Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Difference Between Professing Faith and Possesing Faith.

In the last post, I mention that there was 150-200 people now have a professing of Faith in Christ. I wanted you to pray that it becomes a possessive faith. Some might not know I mean when I use these terms. First, let me began with what I believe of salvation. This will help a little to understand where I am coming from. I will use scripture to show the difference.

I do want to note that people might not have the same view. They are not heretics, we just do not believe in the same. They are still saved.

First, I believe that you are either saved or not saved. There is no middle ground called carnal Christian. The term comes because we have people who profess to have faith but do show signs. This happens because the church will pronounce them saved. We do not know if they are truely saved unless God tells us that person is saved. I know the promises and if they true repent and trusted there is more.

So a person who professes to be a Christian just says that they believe. They will have faith without works.

So a possessing Christian is a Christian that professes with their mouth and HAVE works to back up their claim. NOTE: WORKS DID NOT SAVE THEM, but merely prove that one is saved. We see this clearly in James 2:14 and surround verses.

The main reason I do not like it when people pronoun people saved when they first convert is because 98% of evangelicals will not be part of a church within 1 year. The sad part is that we proclaim to them that they are saved.

I hope this cleared up what I mean. Any Questions, please comment. I will do my best to answer but remember I am no preacher or a theologian. I am merely a college student with a desire to see people saved and to study the word of God.

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