Sunday, November 1, 2009

Mid-terms Over and Regestered for Classes Already.

My grades came in from all the mid-terms and I did well. I posted a 91% in my O.T. survey class, 80% is the study of God creation (aka Biology), and impressive 2% wrong on my N.T. survey class (that would be a 98%). I took those 3 tests in one 1 day (yay!). I also got a 107% in my Theology class. Overall, this semester has been fairly easy as I continue to learn theology and background information of the Old and New Testaments. Next semester, I will have harder. I am taking a whole 16 credits. I am taking 3 easy classes (Contemporary Issues II, Evangelism, and Praise Orchestra). I am going to finish my theology classes by learning about theology of God (i.e. theology proper, christology, etc) instead theology that applies to man(anthropology, soteriology, eschatology). I am also going to take a class about the Apostle John, who, according to the Mormons, is still alive (I do not personal believe this because if he is still alive, he would be like God and he is not). I am also taking a class on Church History and the hardest class on inductive Bible Study. My Bible study class has about $130 worth of books that I am required to have. I have been told that I will have avout (there is a little German for ya) 2hrs worth of homework for that class. On top of this, I might get a job. I know, I know, you are saying, you do not have a job and you live off-campus. Well, I have a job but it is only paying about 150 a month plus I need a grinder for my coffee that was sent by a good friend in N.M. and also I would like a new Mac Laptop since my Windows Laptop is slowing dying of old age.

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