Monday, February 23, 2009

Feeling empty? I am.

Why am I so empty. The preacher does not preach the word. I went to church yesterday and left feeling nothing. I was not glorifying God but questions the message. We are suppose to go to church to worship God with singing and preaching from his word. The word should be taught with principles which is theology. That was not the cause here at NSF Diego Gracia. The music seemed to be slammed together and the message was weak. The messages was about divorce. He started out good by exampling the what just happen before and about the people that was challenging him. He went off the deep end when he started to preach morality. It was a more do not do this but do this. This is not how we learn. The message just made me feel I was missing the food, the word of God. I think that God was not in the message. One thing I have found out about preaching is that the best preachers teach the word of God. Listen to Piper, MacArthur, Dever, Washer, Spurgeon, and many others and you see the difference. NSF Diego Gracia is a good place but the worship with other believers just is not there. Anyways, I am going to read now by the ocean and I will catch everyone on the flip side.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Where is the Love?

It has been just over a year and 2 months since I wrote about who I was not saved. It has been a hard time since as I slide in and out of sin. I just got done watching "Fireproof." I think it is a little weird since I am not even close to know what marriage is about. I watched it to see the gospel. What I got was a glimpse of my single life. I have been dealing with a couple of sins that have taken a toll on my life. The first one, I want to talk about is this thing called love. If a recent debate, this post-modern Christian said that we love God first, then self, and finally the world/neighbors. I noticed that this is completely wrong. I was talking to a good friend about a group that I was part of. He said that everything has changed, they have lost the love. After reading "Why We're Not Emergent: By Two Guys Who Should Be" I told me to study Revelation 2:1-7. I also told someone else to study the same and present it. So I decided to study it also. What I found that I have also become the Church of Ephesus. What I found in my lonely life was a feeble man isolated from the world. A man that did love people enough to tell them the Gospel still afraid of men. I have become a very bright knowledge man about God but have not put the characteristics of God into practice. I have not loved. I get into debates with post-modern Christians and in my self-righteousness it seems that I am more-righteous then thou attitude. I loved myself and not God. I treated him as if he was not a Christian before knowing him. Even if his love God, then self, and finally neighbors is wrong, does not make him not in God. He just not understanding. God does not want you to love yourself. He wants to love your neighbors like you love yourself. When you are hungry, you feed yourself, so when your neighbors are hungry feed them. If you are out in the rain you find shelter, help you neighbors find shelter when rain falls on them. I can find someone that is wrong in their theology, like the Church of Ephesus, but like what Paul says if you do it and have not love, it is nothing (1st Corinthians 13:2-3). Utlmatly, it is love for God that is what the Ephesians were missing. That love for Christ is what allows us to love everyone else more than us. So as I try to find the love of God for my life, I will encourage everyone else to find the love of God in their life.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Shark Risk.

As many know, AF have some of the worst deployments ever. For example my deployment. I get to study on white sand beaches and watch the waves crest. I do all this for the American people. There is a possible for me to get attacked by large teeth sharks. This comes at the expense of the US Government. So as I watch out for sharks deep-sea fishing. Please pray that I manage to stay alive. Thanks.

This has been another sarcastic post my mikemiller117.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


I am deployed to an island somewhere in the world. This island has white sand beaches with clear blue water.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Girl Scout Derails Church’s New Building Campaign

They may look cute but they are dangerous.

After a short investigation by their finance committee, Badger Creek Baptist Church has uncovered the reason why their “God’s Dream” Building Campaign fell short of its fundraising goal in January. The main culprit? Girl Scout cookies.

In their final report, the committee faulted Deacon Buford Collins for allowing ten-year-old Brittany Tanner of Troop 187 to set up a Girl Scout cookie sales booth in the church foyer during Sunday services last month. As a result, the distracted congregation began spending their extra cash on cookies instead of giving it to the building fund.

“Everyone knows that Baptists start salivating at the sight of a girl in a khaki uniform and green sash,” explained Finance Team Leader Joyce Franklin. “Deacon Collins would’ve been better off letting a bacon salesman loose in our church.”

According to several eyewitnesses, not only was the cookie booth a frantic mob scene as parishioners clamored for the famous baked goods, but the young girl scout proved to be a shrewd cookie marketer as well. At one point the plucky Miss Tanner hooked some fishing line to a box of Thin Mints and slowly trolled past the church classrooms, luring several woman away from their Beth Moore Bible study.

“I knew things were getting bad when little Brittany was down to her last box of cookies and she made us arm-wrestle to see who could have it,” said Assistant Pastor Frank McClurg. “I hate to say it, but Edna Dollenkamp has quite an arm for a ninety-year-old woman with arthritis and a hip replacement. I’m pretty sure I would have beaten her if she hadn’t lost her dentures in my lap and scared the snot out of me.”

Though Badger Creek church members were generally embarrassed by their lack of restraint in the face of temptation, some in the congregation blamed a shortage of complimentary donuts at the church’s snack bar for their decision to purchase Girl Scout cookies with their building fund money.

“Look, I feel bad about what I did,” admitted one male attendee who wished to remain anonymous, “but I can’t worship without a little bite to eat and a cup of coffee. When the donuts ran out, I had no choice but to buy 5 boxes of Thin Mints, 3 boxes of Caramel deLites, and 2 boxes of Shortbreads.”

In a brief emotional statement to the congregation during last Sunday’s service, a broken and tearful Deacon Collins apologized for letting the evil girl scout into the church, but said he was already paying the price for his error in judgment. “I’ve gained 10 pounds from binging on six boxes of Peanut Butter Sandwiches, and my wife is making me eat rice cakes and lettuce until I lose the weight. Somebody kill me now.”

Afterwards, Collins was escorted from the podium as he sobbed hysterically and muttered something about a double cheeseburger.

Despite these tragic events, Finance Team Leader Franklin is confident that the fallout from “CookieGate” (as church officials have dubbed it) is only a temporary setback. “We know that building a bigger facility for our church is God’s dream, so we’re pretty sure we can make it happen for Him,” she said confidently. “In fact, Pastor Dave plans to cancel his planned sermon series on Great Marital Sex, so he can start a new series called, ‘Come On, People, Fork It Over.’ ”

Added Franklin, “By the end of February we expect the congregation will feel guilty enough to help us exceed our fundraising goal by a wide margin. Then we’ll have the additional money we need to purchase larger seating for those members who recently put on some extra weight.”

Miss Tanner, who posted the largest cookie revenue for her troop’s district in twenty years, could not be reached for comment. She was busy negotiating with Keebler to become their new cookie liaison to the Southern Baptist Convention.

Taken from

Sunday, February 1, 2009


I read today that only 1 out of 3 people believe in Barna. What was the Christian world come to? Read it at