Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A more meaningful post.

I have been wanting to post something that kinda deals with what I am learning in school but for now here is something that I think we can never stop thinking about.

All I need is Christ. When everything else fails, Christ is the one that is faithful. Not only that, God also provides me the necessary material things that will keep me alive even if I can not afford them. This seem strange than he would do such a nice thing to a person that will never honor him with every waking breath and constantly dishonoring his name. The question is why has God, who hates evil, allow me a evil person to live? He does it so we can see his grace and ultimately glorify his name. So I deserve his wrath but he allows me to live so he can be glorified. He desires all to be saved because he personal set humans apart to praise his name.

I want to explore an anthropological argument on why God desires all to be saved. I think that it will help us to understand why we need to preach the gospel to lost people.

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