It was a fine time today. Woke around 0800 hrs and set off for RAF Alconbury to finish up my uniform shopping. After my trip to Alconbury and then lunch at Popeye's over at Lakenheath. I went to bed, took a 4 hr nap. It was a good sleep until the fighter decided to do a low level fly-by of the dorms. I HATE FIGHTER FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. After waking up and doing the normal work prep. I was talking to my cousin on IM when everything went dark and I still had to shave. That was adventure. Trying running from my mirror in my bathroom, 2 or 3 steps to my sink. The light in bathroom was not bright also. I had a really bad sha

ve. Went to work almost late, without food. Still on the 1 meal diet, losing much weight. Whilst on my way to work, I was going to hit the Shoppette for some grub. BX building dark like building with out lights inside. Weird? So I continue on my dark journey to my work center/ moral destroying work center. They do are without power, great. At least, the hanger I was going to work in for the next 12-14hrs still had power. So we went to do the lube on my jet, and that is why I got this picture. THE END!
I love long point stories with no real ending.