Saturday, May 30, 2009

More lyrics!!

Only if newer songs where all like this (and this is a newer song):

Verse 2
This story starts at the climax, we find that time’s lapsed- don’t mind that
It’s kind of like a night cap filled with divine acts
We zoom in the lens on Christ's agony in the garden
Doomed for His friends- it had to be for the pardon
And delivery from misery of kids who speak wickedly
Sinfully, inwardly slick with the iniquity
We see disciples sleep and mock today with a lot to say
But we do the same thing when we don’t watch and pray
Like Judas, we sell Christ out to get the treasure
Whether it’s the cheddar or forbidden pleasure
Like the chief priests, we want Christ to surrender
But we want Him out the way when He doesn’t fit our agenda
Like Peter, we have misplaced, fleshly confidence
But we’ll deny the Lord when faced with deadly consequence
Like Herod, we’re curious about Christ because He’s famous
But we quickly get bored with Him when He doesn’t entertain us
Like Pilate, we see Christ and find nothing wrong with Him
But when the world chooses the wicked, we go right along with them
Despite His kindness, we seek to do our Maker violence
The fallenness of humanity at its finest
So now He stands before the crowd doomed to die
An angry mob who’s yelling out “crucify”
The way they treat the Lord of glory is debased and it’s foul
But you miss the point if you don’t see your face in the crowd

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

HOT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!

This is the first place I will publicly break the news.


It will be hard because of the great people I know in England. It will be for the better. There is always Facebook and phone calls. I will be moving to Lynchburg, VA to attend Liberty University. I will remain a member of the AF but just as a Reservist fixing KC-135 R models. It appears that I might make a little bit of money but will also

Saturday, May 9, 2009

It has Been a Long While

It has been a long time since I lasted posted. A lot has happen since I posted the lyrics of Christ the Lord is Risen, Today. Since I lasted post, I was accepted into Liberty University residential program and will be moving to Lynchburg, VA. I am currently waiting to be approved to work for the 459th ARW out of Andrews AFB, MD. I am ending my Air Force AD run. I am will excited to move on towards my next stage of life. I am hoping that the sovereign God will bless me with a wife.

During this little hiatus from blogging, I had a birthday. According to everyone at church I am 17 but I am actually 23. The Saturday after my birthday, a friend organized a dinner at Teri Aki in Cambridge. I went there after a day on the street in the market area of Cambridge. It was a good time. I was happened to more civilized then some of the other adults (not naming names Joe and Kori).

What made that day special was the fact someone cared enough to celebrate my birthday. I tried to celebrate my birthday in college but I had to make it happen. When I got into the military, I still did not celebrate my birthday. I would eat my mom's angel food cake and tell everyone. I think we had a Bible Study birthday party because Joe (a different one then called out earlier), Asher, and myself (April 17, 21, 19 respectfully). It was not anything special.

This dinner was a simple but profound. There was not present besides that I did not have to pay for my meal. I guess it shows how the body of Christ is to act.

Anyways, I need to study and get ready for my family to come to England. Later,

Solus Christus!!