Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas Cards

I was going to send out Christmas cards but I did not feel like spent a lot of money I do not have. If you still would like a bad grammar card, leave a comment or call my phone number that I have. Also was remember to "Mind the Gap, Please".

Cheers mate

Monday, December 24, 2007

It is CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, I know it is 6hrs early in England and 12 hrs early in the States (CST Zone). I heard a song and I think I will post the lyrics. To goes like:

It's Christmas Time and time to celebrate
It's time to take a look at Jesus Birth
and seek his righteousness.

Ok not really but I think it will be a big hit

The song I was using is It's Christmas Time by the Carpenters

It's Christmas time and time for a carol
Time to sing about the little King
To fill the bowl and roll out the BARREL
Have ourselves a fling




Saturday, December 22, 2007

Helping Family is always nice.

As I start to get ready for my Christmas work week. I was staying up to get ready for my 12 hrs shift today (Saturday), it starts at 1700. I was working on some homework when my cousin need to ask me a question about a situation she was in. We later went in to our family. I guess we take our family for granted (well some might not). I look at the fact that I was never really close, and still not that close. We talked about how my cousin parents were asking questions my cousin could not answer. I look at what I caused my family when I was a young dumb boy that beat his sister. I am talking abusing my sister and now I living. I do not hit my sister anymore because I live across the world and only see her about a week a year. That is still to much to see here. The challenge for me is that the way I now live is different and my parents do not see it. I changed a lot from high school and my parents see that. They fail to see that I have grown in Christ because that have a wrapped view of Christ. To me, they seem to believe that works saves. I can understand that from my mom because was raised Roman Catholic and they believe that work saves. My dad is harder because is protestant up-raising. I guess if you are taught wrong then you will be wrong. I wanted to go to their Sunday School and failed but what they studied concerned me greatly when I was home last. My mom told me it was about Bible Contradictions and then they told me that I would be able to hold my own against the teacher. I would like to think differently, the teacher might be able to change peoples mind but hopefully I speak the truth and and change his mind to align with Christ's mind. I might have to talk to my parent about what they are learning now in Sunday School.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Listen to the Music

So a couple of weeks ago I went to the Saint Edmundsbury Cathedral for a performance of Handel's Messiah. It was wonderful to listen to the words of a great piece. The song I am listening as I write says, "For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulder; and his name shall be called Wonderful,
Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace." What wonderfully lyrics to sing. The lyrics are from Isaiah 9:6. I notice listen that I get carried away with the lyrics, melody, and also the connection between parts. The Messiah is about the feeling that comes from what is read in the Word. I am not saying that we should worship but instead how music can tell us the feelings. This song really hits it hard. Handel uses different verses from the KJV of the Bible to write a song.

I will finish later b/c of work. Look for another post in about 12hrs.

Now playing: The London Philharmonic Orchestra & Choir & Walter Susskind - Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: For Unto Us a Child Is Born
via FoxyTunes

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Thanks to all.

I want to thank all of you who commented. When I was writing that post, I really thought that no one read my blog. I was wrong. That night after I posted, I prayed to God to help me. I felt like God was to far away and then I read a little in Matthew and Acts. Then yesterday (Sunday), I was going to hit the bathroom up and I get a call from Kyle. We talk for over 3hrs. That is when I was told about all the comments. Thanks It has been hard here in England. The fact that lust is a major issue here. That is must be why the KJV of the Bible says to not touch a women and every other version says sexual immorality. Ok, that was a bad joke. I guess this proves that God answers prayers. Again, thanks to all.

In GOD We Trust


Friday, December 7, 2007

Realization that I am not the person I claim to be

It is hard to live a small room hold a job that requires to give up so much of your day to a clause that most people do not care about. I like doing my job but my life is no where close to being happy. I was watching a show on Myspace and it is about 6 people that live next to each other. There are 3 males and females. From what I have watched, it is about one female and her adventure in life as see documents it on a video web log. I listen to what see says and it reminds me so much of myself. She tackles the point with out saying it, that we put up images and masks to show what we want people to believe. All this fake life stuff. I look at myself and I see the same thing. I try to not cuss or lust or murder but it happens. I try to look holy but yet I am not better then the Pharisees of the Bible. I still have to much of a problem with porn and hatred. I murder people everyday. I say the wrongs things, I do the wrong things and my life is running away from me. That fakness is killing the inside but I can look to the Lord for help. I know he can help but I feel like he has thrown me away from the vine and burned me. I use 1 John 2:6 a lot but my life does not compare to what I say or do. I do not care about other people on myself. That might be the problem, wait that is the problem. I start conversations to tell people about what I want to talk about so I can show that I am better then they are. It never works and it never will. I lie to people when they ask how I am. I say I am fine but really I am just as bad as they are. Well, at least they have some sort of pleasure.

Another thing I am trying to deal with, is that I hold on the past. I have been a RAF Mildenhall for over 6 months and I still talk about Tinker and how it was not a dream crew chief job. I NO LONGER WORK AT TINKER. Then I got this shrine up in the room. It is more of a god than anything else reminding that I should have never left a good thing. This, right now, compares to about what I felt like when I would never see my friends from Oklahoma everyday. There was joy in my life, except at work. But, I was not stick in a room with 4 white walls with nothing in it except of how good I had it in Oklahoma. I said I would never like Oklahoma but it was the closes thing I had to a family in my life. The memories. Oh, the memories. My real family and I were never together except when we eat together. I grow away from them. They did not know what I was going through or what I needed. Out of all of high school, the sophomore year was the best. I actually had people to hang out with. Next fall, that would all change. I never felt better until Oklahoma. I look at my life and I see how I am not the same person and i realize that we all feel that way without Christ. Just showing that I do not have Christ in me. I never did. It was the devil playing a trick on everyone I know who was in Christ. I learn to I could push people away. The devil's masterpiece at work through me. I do not want to be that guy, that person that pushes people away. I too have pushed myself away and God knew it was going to happen and he let it happen. He gave the chances to do it and I push them away too. I push everyone away. That is why I do not get calls or I am on IM all night talking to people. I have pushed them away from me and they want no part of me. They never cared about but I never cared about them first. I see that I was the loser, I was the one that hurt my social life. This is why I do not have a problem with the act of sex but porn. I never had a girlfriend to get tempted by. I never was brave enough to talk to a female face-to-face. I was also not brave enough to witness or ask people to the Bible study. I fear man and not God. So again I was never in Christ. It was not Joe's or Matt's or Mike's or Tyler's fault. I fell away from God! It was my own doing! That is why I feel all alone in room with white walls. That is why I am up at 0315 hrs on a Friday night all alone. It is my fault that I acted like a Christian in high school and that act continues today. The problem here is I am trying to be holy. That is I am trying to be holy. I am not allowing Christ to make me holy. All these problems come to one thing. That is I am not letting God control my life. I am living my own life claiming to live a life with God. God is so far from my life that if I would die tonight (this is not saying that I am going to commit suicide), I would not go to heaven but to hell. I have no works in Him who can save me. I have lead no one to Christ and the immediate future looks dim to. I live in the darkness. I claim to be in the light but I LIE and the truth is not in me. I am died in this world. I am died in this lost world like everyone else that does not know Christ. So I guess says that I do not know Christ also. So I have fallen away from the one who saves me.

This is true as it gets about my life and that is what this blog is for. To talk about the challenges of my life. Here it is, the all the ammo you need to hurt me. Take it and use it.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

A new computer in town.

So here it is, the most dreaded thing to happen in the life of my dorm room. The Little Army Dude has yet to let someone touch that AWACS but he did not fix my laptop. That is right the laptop has died, finally. It was a long and painful road but in the end Joy was the main feeling. I my computer is for better and will not be slow like windows is. I HATE MS WINDOWS. So my new laptop is a Mac. That is right, I went to the good side of computers with a more power computer in Macs. Have to love Macs. That is all I have to say about the new computer in my life. LAter

~mike saw a sign, it opened up my mind that sign. it said "OPEN"

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Its Christmas Time and Time for changing my room

So, we all know that is it Christmas time. So I had to decorate my room for the season. So here is a little story about the little Airmen that protects my room. He is not a big Airmen but mighty.

He usually protects my model AWACS and soon he will also protect my KC-135R.

But now he has an more important task. TO PROTECT MY CHRISTMAS DECORATION.

So this is all my Christmas decorations b/c the BXtra did not have any more lights and I am to cheap to buy some off base. (I LIVE IN ENGLAND. I PAY 2.14x MORE)

God Bless and Later Gator

~mike is out

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Why do young Children Love me and Adults really do not like me

This more of a realty check about my life and since this is my Blog I can write what ever I want to. So day I ended my aircraft wash which is only about 2 shifts of 12 hrs a piece. That makes for a long of couple of days. Will today was the lube and it was a lot of alone time to think, (with a higher ranking person helping me). I was think about why a young kids like to be around me but I seem to repeal adults. So I started to think about the differences of the way I act to little kids and how I act around adults. The difference was made quite will. I tend to listen to little kids, adults do not care about what I want to talk about. I see that when I am hanging out with kids, I am not focus on making me happy but them. I will cater to the wants of the children. Around adults, it tends to be more about me then the adult/s that is talking. I guess it is about pride. I notice I am really prideful. This might the biggest downfall in my life. It is hard for me to be humble before other men. I might be what is effecting my Walk with the Lord (or sexually immorality). Please pray for me, thanks a million.


Saturday, November 10, 2007

We are not about numbers we are ALL about numbers!!!

This week there is a board that  says " We are not about numbers but here is our stats..." I have to laugh about it every time I see it because that is so wrong. The Production side of the squadron is all about the numbers like Mission Capability (MC) rate, Non Mission Capable jets (NM) time. These numbers are important but they tell me (crew chief) what I have to do. They get so caught up on these numbers that they actually destroy the moral of the unit. Here is a prime example.


Yesterday (9 Nov 2007), it was around 2230 when we were tasked to service a nose strut on a jet that is hung and up on jacks. The problem is that the aircraft is still on jacks and no tires on. We can not service that strut we could over-pressurize the strut and destroy the seals. Thus changing the strut again. So we turn it over to the weekend duty crew chiefs (wdcc). Well only one came in. That is cool, they could get specs to help. (Here is when the fun begins) The expediter and the pro-sup on shift tells us that swing might have to stay over. The lead wdcc called the asst. section chief about that and he said that they will have to wait of the strut to get finished. The pro-sup and the expediter were really angry. The problem with have swings stay over is that we have to be in in 12 hrs. They say that our asst. section chief can tell them what to do. We try (keyword try) to suggest that the specs help. Well, the lead crew chief on swings tried to say. Pro-sup would interrupt saying that one crew chief from swings MUST STAY TO HELP! We were all like what is up with you? The pro-sup would tell us that the JET IS NM AND NEEDS TO BE WORKED!


The funny thing about this story is that it happen more time then not. Production is so worried about getting jets ready even when there are more then enough jets that can pick up the slack. But is the numbers at the end of the day that count. It is not the moral of the troops but the EPR bullet of the Production saying that they kept the MC rate over 90% for blank amount of months. What about me and the people I work with? ALL DAY ALL I HEAR IS HOW THIS PLACE SUCKS. and the work portion of the is assignment has been bad. The fact that I am in Europe (exactly England) is what makes this assignment rock. The fact that I can go to Paris over the weekend is great. So please pray that work gets better.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Biking around London while weaving in and out of Traffic and More...

This weekend I went to London with other Guys from church here on base. It was fun and I want to it again. We went to a lot of Christian sites in Downtown London. We rode around 30 miles in 2 days going in and out of traffic. Friday afternoon we went to John Wesley's Chapel. It was great. Here is a fact about it. He built his church to face the Non-conformist grave yard where his mother is buried. IMG_0007 This picture is of the front of the church. The preacher on that pulpit would be facing the grave of Wesley's mother. We walk across the street to the Non-conformist grave yard. There is over 125,000 bodies there but in a few graves. So it was destroyed by the bombing raid in London during WWII. We would bike to the Aldersgate Flame. That is the spot that John Wesley had a revelation from God. He would put a statue there to show the impact it had on him. We would then ride around towards the hotel. After eating at Texas Embassy, we went riding at night. We rode 13 miles in just about 3 hrs. Went across the Tower Bridge and then back across the Westminster Bridge riding along the Rive Thames. Saw the Globe Theater. On Saturday went to find Starbucks and got a free bag of coffee. We went to a couple of other churches. Then back to the hotel. Most of the time we were riding around. We were not in a big hurry to see anything. We hit 7 of the 8 sites. We missed the Westminster Abby but we did ride down it as went to 10 Downing St to see PM Brown. It was a great fun and a time to grow in people. I will make and post a video. I will post here later on. The biggest thing I saw that England at one time did not try to preserve these old Churches unless they where kept up by private groups.

I also realized how small this world is. I AWACS crew chief I use to work with was taking a picture when I was carrying my bike down the stairs. We talked for a few seconds but I had to leave to keep up with my group. It was nice seeing him again.

IMG_0072Here is on more picture of Trafalgar Square with the Clock Tower down the street. Ciao!

Thursday, October 11, 2007


This past week (last thursday 4) started out bad. I drop the F-bomb at work. We started to use a new program at work to track maintenance on the jets. It has not been my friend. I think either I am to smart to figure it out or the program is to dumb to know what is right. Well anyway, this was the first time in a while that I was truly mad at work. (because of Christ in my life, I would read before work and that was the clam need to be clear at work). I would later meet the Chaplain, that is my mentor to grow in Christ. I talk to him about what happen and work on the a way to solve that problem. I notice now that my research paper was taking my time away from the Lord God. I was not reading his word but instead working on a research paper and this not letting God talk to me. The good side was that I got an A on my paper because of the fact that I would read God's word before the paper took control of my life. My teach said yesterday (Oct. 10) that he wanted to read my paper again. He said that the paper was great with intellect and wanted to review it again. This surprise me because I am never been good writing and to get two complements for him on my writing in weird. I guess the Lord as bless me with good papers. I do not know why b/c I have not been that obedient Christians as I need to be in him. It seems I fall a lot with sexual immorality and that has hurt my relationship the Lord Almighty. Well it is 1400 and I have been up 23 hrs so it is time to sleep but first to read the Good Word and listen to what God has to tell me today. Later..

~mike is out

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Crews Chiefs

Funny joke that everyone needs to read.


Leaps tall buildings with a single bound, is more powerful than a locomotive, is faster than a speeding bullet, walks on water amid typhoons, gives policy to God.


Leaps short buildings with a single bound, is more powerful than a switch engine, is just as fast as a speeding bullet, walks on water if sea is calm, talks to God.


Leaps short buildings with a running start and favorable winds, is almost as powerful as a switch engine, is faster than a speeding BB, walks on water in indoor swimming pool, talks to God if a DA-4187 request form is approved.


Barely clears Quonset hut, loses tug-of-war with switch-engine, can fire a speeding bullet, swims well, is occasionally addressed by God.


Makes high marks by trying to leap buildings, is run over by locomotive, can sometimes handle a gun without inflicting self injury, dog paddles, talks to animals.


Runs into buildings, recognizes locomotives two out of three times, is not issued ammunition, can stay afloat if properly instructed in the Mae-West, talks to walls.


Falls over doorstep when trying to enter buildings, says look at the Choo-Choo, wets himself, plays in mud puddles, mumbles to himself.


Lifts tall buildings and walks under them, kicks locomotives off the tracks, catches speeding bullets in his teeth and eats them, freezes water with a single glance, HE IS GOD.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Remembering the Best of Times.

So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. Psalms 90:12


Today was the day that  they remembered a friend who passed away from this life into the next life, a life with God. It was a hard time to go through and it hit me hard. I saw the person who told me that the my friend died. It was good that he did not know who actually died just that he was part of my squadron. I was weird telling a friend that he had pass away. But today was the day that we remember him. It was awesome to see a lot of people from work come to the chapel at the base near where I am at. it was many first time is a church for a long time. The eulogy was from the sqrd. commander and the pastor where my friend attended church. Both said the same thing about my friend. Then the Chaplain (who mentors me) came up a gave a great sermon on why we need Christ in our lives. The verse above what was read today. it hits the point home. We only live for 70-80 years (as said in Psalms) and that is nothing to the God who created us. before this verse it talks about who should not fear God b/c he can take away life in a moment notice. It is hard to think that my friend was in his Mid-20s and now is going to see his real Father, the Father of Heaven and Earth. So you can never know when God will take you away. The Chaplain made a point when he said that God wants us to have faith in him. That is the only way to live life. The one who made can also save you. This sermon was not about what my friend did in life, but that God is the only true comforter and wants everyone to live for Him alone.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Joan Mann Special Sports day

Joan Mann Special Sports Day is a different type of day then what must USAF Bases go thru. They day is sponsored by 100th ARW RAFM & 48 FW RAFL. It is a day when British and US (within the are) nationals with mental disables come to play games. It is just like Special Olympics back in the States. This is different b/c Britain does not have a Special Olympic type program. It was an amazing day. I went with my friend from Tinker who also works here at RAFM. The joy on these peoples faces are so unbelievable that pictures could not show all the emotion that there was. I was amazed at what God can do. I did not want this event a self-seeking event to make me feel better about myself. I wanted to make it the best experience for the person I had. God did it. It was not about, I won nothing. I only get great memories and an EPR bullet. That is no big deal.  The people that were actually here to have fun had fun and that is worth more that an 5 EPR.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Another late night addition to The England File

It is another late night even since I have to be up in 3 hrs but any ways. Tomorrow morning I am helping at an event that it similar to the Special Olympics back in the States. I really do not want to it because I feel the reason I am doing it is for a EPR bullet. I need EPR bullets but I want bullets to come with an event in which the main reason is not for a bullet. I am going to pray to God that he can make me do tomorrow for the right reasons and not for my self glory. It should be fun but I am a little scared because I do not know what to expect. Yesterday ended the first week of ISO. It went well but not great. I was really not involved with what was going on and I feel like my supervisor was telling the other guy on the jet that I was not going to be a good crew chief. I should not care but this will effect my career in the Air Force if I do not met his standards. It is not what I really do but what the people who are in charge of me thinks about me. It should not be this way but it is.

So today I decided to sue the devil for all the hardship and getting in my way of praise God. I think this will work out well since Ernie Chambers thinks he can sue God. He really does not have a case but God judges on a different scale than humans and plus who says God does anything bad on the plant. It could be how the plant functions or God allowing the devil to destroy places. It is not all God fault (if it ever was).

Well it is so past my bed time and I need to sleep. cheerio mate



Wednesday, September 19, 2007

ISO! U SO! Everyone hates going thru ISO!!

ISO is what I am doing right now at work. ISO is a abbreviation of an inspection that military aircrafts go thru. It is basically take apart certain panels so the can inspect for problems. It is preventive maintenance (or they say). These next two weeks or so are going to be hard spiritually. There are some many topics that I can not enough talk about. My new supervisor has already say that he has no morals (I to do not have morals, I have God's morals). This all comes as I try to get break my addiction to pornographic items. It is hard working in a environment that everything that is talk about is something I am not trying to do. The worst part is that most of the times, I can not leave the area. Anyway, I turned my part for my history class. It was my the Puritan religion fell. I said that they lost the faith in God and in turn lose his grace (as a religion not people).

Today I read a blog of a friend for Oklahoma. It was powerful. The friend wrote about the change she since her last birthday. It was was a little bit of hope that I need to help break this prono addiction that I have. It is hard since have had the problem since before high school (I should graduate college next year). The good thing is that the Chaplain that is mentoring/teaching me is helping me out. Please pray for the change. It has been hard the last couple of weeks. That is all folks for now. Stay tune for more events and pictures.


Sunday, September 16, 2007

It is Sunday Morning

It is Sunday and I have not slept at all since 1000hrs Saturday. Put in the since that time, I did lose my Nalgene and bought a 20 pounds small RC Helicopter. It was fun to play with. It is already broke. It fell out of the sky a lot. After that, I did my normal Saturday actions. After my bible study, I would goof of for 4 hrs until the Nebraska/USC game.  I would come back to my room to start a paper I tired to write while watching the game. So now it is 0815 Sunday morning and church is in 1hr 15mins. I will stay up until around 2 or 3 PM. Well it is time to read my Bible, and pray. Later everyone.

Friday, September 14, 2007

The First Real Post

This is it. The first real post on this blog. I am writing this one from the confounds of my loud dorm area, where the drunk think they need to yell when they are only a few feet from each other. Well today being Friday is the last day of my work week. This week was a 10 day on, 1 day off, 1 day on, 2 days off. Then I work twice on Monday (YEAH!). 2 shifts with 36 hrs (or 1.5 days). This is how a crew chief in the Air Force is treated. So work went fine, went to sleep, was waken up by some one at the door. Normal now I sleep during the morning and afternoon time frames. At 1800, I went to class. Today was an extra class b/c of Labor Day. So today was the midterm. I did ok, I think. The essay part was not to bad and the align the events in order was a little tricky. The last part is where I was in big trouble. It was define events, people or terms. That was not fun. I guess an about 5 of the 12 and the other 7 where not that specific enough (again what I think). I took the test in about 30 mins (which I was thinking was too fast, but I was always writing something down). I should find out about the test on Monday, so stay tuned to the blog for events.



I moved am other blog too!

I am moving my Yahoo blog to here so everyone can go between blogs easier. This blog is for me to talk about different issues that come up in my life about travel and friends, politics and events, war and peace, and possibly TDYs and/or deployments. I hope to get this a daily blog. Later!