This post was original going to be a conversation that I had over a series of text messages with my good friend Kyle. I would later find out that he was really mad and so I have changed my mind and went with
Drive-In Movie night with the
Truth & Training (T&T) kids I work with at AWANA. The kids had to do 10 Challenges which include memorizing scripture in almost all the challenges. Some of the challenges tell the clubers to bring a friend. So we all gathered at the chapel to watch 2 movies (played in separate rooms at the same time). The 2 movies were
Enchanted and the
Swiss Robinson Reunion. The picture on the rig

ht is the car I made. I tend to have try to have fun. Most of the kids know my real name, they all call me Mr. Dude. So the circle, it was not really round, was a spinner on my SUV, which looked like a train. I was rolling new school with the spinners. I think I bring a lot of youthfulness to the

leader core and the kids seem to have fun with me. The picture the left is a tank and a humvee. Both of their parents work above me. They took more that 45 mins to create theirs but mine was so much better with the duct tape.
The pictu

re was taken in the room that watched Swiss Robinson Reunion. Look at the creativity why beyond what I could have done in 45 mins.

This picture is part of the Enchanted group. This was fun fun.
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