Monday, July 11, 2011

Holiness is Happiness

"Her ways are ways of pleasantness--and all her paths are peace!" Proverbs 3:17

The Satan-deceived world imagines that godliness is a thing of gloom--rather than of gladness; that it is something which the saints endure--rather than enjoy. On the contrary, holiness is happiness!

It is neither the mirth of the fool, nor the giddy gaiety of the thoughtless--but a "peace which passes all understanding" (Philippians 4:7), and a heart-satisfaction not to be found elsewhere! So far from piety robbing us of freedom, it conducts into true liberty--delivering from the bondage of sin. Christ's yoke is easy and His burden is light (Matthew 11:30).

God has established an inseparable connection between holiness--and happiness; between our pleasing Him--and our enjoyment of His providential smile.

Worldly mirth
is at best evanescent--but the delights of holiness are eternal.

Only the One Who made us--can truly content us!

This quote is from Arthur Pink. Today it served as my devotional piece. As I reflect on this piece, I notice that I have thought that. Some how, I thought, I must be holy (on my own power). It was something I had to endured. God would reveal my work-righteousness but His mercy and grace. Now that I have understood more about the work of Christ Jesus, I see the pleasures of obeying God. It is no longer something that I feel tied up in. It is freedom and peace that cannot be know by any heathen.

God has been working on me to desire Him more, to find pleasure in Him, and to serve him with His strength. It has been, at times, like a miracle that I finished some of my papers. Now as I reflect on how this short work trip in Spain is going. I see the amazement of God working in my life. I have desired to prayer more, I have more of a desire to learn about Him through His word and through other godly men that have written about Him. This is all happen as I try to live a holy life with the power of God. I am not saying that I am at a perfect happiness because I am not. But I am happier to serve God and to obey His rules and to serve Him. Sola dei gloria.

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