Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Waiting for a download so I am writing a blog.

I do not know what I want to say so this is true randomness. I have been thinking, after listening to Paul Washer, that the American Church reduction of the Gospel to this say this prayer is changing the focus from God to man. Paul Washer said something that I never realized but know that there was something wrong with getting people to say the sinners prayer. To clearify, I believe that people need to pray to God because they see that they have offended the true God but I am against having people repeat a prayer and then pronounce them saved. Paul Washer said what I have found in witnessing at the mall, people stake their eternity on a prayer that THEY said and not on the work of Jesus Christ on the cross. This is work righteousness and the more I think about it, the more I think that those people are not saved because they trust is wrongly placed. I did not say the "Sinner's Prayer" so does that mean I am not saved because I said a prayer. What Christ did on the cross will be fathomed but us humans and the fact that we degrade to a point that we have to say this prayer and no mattered what, we are saved. I am all for assurance of salvation but my assurance is in the Christ alone because of the atoning work on the cross. I took some advice from C.J. Mahaney's book A Cross-Centered Life, it is that we should preach the Gospel to ourselves everyday. What is more assuring that a wretched sinner has be saved by God to do God's work here on earth. The more and more I think about my life and how self-centered my life is, the more and more I see my need for Christ and a cross-centered life.

I have also been thinking about how can I celebrate Christmas rightly. When I figure it out, I will post.

1 comment:

  1. You might find the following blogs of interest about C.J. Mahaney and the group he leads, Sovereign Grace Ministries:

    They tell another side. Hope this helps.


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