This week there is a board that says " We are not about numbers but here is our stats..." I have to laugh about it every time I see it because that is so wrong. The Production side of the squadron is all about the numbers like Mission Capability (MC) rate, Non Mission Capable jets (NM) time. These numbers are important but they tell me (crew chief) what I have to do. They get so caught up on these numbers that they actually destroy the moral of the unit. Here is a prime example.
Yesterday (9 Nov 2007), it was around 2230 when we were tasked to service a nose strut on a jet that is hung and up on jacks. The problem is that the aircraft is still on jacks and no tires on. We can not service that strut we could over-pressurize the strut and destroy the seals. Thus changing the strut again. So we turn it over to the weekend duty crew chiefs (wdcc). Well only one came in. That is cool, they could get specs to help. (Here is when the fun begins) The expediter and the pro-sup on shift tells us that swing might have to stay over. The lead wdcc called the asst. section chief about that and he said that they will have to wait of the strut to get finished. The pro-sup and the expediter were really angry. The problem with have swings stay over is that we have to be in in 12 hrs. They say that our asst. section chief can tell them what to do. We try (keyword try) to suggest that the specs help. Well, the lead crew chief on swings tried to say. Pro-sup would interrupt saying that one crew chief from swings MUST STAY TO HELP! We were all like what is up with you? The pro-sup would tell us that the JET IS NM AND NEEDS TO BE WORKED!
The funny thing about this story is that it happen more time then not. Production is so worried about getting jets ready even when there are more then enough jets that can pick up the slack. But is the numbers at the end of the day that count. It is not the moral of the troops but the EPR bullet of the Production saying that they kept the MC rate over 90% for blank amount of months. What about me and the people I work with? ALL DAY ALL I HEAR IS HOW THIS PLACE SUCKS. and the work portion of the is assignment has been bad. The fact that I am in Europe (exactly England) is what makes this assignment rock. The fact that I can go to Paris over the weekend is great. So please pray that work gets better.