Thursday, February 19, 2009

Where is the Love?

It has been just over a year and 2 months since I wrote about who I was not saved. It has been a hard time since as I slide in and out of sin. I just got done watching "Fireproof." I think it is a little weird since I am not even close to know what marriage is about. I watched it to see the gospel. What I got was a glimpse of my single life. I have been dealing with a couple of sins that have taken a toll on my life. The first one, I want to talk about is this thing called love. If a recent debate, this post-modern Christian said that we love God first, then self, and finally the world/neighbors. I noticed that this is completely wrong. I was talking to a good friend about a group that I was part of. He said that everything has changed, they have lost the love. After reading "Why We're Not Emergent: By Two Guys Who Should Be" I told me to study Revelation 2:1-7. I also told someone else to study the same and present it. So I decided to study it also. What I found that I have also become the Church of Ephesus. What I found in my lonely life was a feeble man isolated from the world. A man that did love people enough to tell them the Gospel still afraid of men. I have become a very bright knowledge man about God but have not put the characteristics of God into practice. I have not loved. I get into debates with post-modern Christians and in my self-righteousness it seems that I am more-righteous then thou attitude. I loved myself and not God. I treated him as if he was not a Christian before knowing him. Even if his love God, then self, and finally neighbors is wrong, does not make him not in God. He just not understanding. God does not want you to love yourself. He wants to love your neighbors like you love yourself. When you are hungry, you feed yourself, so when your neighbors are hungry feed them. If you are out in the rain you find shelter, help you neighbors find shelter when rain falls on them. I can find someone that is wrong in their theology, like the Church of Ephesus, but like what Paul says if you do it and have not love, it is nothing (1st Corinthians 13:2-3). Utlmatly, it is love for God that is what the Ephesians were missing. That love for Christ is what allows us to love everyone else more than us. So as I try to find the love of God for my life, I will encourage everyone else to find the love of God in their life.

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