Tuesday, January 29, 2008

In Oklahoma and it feels weird

I arrived to Oklahoma City on Saturday night. It has been a good time but everything is so different. I know that it would be different and I guess that I would still be fine. I have been hanging out with my friend. I have gone almost everywhere with him and is wife-to-be. Although it is fine to hang with them and it is a little weird like tag along weird. This is not the first time and I know that will not be last but some times I wish that I would have someone to share my time with instead of being include as a side kick. When they start talking between themselves, I just think what how wonderful it must be to have someone. I have never really been a person that opened up will to others. I tend to get a lot back and I am total not good at talking to strangers. I am a shy person and really do not talk to people until I get to know them. After that, I tend to ramble on, so in other words, I am dull. But I realize that God has control and I should let him do what he needs to do. I have been trying to think that but I want to hurry up the process. I look at the fact that I am now 21 and almost 22 and have yet to have a girl friend. In a way this seems pathetic and in another way not healthy state. Again I need to trust the Lord that he is doing this for a reason. I really want to know the reason. It makes it harder to handle when I start to think that the Lord is not helping me out. I know this is a trick of the devil. Questioning if God is really helping me or just wants to hurt me, which is not a characteristic of God. Sometimes I think God is punishing me for all the times I found comfort in my adulterous behavior. But when the dust settles, I still feel like something is missing, like something is wrong. It might just be that I see having a relationship with a female as the world sees it and not the way the Lord sees it. Looking at relationships in my fallen state as a person. Maybe that is why hated to attend a weddings when I was in high school. I hated to see everyone happy with others when I was not happy. I even told my cousin and his wife-to-be (at that time) that I did not want to help. Of course they lived in my parent's house they were renting out. My cousin used my mother to force me into being an usher, which I was displeased with. This is also a time where I was thinking about suicide. My parent knew that I stated I wanted to commit suicide in middle school nut after that threatened to sent me to the mental hospital. I just stop telling them. In fact since I am talking about suicide, I elementary school, I would draw pictures of me jumping off a cliff onto a road with tanks and people shooting me. Also bombs where being drop on me. I guess I really wanted to go out with a bang. (now back to the post). Now the feeling is loneliness. There is a little envy mixed in but I throw that off because I do not take action towards meeting a female. Well it is 230am and I should be sleeping but not tired.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mike, I'm sorry that your trip back here has not been that great. I know that Mike could definitely say a lot of things to you about the girlfriend thing and your age. He was 24 when we started courting, and I was his first real girlfriend. All I guess I can say is be patient. And be glad that you can still do whatever you want with your time. Paul was absolutely right when he wrote about marriage and what he wrote, all of it. It is true that if you are burning with passion, it is better to marry. Sometimes its like choosing one particular sin over another though. Burn with passion and be able to spend however much time you want with the Lord and not having to worry about anyone but yourself on a day to day basis, or get married, no longer burn in passion, but have to worry about the things of this world: caring for your family a. You more so, because you are a man, therefore you would be the head of the household. It is a trade. Choose wisely and take your time when you do meet someone and get to know someone. It is a great blessing to be married. But in gaining some freedoms, you give up others. Just choose wisely, because there is no loneliness worse than being lonely when you are married (which I experience with my first husband.)
    I hope that you are not still suicidal. That's not good. I can relate to those feelings, and it really isn't worth it. I won't really say much else on that matter, except please call someone if you feel that way.
    The Lord does have a plan for us, and sometimes we have to learn things along the way before we rewards us with different blessings. For example, I like to joke that Mike had to wait so long to get married because I was stubborn and it took a long time for the Lord to work on me. If it's the Lord's will for you to get married, than just think, he's working on your future wife (and you) right now. :) I try to tell Thomas that too, he's in the exact SAME boat, but he doesn't really listen to me.
    Well, I guess I'll be quiet for now. I'll see you tomorrow. :)
    YSIC ~ T


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