Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Why do young Children Love me and Adults really do not like me

This more of a realty check about my life and since this is my Blog I can write what ever I want to. So day I ended my aircraft wash which is only about 2 shifts of 12 hrs a piece. That makes for a long of couple of days. Will today was the lube and it was a lot of alone time to think, (with a higher ranking person helping me). I was think about why a young kids like to be around me but I seem to repeal adults. So I started to think about the differences of the way I act to little kids and how I act around adults. The difference was made quite will. I tend to listen to little kids, adults do not care about what I want to talk about. I see that when I am hanging out with kids, I am not focus on making me happy but them. I will cater to the wants of the children. Around adults, it tends to be more about me then the adult/s that is talking. I guess it is about pride. I notice I am really prideful. This might the biggest downfall in my life. It is hard for me to be humble before other men. I might be what is effecting my Walk with the Lord (or sexually immorality). Please pray for me, thanks a million.


1 comment:

  1. Pride is a hard one to overcome, but have hope for all things are overcome through Jesus Christ, who overcame the world. :) Sexual immorality is also very hard to overcome, but it is absolutely doable through Jesus. What's even harder though is not falling back into it. Although I have found that too is possible through Jesus. Mike and I will keep you in our prayers about these things.

    How was your Thanksgiving? I hope that it went well. :)


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