Follow along as I make my way back through seminary as Biblical and Theological Studies student.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Last week at Awana, there is more than that was not said in last weeks post.
So 2 week there was more than just me getting a tee-shirt. There is always more. I was a little late because of sleeping. In fact, I overslept 30 mins. When I arrived to AWANA, I was still in that waking up phase. With a lot of kids, all that screaming that early in the morning (my morning) was making made head about to explode. Nevertheless, battled through the 10 mins left of my wake-up phase. When I walked into the Sanctuary to talk to a kids before opening time to see what been up, one of the kids in my group came up to me. He called me out on not being at AWANA the last week. The last week was the first week of my deployment. I was blowen away for a split sec. and then I responded with I had to be somewhere that day. Later I was hear only kids verses because his group was getting backed up. I do not remember the verse but is was along the line of waiting for Christ. To see if he really study instead of memorizing, I questioned him. He answered correctly and then I showed him in the Bible where I was getting my info. I used Luke 13? to show that as Christians he wait like a good servant for the Lord instead of the wicked servant. I used a school setting to explain it better. He understood, that was a fear I had about AWANA. Could I relate to the kids so they could understand and me not just feeding to much then what they needed to learn? Thanks to the Holy Spirit, I was able to example it enough for him to understand. Now the sad part is that for me AWANA is over. Today, Wednesday, was going to be my last week, but with my TDY today I am going to miss AWANA. I might be able to help with the AWANA Derby this weekend depending on the flight schedule for my weekend duty tour this weekend. FUN FUN! Later!?!
I am going off-station on a TDY. LOOK IT UP if you do not know what that means. There is not much to talk about it but I do know that I will be at EGUN make sure that NKAWTG.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Birthday Wishes
So today I went to throw a couple (10) discs to practice up (because I have yet to throw a disc until today) for my big challenge this coming May. I throw 1 (ONE) DISC (UNO) and arm started to hurt. That was ONE, UNO, and 1 DISC THAT I THREW. I normally have to throw up to 36 times (drives/approaches) a round (on a long courses). This has been a disappointment to the nth power. So my right arm hurts and so that means I can not be a groom's men in my friend's wedding (not really, KYLE!!!!!). So after my painful experience at the disc throwing business, I went to check my mail. I got an Easter card. It was only 30 DAYS LATE. Ever-the-less I got one right. That is what type of quality I get in my MPS. The postmark date was the 19th of March. I also got a card from my parents that was post dated the 18th (or the day before my birthday). The worst part of the it all, the dog ate my 20 dollars that was stuck in it. This is nothing new. My parents once got me computerless wire. It was a huffy 30 cent gift/card (actually the card was 1.99, I think). This what I will have to put up with for 1 week. So that was the happening in the life of me today the last day of this week forever and ever. Later.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Lets Try something new
I am currently at work and I am waiting on my truck driver (aka the “Slave DRIVER”). This is might not be a often post method but I am going to see how it works.
A1C Michael Miller
Crew Chief
100th AMXS
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Please pray for theses people.
I have a couple of people that I would you the readers to pray for. The first is my cousin Anne. She has mono and we all know that is not something you want with a month of college left. Also pray for Gage. He is a son of the family that opens their home for fellowship and lunch after church. He broke is collarbone this week and he is lots of pain. Please pray for both.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
God Believes in you. I have a video to prove it.
What this video and read the words.
Does God really believe in me? Towards the end of the Chapter 16 of Acts. Paul and Silas were beaten and thrown into prison. The Bible says that they were singing hymns to God. Then God came down and freed the prisoners. How does this refer to this video. Durning this passage of the Bible the guards was going to kill him. When the guard saw the power of God and the fact that prisoners were still in their cells. He fall before Paul and Silas and asked how to be saved. Verse 31 said, "And they (Paul and Silas) said, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.'" It was that the guard, and us, needed to believe in God. Also why would God want to believe in a fallen people. People, just like me, who are sinners and can not even come close to God's holiness. I have heard a sermon by a big-name paster who said that Peter stop believing in himself to walk on water. The Bible clearly says that Peter had lost his focus of Christ. This might be more of an personal opinion, but it seems that Peter was actually walking on the water. It was while on the water that he began to doubt and to sink. While Christ was saving him, Christ said "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" (Matthew 14:31). I can not find a place in the Bible that tells me that God believes in me. So instead of thinking that God believing us, let just repent and believe in God for our salvation and serve him only.
Does God really believe in me? Towards the end of the Chapter 16 of Acts. Paul and Silas were beaten and thrown into prison. The Bible says that they were singing hymns to God. Then God came down and freed the prisoners. How does this refer to this video. Durning this passage of the Bible the guards was going to kill him. When the guard saw the power of God and the fact that prisoners were still in their cells. He fall before Paul and Silas and asked how to be saved. Verse 31 said, "And they (Paul and Silas) said, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.'" It was that the guard, and us, needed to believe in God. Also why would God want to believe in a fallen people. People, just like me, who are sinners and can not even come close to God's holiness. I have heard a sermon by a big-name paster who said that Peter stop believing in himself to walk on water. The Bible clearly says that Peter had lost his focus of Christ. This might be more of an personal opinion, but it seems that Peter was actually walking on the water. It was while on the water that he began to doubt and to sink. While Christ was saving him, Christ said "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" (Matthew 14:31). I can not find a place in the Bible that tells me that God believes in me. So instead of thinking that God believing us, let just repent and believe in God for our salvation and serve him only.
It is my Birthday
Today is my birthday and I am doing nothing besides maybe going to Alconbury to get a pair of Gore-tex. Also check out my new webpage at I am using iweb which is a program that come standard on Macs. Soon, I think, I might try to publish it for real on .mac. Later.
Friday, April 18, 2008
AWANA Drive-in movie night.
This post was original going to be a conversation that I had over a series of text messages with my good friend Kyle. I would later find out that he was really mad and so I have changed my mind and went with Drive-In Movie night with the Truth & Training (T&T) kids I work with at AWANA. The kids had to do 10 Challenges which include memorizing scripture in almost all the challenges. Some of the challenges tell the clubers to bring a friend. So we all gathered at the chapel to watch 2 movies (played in separate rooms at the same time). The 2 movies were Enchanted and the Swiss Robinson Reunion. The picture on the rig
ht is the car I made. I tend to have try to have fun. Most of the kids know my real name, they all call me Mr. Dude. So the circle, it was not really round, was a spinner on my SUV, which looked like a train. I was rolling new school with the spinners. I think I bring a lot of youthfulness to the
leader core and the kids seem to have fun with me. The picture the left is a tank and a humvee. Both of their parents work above me. They took more that 45 mins to create theirs but mine was so much better with the duct tape.
The pictu
re was taken in the room that watched Swiss Robinson Reunion. Look at the creativity why beyond what I could have done in 45 mins.

This picture is part of the Enchanted group. This was fun fun.
The pictu
This picture is part of the Enchanted group. This was fun fun.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
It is official as of today, I am now a green-shirted leader in AWANA. I had to read and book and test over it. I also had to memorize 1 Cor. 15:3-4, Romans 3:23, 6:23, 5:8, John 3:16, and Acts 16:31. Then I got a shirt to show that I am a leader.
Courts Appearance
I get to go to court. Actually not really, I am guilty by post instead of court. My case will not be held on the 22 of May (should have know that was coming Kyle). Since I choose guilty by post I no longer have to appear. I was going to plead insanity but I do not think the military wants that to happen. I found out that I was going to pay a really hefty fine because they charged me as a tourist instead of a military person. A guess as a military person, I am treated as a British citizen.
Any who, I found out that I can leave England 6 months prior to my DOS of Aug. I am debating if I should leave then. It would mess up my whole Europe travel thing. That is I want to travel and hit all the big cities. I will have to pray and read about to see if God wants me to leave early or not. I have already stated that I will be maintaining my DEROS so I will leave by Aug of '09
Any who, I found out that I can leave England 6 months prior to my DOS of Aug. I am debating if I should leave then. It would mess up my whole Europe travel thing. That is I want to travel and hit all the big cities. I will have to pray and read about to see if God wants me to leave early or not. I have already stated that I will be maintaining my DEROS so I will leave by Aug of '09
Monday, April 14, 2008
"Ask Jesus in to your heart"
I found a blog by a Christian that some might have heard from. His name is Tony and he is on the WOTM radio show as part of their fishing segment. He has a blog called The Lawman Chronicles and also a radio that airs at 10pm PST called Last Words Ministry. This is the show from last Saturday. It is a great show that explains a little about asking Jesus into your heart. Click here it listen to podcast.
While I was thinking while listening to it was how that is such a way to become a god. Now I know that from listening WOTM. What hit me was when they (LWM) or a caller used Eph 2:8-9. It was the fact that it was a work to TELL JESUS to come into my heart. Anyways, just another reason why some churches need to turn back to God.
While I was thinking while listening to it was how that is such a way to become a god. Now I know that from listening WOTM. What hit me was when they (LWM) or a caller used Eph 2:8-9. It was the fact that it was a work to TELL JESUS to come into my heart. Anyways, just another reason why some churches need to turn back to God.
Praise Report from 1 year ago.
I was talking to my dad this past Sunday. This past week, we was talking to my great aunt (or ant) Verna. Most of my Dad side besides his immediate family leaves very close to each other or did. So they realized (or someone did) that none of my great-grandmother children died before she passed away from this world to hopefully Heaven. My great-grandmother was 95 years old and believe that is because she was raised up biblical and tried to teach my grandma and her siblings the same thing. I know my great-grandmother as someone who was a great lady. I know that she read your Bible a little because she was tring to find where it said moose in the Bible. She had Alzheimers and my great aunt believes she was reading something about the rules of Israel and maybe wondered if moose was something they could eat. She had a encounter with a moose when she was a younger. In fact one of the funnest things she had was a moose seating in an outhouse (outside bathroom for the non-country living people) reading a newspaper. Funny thing.
Friday, April 11, 2008
American Idol...destroying God?
WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS? As most people that read this blog already have read comments about this video. American Idol singing a Christian song. The original lyrics is My Jesus instead of my sheppard. It is try that Christ is our sheppard but interchanging the two to make people not offended is just wrong. It is a good thing I do not watch TV anymore (ok, I did watch KU beat Memphis). I now see the fact that America is truly leave God behind to please everyone else. Our morals are lost. I like the lyrics from Casting Crowns' song While you were sleeping. It goes:
America, will we go down in history
As a nation with no room for its King
There is no room for God anymore in our country. They country grow because people wanted to be free from the CoE. As Christians, we need to protest the movement of the country and try to transform it into the country that it was.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
The vlog is done
From the Desk of Michael A. Miller
As of right now, I will not vlog anymore. It takes to much time to upload a video of great creative genus and high quality production product that Apple computer give you. So the vlog will cease to be! Thanks for the understanding about the problem.
Michael A. Miller
P.S. op ck the Bible Study page. It has some good stuff, I think.
As of right now, I will not vlog anymore. It takes to much time to upload a video of great creative genus and high quality production product that Apple computer give you. So the vlog will cease to be! Thanks for the understanding about the problem.
Michael A. Miller
P.S. op ck the Bible Study page. It has some good stuff, I think.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Final an end to Sleep, Drink Coffee, Work, Drink more coffee, go to bed.
So I am finally done with the operation know to me as O.N.E. I was stationed at Ferihegyi
International Airport in Budapest, Hungary. I was staying at the Sofitel Hotel in city centre. Here is a picture of it at night. In fact, there was a small plane inside the lobby. At night, they would shine a pink light on the plane (I have a couple of pics of it). The hotel was really girly for my taste. The cleaning ladies would come by 2 times a day. The first time was to set up and clean your room. The 2nd time, they would get you bed ready for you to sleep in. It was kinda weird. That actually made my bed cold because I would go to sleep until 10am. The hotel was on the Pest side of the river which is the east side (more to come)
. Just west was the National Gallery. The picture of is near Parliament looking towards the National Gallery on Castle Hill (on the Buda side of Danube the river). That bridge is the Chain Bridge and is lite up bright and stuff at night.The hotel was also near Fashion Street and the tourist trap. There was a lot of over price clothing line that many dumb Americans bought w/o knowing the price. There was also a path with lot of store in the tourist trap part of the city centre. At night, it became alive with some clubs, pubs, and so adult entertainment places. That path at night would have a lot of people trying to sell sex to the tourist. We nicknamed it the gauntlet. The people selling sex English was really good. Now some history of the town. Budapest was two towns that came together. Buda was the hilly west side of Danube and Pest was the east flat side of Danube. Danube is the English word the actually Hungarian word is Duna.
This a view as I walked up to the Citadella of Pest. I am on the Buda side. Also, the city was 60% destroyed because of the Germans, Americans, and the Russians since the beginning of the 20th century.
The title says it all about work. We work 12hrs shifts to maintain a gas station was in the air 24hrs a day. Work was different in the fact that it was
more laded back then home station. The object was to do what ever was needed to get a jet up and back down. The ride to work was 1 hr and then a 12hrs shift made it long. For lunch was normally McDonald's or Tesco (grocery store). McDonald's was actually like America. The chips tasted like American chips. British McDonald's are sicking an is making me sick thinking about it. I did get some fine Hungarian Cuisine. McDonald's did got old quick. That is why we went to Tesco. While at work, I did get to do the sprinkler out a jet from the ramp where we where at. It was really fun and I got a 12 out of 10 according the pilots because of it. I was tried to imitate the deployed 15 chief with the hip thrusts. With a full set of Gore-tex on, it was hard to make it right. I guess it looked like I was having a seizure, it was pretty funny according the lead. There is no evidence of the marshaling job because Mildenhall does not need another Youtube problem. Look for more post quickly this week about some things that happen. Now I need to found out how I can get a 6 pack of UK Cokes into the US. Later.

The title says it all about work. We work 12hrs shifts to maintain a gas station was in the air 24hrs a day. Work was different in the fact that it was
Thursday, April 3, 2008
I am going to try at work to upload a couple of pictures of us at work while at work. If not I will try and load it later.
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