Wednesday, December 25, 2013

First Day of Christmas!

Hopefully for the next 12 days, I will blog about Christmas looking at the good gifts that God gives spiritual and physical. This idea comes as I think about church tradition and the lack of celebratory element that this time deserves. Now, I know that Jesus was not born on Christmas but it is a good time to think about the impact this event has on the world. It is the one of the few days that has complete impact the world.
First is God coming to earth in the form of a man. He entered the human body and lives among sinful people experiencing what sinful people experience. He went through the pains of losing people and the joy of marriage. He say true wickedness when He was sentence to die without committing a crime and yet showed true love by showing compassion to needy people.
As we celebrate the His birth, it looks forward to His second coming when He sets the captives free from all sin. He brings them into the new heavens and earth and they receive the upmost joy, peace, love, and hope that can only come through the Godhead when we dwell with Him forever.

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