are a cause of the lower population by reproducible. I see that they have fun (at least they were sober this time), but their has be a time where we need to start realize the need to settle down and find a perfect mate (hopefully some one of the opposite sex). Maybe the fact that I hangout with families has something to to with this. I think that God has gifted me with a great knowledge on how a marriage should look like. I have lots of example here and I praise God for that. I still have that touch with kids and it fun to run and play. Now only if I ever have kids that are so much fun without the other stuff (like raising them). Okay, I am only joking.
I lost my train of thought so I will continue it later.
Follow along as I make my way back through seminary as Biblical and Theological Studies student.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
A quick post on some thoughts about singleness.
As I have learned and read sermons about singleness. I have one question about it. Singleness is a gift but is it a seasonal gift or a life long gift or can it be both seasonal and a life long gift? It seems to be a fitting question since Paul was single his whole life as according to 1 Corinthians 7. According to Debbie Maken in "Getting Serious about Getting Married", she claims that you are either single for a lifetime or destined to be married and you need to start early. Where David Wheaton believes that it is more of a seasonal then, but is that why he is still single? Is their a balance between devoting everything to God and yet still be able to find a wife or husband? Do I do what Dr. MacArthur says and claim a gift of singleness until I have a desire to get married, is that what I am suppose to do?
I first thoughts are that I should take this gift of singleness as a seasonal thing and I should devote my ever waking hour to sever God. Meanwhile, I should be looking at women that I should marry (which is hard in a military for of ungodly single women). But would looking for a wife (in my case) pull me away from serving my God every waking moment (which I have o say I do not do and their seem to sin aways)? Another question is that have I isolated myself so much because of shyness, is it even possible to meet women when I have a pool to choose from?
I guess as I learn more about singleness, the more I found different view. At least it is not a fundamental part of the Christian doctrine and is somewhat debatable.
Now is your time to chime in you .2 daily readers I have (this are made up stats).
I was just actually thinking how funny it is to have a regular blog were only one person reads ever once-in-a-while. I guess the real question is do I continue to write in this world called the blogosphere?
I first thoughts are that I should take this gift of singleness as a seasonal thing and I should devote my ever waking hour to sever God. Meanwhile, I should be looking at women that I should marry (which is hard in a military for of ungodly single women). But would looking for a wife (in my case) pull me away from serving my God every waking moment (which I have o say I do not do and their seem to sin aways)? Another question is that have I isolated myself so much because of shyness, is it even possible to meet women when I have a pool to choose from?
I guess as I learn more about singleness, the more I found different view. At least it is not a fundamental part of the Christian doctrine and is somewhat debatable.
Now is your time to chime in you .2 daily readers I have (this are made up stats).
I was just actually thinking how funny it is to have a regular blog were only one person reads ever once-in-a-while. I guess the real question is do I continue to write in this world called the blogosphere?
Friday, July 18, 2008
Singleness, the podcast part 2
This is a response on the post "Singleness, the Podcast". Please listen to audio before reading this post.
I just want to comment on what David Wheaton said about being single. As I have read articles and listen to podcasts, I have since understand that everything has a season. As much as we need to embrace the season that God has but us in. David brings a good point that he is single until the Lord tells his otherwise. The Lord has a reason on why I am in England and it is not to fight GWOT. I will know later but I need to embrace my season here as I do get to travel around Europe. The biggest thing I need to work on is to devote myself completely to God while I am single. So what I wanted to point out on this study of singless is that when you are single continue to live like you are called to be single until God has changed the season you are in and brings you a mate to spent the rest of your days with.
I just want to comment on what David Wheaton said about being single. As I have read articles and listen to podcasts, I have since understand that everything has a season. As much as we need to embrace the season that God has but us in. David brings a good point that he is single until the Lord tells his otherwise. The Lord has a reason on why I am in England and it is not to fight GWOT. I will know later but I need to embrace my season here as I do get to travel around Europe. The biggest thing I need to work on is to devote myself completely to God while I am single. So what I wanted to point out on this study of singless is that when you are single continue to live like you are called to be single until God has changed the season you are in and brings you a mate to spent the rest of your days with.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Please Support Living Waters
Living Waters is a ministry that puts on Way of the Master TV/Radio. They also create and print tracts to hand out. Since I have started to listen to Way of the Master Radio, I have found Tim Challies who gift is discernment. Through Tim Challies, I found ministers like CJ Mahaney, Joshua Harris, Mark Dever, and others that I know listen to. They are asking only to give what you can. Unlike Klove or Air 1, they have not said how much and this is also the first time that they have asked for donations from their viewers. Please consider in helping a ministry that oftens put topics that I mention here in my head. You can support them at
4 Days, 3 Countries, Round Trip and Much to See and Do.
As many know, I went TDY to the desert but there was more. After spending 24 hrs at Al Udeid (pronouced al u-deed), Qatar (which do not allow you to take camels through customs) and dealing with 130 deg F on the flight line and about 150-160 deg F in the jet. 24 hrs was enough for me. It was also humid and that made it worse. We stayed in tents (and it was intense) instead of the trailers they have for the deployed people. When we landed at The Deid (pronounced deed), it was already 33 deg C at about 0400Z.

This is a picture of a RAF Tornado loaded to kill. The ground guy came out to tell us that the plane was loaded and if we could move our plane. I informed him that we are waiting on so things that the jet would be moved shortly.

This is a picture of one of many ramps that planes are parked on.

This is a picture of sand some where in Qatar. There was lots of it.
This is the A-10 we refuel on our way to NAS Sigonella. The A-10 home station is Spangdahiem AB, Germany.
This is a picture of a RAF Tornado loaded to kill. The ground guy came out to tell us that the plane was loaded and if we could move our plane. I informed him that we are waiting on so things that the jet would be moved shortly.
This is a picture of one of many ramps that planes are parked on.
This is a picture of sand some where in Qatar. There was lots of it.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
I am leaving for a couple of days
I want to inform everyone that I am going down range for a couple of days. I will try and post while there and maybe so pics of the base. Later.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Singleness, the podcast
This post is from The Boundless Show. The Boundless show is a production of and is a ministry of Focus on the Family. The interview is with David Wheaton. The 1st clip is 6 mins long and the 2nd clip is about 10 mins long. I will post my thoughts later in this post.This is the first clipThis is the second clip
The song is Gentle Revolution By Scott Krippayne off his Autobiography CD and not his Autograph CD (which does not exist) Thanks Management.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Religion and Politics
I want to tackle an issue that we Christians must tackle while we have a choice to vote. I am not saying that we need to vote for a certain candidate or with a certain party but based on the word of God.
As Christian in America, we need to protect the morals of the Bible. We need to stand up and show the unbeliever that their sins are not welcome to Heaven. What sins do you ask? Homosexuality, abortion, and a false gospel that lead people away from God.
First with homosexuality. 1 Corinthians 6:5-10 clearly states,
The King James uses the word effeminate, which means 1)having feminine qualities untypical of a man : not manly in appearance or manner or 2) marked by an unbecoming delicacy or overrefinement (
The word effeminate in Greek is malakos which means:
These are not my words but God's word. The agenda of the homosexuals are to make their sins equal to the Christians who have repented and trusted. Homosexuals can not go to heaven when they continue to live in a homosexual lifestyle. Homosexuality is a chosen lifestyle and is not natural. Homosexuality is a sin that came because of the fall of man.
Abortion is also another issue that Christians must be against. A current presidential candidate has been quoted saying that children are a curse because of a sin that created it (ie rape, sex outside of marriage) but yet fatherhood starts at conception. I do not believe that when a baby is aborted, that the baby could be the next greatest thing on earth, but I do believe that every child is a gift for God no matter how it was started. A women who was raped could give the baby up for adoption and that child can be an answer to a prayer for a married man and woman. Did you know that more African-American child have been aborted then who died because of oppression in America. African-Americans have been killing more of THEIR OWN than what the white Americans have done since the creation of the US. So is abortion right?
And now I tackle the reason behind all of this and it deals with "churches" that claim to preach the true Gospel. The problem is that they do not mention that ALL WILL GO TO HELL unless you repent (turn from sin) and trust in Christ. These "churches" has fallen away from the Word of God and preach what the people want to hear. They also try and use the government to do what CHRISTIANS are called to do. Christians must go and help the poor and preach the whole gospel, the law/hell and grace/Jesus. Helping the poor does not advance the will of God, the will of God is to preach the whole gospel to the whole world.
As I do not currently go a preach the gospel to the lost, I do give money to people who do and shortly will be going to start preaching to the lost.
With all this said, as Christians we must understand the Word of God and vote based on what it says. We see that a disobedient country will fall to the hand of God and God wrath will be against that country. Tornadoes, floods, and hurricanes are all weapons that God uses to show us his wrath. Even those natural disaster, God shows his power and also shows that he is above all things.
So voting for a liberal agenda will undermine God and that is not what a country should do when it was started based on God's value of life and morality. Let us not turn away from God or let the earthquakes shake our country down.
As Christian in America, we need to protect the morals of the Bible. We need to stand up and show the unbeliever that their sins are not welcome to Heaven. What sins do you ask? Homosexuality, abortion, and a false gospel that lead people away from God.
First with homosexuality. 1 Corinthians 6:5-10 clearly states,
I say this to your shame. Can it be that there is no one among you wise enough to settle a dispute between the brothers, but brother goes to law against brother, and that before unbelievers? To have lawsuits at all with one another is already a defeat for you. Why not rather suffer wrong? Why not rather be defrauded? But you yourselves wrong and defraud—even your own brothers! Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.(ESV)
The King James uses the word effeminate, which means 1)having feminine qualities untypical of a man : not manly in appearance or manner or 2) marked by an unbecoming delicacy or overrefinement (
The word effeminate in Greek is malakos which means:
- soft, soft to the touch:
- metaph. in a bad sense,
- effeminate
- of a catamite
- of a boy kept for homosexual relations with a man
- of a male who submits his body to unnatural lewdness
- of a male prostitute (
These are not my words but God's word. The agenda of the homosexuals are to make their sins equal to the Christians who have repented and trusted. Homosexuals can not go to heaven when they continue to live in a homosexual lifestyle. Homosexuality is a chosen lifestyle and is not natural. Homosexuality is a sin that came because of the fall of man.
Abortion is also another issue that Christians must be against. A current presidential candidate has been quoted saying that children are a curse because of a sin that created it (ie rape, sex outside of marriage) but yet fatherhood starts at conception. I do not believe that when a baby is aborted, that the baby could be the next greatest thing on earth, but I do believe that every child is a gift for God no matter how it was started. A women who was raped could give the baby up for adoption and that child can be an answer to a prayer for a married man and woman. Did you know that more African-American child have been aborted then who died because of oppression in America. African-Americans have been killing more of THEIR OWN than what the white Americans have done since the creation of the US. So is abortion right?
And now I tackle the reason behind all of this and it deals with "churches" that claim to preach the true Gospel. The problem is that they do not mention that ALL WILL GO TO HELL unless you repent (turn from sin) and trust in Christ. These "churches" has fallen away from the Word of God and preach what the people want to hear. They also try and use the government to do what CHRISTIANS are called to do. Christians must go and help the poor and preach the whole gospel, the law/hell and grace/Jesus. Helping the poor does not advance the will of God, the will of God is to preach the whole gospel to the whole world.
As I do not currently go a preach the gospel to the lost, I do give money to people who do and shortly will be going to start preaching to the lost.
With all this said, as Christians we must understand the Word of God and vote based on what it says. We see that a disobedient country will fall to the hand of God and God wrath will be against that country. Tornadoes, floods, and hurricanes are all weapons that God uses to show us his wrath. Even those natural disaster, God shows his power and also shows that he is above all things.
So voting for a liberal agenda will undermine God and that is not what a country should do when it was started based on God's value of life and morality. Let us not turn away from God or let the earthquakes shake our country down.
It is sad to say goodbye.
If you do not know, in the military there are times when you have to say goodbye. This week, I have to say goodbye to the Ken MacDonald family. Ken and his wife have are the ones who got me to help at Awana and I cannot thank them enough. I got to know Ken's boys through Awana and also through other fellowships. They leave this week for his new assignment which I know that God will provide them more oppertunities to advance His will through this family. Please pray for Ken and his family as they fly to his new base.
If Ken or family is reading this, thanks for everything.
If Ken or family is reading this, thanks for everything.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Herman Who?
"Herman Who" is a DVD that I watched tonight. It is about hermeneutics which is the only why to understand text in the Bible and an application that is worthy of the God. You can buy the DVD at or at This is a good DVD that teaches the basic of hermeneutics.
I am going try and effectively use it on the Bible Study blog as I continue to go thru 1 John. I might go through a little about hermeneutics in the next couple of days. That is if I get some time and do not have to work.
I am going try and effectively use it on the Bible Study blog as I continue to go thru 1 John. I might go through a little about hermeneutics in the next couple of days. That is if I get some time and do not have to work.
Even if I had to work last night for a couple of hrs and then not leaving my room from 2300-1100. Everyone else, have a great day.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
I am a little upset.
I am so glad that I am not going to stay in. The Air Force likes to consider itself to be a regular company. One problem, if a regular company treated their employees like how the AF treats it employees, that company is not going far. Today is room inspection day and there are two times when which they were going to inspect rooms. The times were 0800 and 1430. My room is normally inspected at 0800 because I am at work. Well today, they inspected my room at 1430 time while I WAS SLEEPING SO I COULD WORK TONIGHT. That is wrong on so many levels. I called my section but of course not cares about the airmen in the dorms. The biggest problem I have is that what they did is against the regulations that I must follow for maintenance. So when I go to work tonight and something happens because I was tried, it is my fault because I did not get enough sleep. Or I will get in trouble because I fell asleep at work. It is a lose-lose situation.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Already failed at posting everyday in July.
I can not even post on the first day, I am 42 mins late. Maybe God did not will it. I was even thinking about posting about some music lyrics I heard on Air 1 when I went to get food. I got back to my dorm room and completely forgot to post. Anyways it is 0100 and I have to be at work in 3hrs so I want to take this time to comment about a post on blog. The post is called "Men Afraid of Bad Marriage."
The lady writing the post was reading an article about how men are afraid about marriage. The article is secular in nature but many Christian men feel the same way according the writer from talking with her single group at church. She claims that "two resounding themes [that men are afraid of commitment]: 1. A lack of desire for marriage (or suspicion of it); 2. An uncertainty about how to go about it. (The second is a sentiment I have heard often from my male friends. One guy recently told me, "I think a lot of guys would be willing to walk through that door [commitment] if they only knew where it was.")."
As I know people who have courted, I think that a fear of commitment is because we do not have a proper fear of God. I really can not talk because I am single without a relationship that would even come close to an idea of marriage. What I have heard or overheard is that you will know if God wants to marry that person. If both are strong in the Lord I think that they are right. It is trusting the Lord. As I have learned about biblical dating, it seems that it looks at what will generate a marriage that is worthy of God praise. If God is pleased with the relationship and that it looks like a relationship that God has described. They a fear to commit for the rest of your life is an easy choice.
BTW, I still have a ways to go in trusting in the Lord and also becoming a true man after God's heart but God is working on me. I have also realized that if what I feel that God wants me to do in my life is right, I need to get over this fear of commitment of marriage and get married.
I hope this post makes sense, I was going to wrote a comment on the blog but my writing was not making sense. So for all people (all zero of you) who read my blog, please comment about this.
The lady writing the post was reading an article about how men are afraid about marriage. The article is secular in nature but many Christian men feel the same way according the writer from talking with her single group at church. She claims that "two resounding themes [that men are afraid of commitment]: 1. A lack of desire for marriage (or suspicion of it); 2. An uncertainty about how to go about it. (The second is a sentiment I have heard often from my male friends. One guy recently told me, "I think a lot of guys would be willing to walk through that door [commitment] if they only knew where it was.")."
As I know people who have courted, I think that a fear of commitment is because we do not have a proper fear of God. I really can not talk because I am single without a relationship that would even come close to an idea of marriage. What I have heard or overheard is that you will know if God wants to marry that person. If both are strong in the Lord I think that they are right. It is trusting the Lord. As I have learned about biblical dating, it seems that it looks at what will generate a marriage that is worthy of God praise. If God is pleased with the relationship and that it looks like a relationship that God has described. They a fear to commit for the rest of your life is an easy choice.
BTW, I still have a ways to go in trusting in the Lord and also becoming a true man after God's heart but God is working on me. I have also realized that if what I feel that God wants me to do in my life is right, I need to get over this fear of commitment of marriage and get married.
I hope this post makes sense, I was going to wrote a comment on the blog but my writing was not making sense. So for all people (all zero of you) who read my blog, please comment about this.
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